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Unit 6 Asking the Way(问路)

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1 Unit 6 Asking the Way(问路)
福清市小学英语闽教版五年级上册第6单元 PartA Unit 6 Asking the Way(问路) 执教者:福清市龙田中心校英语组 Part A


3 Oh, no! I’m lost. Where is the train station?

4 train station

5 Excuse me. 请问。

6 How can I get to the train station?


8 train station far away 很远 It’s far away.

9 You can take a bus.

10 Or you can take a taxi.

11 taxi Taxi, taxi, you can take a taxi.

12 Which bus can I take? Bus 60 Bus 8 Bus 9 Bus 90 Bus 60 or Bus 90?

13 Here comes the taxi.

14 Taxi, taxi, to the train station

15 How can I get to the train station?
It’s far away. You can take a

16 How can I get to the......? Jie Xin Park

17 Jie Xin Park Which bus can I take? You can take Bus.... Bus 11 Bus 8

18 How can I get to the....?

19 Which bus can I take? You can take Bus.... Yong Hui Supermarket Bus 1

20 How can I get to the....?

21 Which bus can I take? You can take Bus.... Bus 15 Bus 1 Bus 9 Bus 11

22 Make a dialogue. 假设我们的教室是一座美丽的城市。在这个城市里有library,zoo, museum,cinema 等等。

23 How can I get to the________? B: It’s _____________.
train station,library,zoo, museum,cinema... A: Excuse me. How can I get to the________? B: It’s _____________. You can ___________. A:Which bus can I take? B: Bus______________. far away

24 绿色环保,低碳出行

25 Homework 听:跟并熟读U6PA三遍。 写: 完成活动手册U6PA。 制订一份到某地某景点的旅行计划,用英语注明所使用的交通方式。

26 Thank you!

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