Call It Grace 称它恩典.

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Presentation on theme: "Call It Grace 称它恩典."— Presentation transcript:

1 Call It Grace 称它恩典

2 他是光照进你里面 最黑暗隐藏地方 他虽知你最深秘密 却从不转脸避开
(Verse 1) It's the light that pierces through you To the darkest hidden place It knows your deepest secrets But it never looks away 他是光照进你里面 最黑暗隐藏地方 他虽知你最深秘密 却从不转脸避开

3 他那温柔的手把你从众人审判中拉出 当你犯罪站立他们面前没有退路之时
(Verse 1 - Cont’d) It's the gentle hand that pulls you From the judgement of the crowd When you stand before them guilty And you got no way out 他那温柔的手把你从众人审判中拉出 当你犯罪站立他们面前没有退路之时

4 有人说这是愚蠢 而且不可能 但对每个得救的心 这却是奇迹
(Chorus 1) Some may call it foolish and impossible But for every heart it rescues it's a miracle 有人说这是愚蠢 而且不可能 但对每个得救的心 这却是奇迹

5 (Chorus 1 - Cont’d) It's nothing less than scandalous This love that took our place Just call it what it is Call it grace! 这看去是何等不公平 这爱代替我们罪 就称它 为它所是 称它恩典!

6 他向已死的吹气 吹入生命的气息 他喜爱困苦的孤儿 为他们戴上冠冕
(Verse 2) It's the breath that’s breathing new life Into what we thought was dead It’s the favor that takes orphans Placing crowns upon their heads 他向已死的吹气 吹入生命的气息 他喜爱困苦的孤儿 为他们戴上冠冕

7 他是我们明天的盼望我们所靠的磐石 他是全能有力的堡垒地狱也不能抵挡
(Verse 2 - Cont’d) It’s the hope for our tomorrows The rock on which we stand It’s a strong and mighty fortress Even hell can't stand against 他是我们明天的盼望我们所靠的磐石 他是全能有力的堡垒地狱也不能抵挡

8 有人说这是愚蠢 而且不可能 但对每个得救的心 这却是奇迹
(Chorus 1) Some may call it foolish and impossible But for every heart it rescues it's a miracle 有人说这是愚蠢 而且不可能 但对每个得救的心 这却是奇迹

9 (Chorus 1 - Cont’d) It's nothing less than scandalous This love that took our place Just call it what it is Call it grace! 这看去是何等不公平 这爱代替我们罪 就称它 为它所是 称它恩典!

10 this is grace this is grace Unchanging unfailing …
(Bridge) Amazing unshaking … this is grace this is grace Unchanging unfailing … this is grace this is grace 奇妙的... 不动摇 ... 这是恩典 … 这是恩典 ... 不改变 … 不止息 ... 这是恩典 … 这是恩典

11 有人说这是愚蠢 而且不可能 但对每个得救的心 这却是奇迹
(Chorus 2) Some may call it foolish and impossible But for every heart it rescues it's a miracle 有人说这是愚蠢 而且不可能 但对每个得救的心 这却是奇迹

12 (Chorus 1 - Cont’d) It's nothing less than scandalous That Jesus took our place Call it what it is Just call it what it is Call it grace! 这看去是何等不公平 耶稣代替我们罪 称它 为它所是 就称它 为它所是 称它恩典!

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