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Class and Stationery Objectives

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1 Class and Stationery Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to Hail a taxi and tell him when to come to pick you up. Ask for permission. Use measure words for different objects. Borrow things from others, such as stationery. Give phone numbers and inquire how to address others. Apologize for being late and explain the reason using words such as “because”, “so”, and “if” Indicate assignments using page numbers

2 Class Sound with Symbol
yuàn hào chū gāng tóu chā shí jiān bàn zhī dōng lái dào dào zěn huì yán huà yòng dài jiàn guò zài

3 Class Write pinyin for each character

4 Class Write character on the top of each pinyin
yán zhī shí tóu dào jiàn chā jiān dài huì yuàn chū dōng lái hào guò gāng zěn bàn huà yòng zài dào

5 司機 路 學院 出租車 號 問題 外國 剛到 下課 語言 文化 哪裏 不用謝 待會兒見 VOCABULARY I 上課 yŭ yán
class begins, having lessons 上課 shàng kè class dismissed, recess 下課 xià kè language 語言 yŭ yán Culture 文化 wén huà modest denial to a compliment 哪裏 nă lĭ My pleasure 不用謝 bú yòng xiè see you later 待會兒見 dāi huĭ er jiàn a driver 司機 sī jī road college 學院 xué yuàn taxi 出租車  chū zū chē number hào problem, question 問題 wèn tí foreign country 外國 wài guó just arrived 剛到 gāng dào

6 外國 知道 文化 學院 語言 北京路 幾號 司機 上個星期 出租車 下個月 上課 待會兒見 不用謝 哪裏哪裏 準時 距離 問題 下課 怎麼走
Class Translate the following into English and write it back to Chinese 2x 外國 知道 文化 學院 語言 北京路 幾號 司機 上個星期 出租車 下個月 上課 待會兒見 不用謝 哪裏哪裏 準時 距離 問題 下課 怎麼走 剛到 學生 小姐 語言課 第二次

7 Write PINYIN and English
Class – VOCABULARY I Write PINYIN and English 司機 語言 文化 學院 哪裏 出租車 不用謝 待會兒見 問題 外國 剛到 上課 下課

8 Class - VOCABULARY I Write in Chinese a driver language road Culture college modest denial to a compliment taxi My pleasure number see you later problem, question foreign country just arrived class begins, having lessons class dismissed, recess

9 Read Chinese words and translate them.
Class – VOCABULARY I Read Chinese words and translate them. 1.司機 9.下課 Driver Class dismiss 2.路 10.語言 Road Language 3.學院 11.文化 College Culture 4.出租車 12.哪裏 Taxi modest denial to a compliment 5.號 13.不用謝 Number My pleasure 6.問題 Question, problem 14.待會兒見 See you later 7.剛到 Just arrive 15.上課 Class starts 8.外國 Foreign country

10 學院 司機 號 出租車 路 問題 語言 外國 文化 xué yuàn sī jī chū zū chē lù Hào wèn tí
Class- VOCABULARY I 學院 司機 出租車 xué yuàn sī jī chū zū chē Hào 問題 語言 外國 文化 wèn tí yŭ yán wài guó wén huà

11 剛到 不用謝 下課 上課 待會兒見 哪裏, 哪裏 gāng dào xià kè shàng kè nă lĭ
Class - VOCABULARY I 剛到 class begins, having lessons 不用謝 class dismissed, recess gāng dào 上課 下課 bú yòng xiè xià kè shàng kè modest denial to a compliment 待會兒見 哪裏, 哪裏 dāi huĭ er jiàn nă lĭ

12 學院 司機 外國 問題 路 文化 號 語言 上課 不用謝 剛到 待會兒見 出租車 哪裏,哪裏 下課 Class - VOCABULARY I
Read the Chinese and translate it. Look the picture and say it in Chinese 外國 學院 問題 文化 司機 語言 上課 不用謝 剛到 modest denial to a compliment 待會兒見 出租車 哪裏,哪裏 下課

13 學院 司機 外國 出租車 下課 問題 路 文化 剛到 上課 語言 號 待會兒見 哪裏 不用謝 Class - VOCABULARY I
*Read Chinese and translate to English Class - VOCABULARY I modest denial to a compliment 外國 出租車 下課 問題 文化 剛到 上課 學院 語言 司機 待會兒見 哪裏 不用謝

14 Fill in the blanks with Chinese words.
Travel - VOCABULARY I Fill in the blanks with Chinese words. modest denial to a compliment

15 Word Search Read and translate the word in each box.
1 2 3 4 5 兩點 一刻 語言 學院 怎麼走 外國 知道 出租車 司機 哪裏, 哪裏 小姐 文化 不用謝 剛到 待會 兒見 上課 問題 下課 文化課 下個 星期 上個月 第二次 準時 距離

16 Class – Vocabulary Write in Chinese at least 2x each word
Foreign country: Class start: Culture: What time: Language: Should: Foreign culture: Don’t know: Foreign language: Class dismiss: Just arrive: My pleasure: Foreign student: On time: College: No problem: Cultural college: How to go (dir.): College road: Language class: What number: Come to pick you up: Modest denial: Driver: See you later: Taxi

17 Foreign Language student Foreign language college student Culture
Expanding phrases Taxi Taxi driver Foreign country Foreign student Foreign Language student Foreign language college student Culture Chinese culture Chinese culture class University road Just arrive university road No problem You are too humble Humble denial Class start What time class start Class end 9:30pm class end My pleasure See you later

18 Did you know… 1. 請请qing = a polite request is usually followed by a verb. For example: 請请說说,請请看,請请問问… 2. The difference between你是外國国學学生是嗎吗and你是外國国學学生嗎吗: the first one is to ask for confirmation, while the second is simply a question. 3.上:It has various usages. It could mean up, such as “上面”, last for last time “上次”, last month“上個个月”, or last week“上個个星期”, or it could be a verb, such as 上車车,上學学校=go to school 4.下: It is opposite of上and means down, such as “下面”, next for next time“下次” next month“下個个月”, or next week “下個个星期”, or off, such as“下車车”, “下課课”, or “下班” = off the work. 5. 不用謝谢:“用” by itself means “use”, such as用102教室= use classroom 不用謝谢 is the same as不謝谢. It is equivalent to “You are welcome” in English, and is the same as using不客氣气。 6. 美麗丽: Literally speaking it means beautiful; however, it is used as a person’s first name in here. It used to be a popular name for girls. 7. 還还有: 還还has mostilly two meanings: “ in addition” and “still”. For example: 他還还有一個个姐姐。 In addition, he has one sister. 她還还沒有來。She still has not come yet.

19 Language practice 你幾點鐘 ? 上個月/上個星期 last month/last week
你幾點鐘 ? 上車 get in the car 我九點鐘上車 上學 go to school 我九點鐘上學 上課 class begins 我九點鐘上課 上廁所 go to the restroom 我九點鐘上廁所 上班bān go to work 我九點鐘上班 上個月/上個星期 last month/last week

20 Language practice 我兩點半 . 下個月/下個星期 Next month/Next week
我兩點半 . 下車 get off the car 下課 class dismiss 下班bān get off the work 下個月/下個星期 Next month/Next week next one, next time next year

21 EXPANDING DRILL 到中國 去中國 剛到中國 第一次去中國 *Replace 文化with 語言 中國文化 喜歡中國文化
到中國 去中國 剛到中國 第一次去中國 下午剛到中國 我第一次去中國 今天下午剛到中國 這是我第一次去中國 她今天下午剛到中國 中國文化 喜歡中國文化 我喜歡中國文化 *Replace 文化with 語言

22 Class - ORAL DRILL Q: 你幾號? R: 我 ___ 號。
2. Fill in the blank with the given words: 她喜歡外國 (語言,文化,車,人,錶) 3. 我是 的學生。(中文學校,林老師,第一 高中) 4. 距離 還有十分鐘。(學校,上海路,八點鐘 ) 還有 。(我有哥哥姐姐…弟弟妹妹,下 午…文化課,三個个大人…三個个小孩)

23 VII. Translate the following into Chinese: (wkbk p.137)
1. Mr. Lee is a taxi driver. 2. How long have you been in China? 3. I am a foreign student in Culture College learning Chinese. 4. Is this your first time to China? 5. My first time to China was in April I came to see the Olympics. 6. It still has half an hour before 9:45. (use距離)

24 Class - Unscramble sentences
怎麼去 不知道 你 去 知道 文化學院 北京 下午 剛到 昨天 我 嗎 上海 第一次 你的 這是 來 說得 你的 很好 中文 我 哪 裏 不好 哪裏 說得 中文 上 你 課 幾點鐘 文化 一個半 距離 八點 還有 鐘頭 三刻 來 下午 請你 接我 四點二十分 語言學院 我 出租車 搭 去 外國語言學校 你 怎麼走 學院路 知道 嗎

25 Class - Fill in the blank use the chapter vocabulary
我從機場搭 去飯店 中國文化 是很好的大學. 我家在南京東路 語言學院有很多 學生. 我要到 學院學中文. 你早上幾點鐘 ? 我晚上來接你, 我下午2: ? 爸爸很喜歡中國 . 爸爸 要去中國. 走到上海 往右轉. 王先生昨天晚上 美國. 出租車司機問我很多 . A:你的中文說得很好. B: , ,我說得不好. 我的出租車 走錯路了. A:謝謝你來機場接我. B: . 他 去了北京. 出租車 語言 司機 不用謝 待會兒見 文化 問題 哪裏, 哪裏 上課 下個星期 學院 上個月 外國 剛到 下課

26 TRANSLATION (Textbook p.96)
1. Do you know how to go to the college road? 2. No problem, get in the car, please. 3. I just arrived at cultural college last night. 4. Is this your first time to Shang Hai? 5. The 1st time I went to the USA was 2004. 6. What time does your culture class start? 7. Please come to the foreign language college to pick me up at 12:30pm. 8. I still have culture class this afternoon. 9. Yes, I’m the language college’s student. I come to China to learn Chinese and culture. 10. You’re welcome, see you later.

27 CHAPTER 8 DIALOGE I (In the taxi)美:美麗 a girl’s first name 司:司機
美:出租車! 司:小姐,你去哪兒? 美:我去學院路129號。你知道怎麼走嗎? 司:没問題,請上車。 美:好! 司:你是外國學生是嗎? 美:是的,我是語言學院的學生,昨天下午剛到中國。 司:這是你第一次來中國嗎?你的中文說得很好。 美:哪裏,我說得不好。這是我第二次到中國。我第一次來是二零零 六年。 司:你太客氣了!你幾點鐘上課? 美:九點一刻上課,十一點差五分下課。下午一點半還有文化課。請 你兩點半來接我。 司:語言學院到了,現在是八點四十五分,距離九點一刻還有半個鐘 頭。 美:謝謝! 司:不用謝!待會兒見。 B-14

28 IX. Read the Chapter 8 Dialogue I.
Write your answers in English and say them in Chinese: 1. Who are the people having the conversation? 2. What does the passenger’s name mean? Is it her first name, last name, or full name? 3. Where is her destination? 4. Who is the passenger and where is she studying? 5. When did she arrive in China? 6. Is this her first time coming to China? If not, when was her first time coming to China? 7. What is her class schedule? 8. What time is it when they arrive at the college? 9. How much time does she have before the class starts? 10. According to the driver, how does she speak Chinese? B-14 Workbook p.138-9

29 LISTENING COMPREHENSION司=司機 女:出租車! 司:小姐,你去哪兒? 女:我去中國飯店。 司:學院路的中國飯店是嗎?
女:不是,是天安門前面的中國飯店。 司:沒問題,我知道怎麼去。請上車。 女:中國飯店距離這兒遠不遠? 司:不遠,中國飯店距離這兒只有20分鐘。 司:這是你第一次來中國嗎? 女:不是,這是我第二次來。 司:你的中文說得很好。 女:哪裏,哪裏!我說得不好。 司:你太客氣了! Textbook p. 97 B-15

30 Who the woman is having a conversation with?
Listen to the conversation on the previous page and Answer the following questions in English B-15 Textbook p. 97 Who the woman is having a conversation with? Which Chinese hotel is the woman going to? How far is the hotel from here? How many times has the woman been to China What is the woman’s response to the compliment?

31 VIII. Write in Chinese based on the given situation: (workbook p
1. Tell the taxi driver that you want to go to the Culture University and ask if he knows how to get there. Driver responds, “No problem, please get in the car.” 2. Ask the driver to come pick you up at 4:15 in Beijing Hotel. 3. When does your Chinese class start and when does it finish? Write the exact time in Chinese. 4. Answer the question in a complete sentence. Q:搭校車從你家到學校要多久?(校車=School bus) A: 5. Give a compliment and a modest denial to a compliment to a person who speaks English very well. 6. Tell someone this is your first time to China, and you just arrived last week. 7. Tell someone that you are teaching English in the Foreign Language College(外文學学院), and you also learning Chinese in Beijing University.

32 X. Read the paragraph and answer the questions in English: (wkbk p
她是外國學生在中國學中文。上個月她剛到 北京,在北京大學外語(外國語言)學院學 中文。這是她第二次來中國。她早上九點一 刻上課,一直到五點半下課。晚上她在一間 私人(private) 學校教唱英文歌。從七點三十分 上班到九點四十五分下班。她說她喜歡中國 文化。

33 2. When did she arrive Beijing? 3. Where is she learning Chinese?
X. Read the paragraph and answer the questions in English: (Say your answers in Chinese) (wkbk p.139) 1. Who is she? 2. When did she arrive Beijing? 3. Where is she learning Chinese? 4. How many times has she been in China? 5. What time does her classes start and end? 6. What does she do in the evening? 7. What is her work schedule? 8. What did she say about Chinese culture?

34 Wrap up Test "Class" Write a dialogue based on the given scenario.
Denote your lines with D & Y (D: Driver Y: You) *Your lines are in blue print/italic . You hail a taxi, and the driver asks you where to go then tells you to get in the car. (you are going to the foreign language college. ) You are an American student come to China to learn Chinese, but the driver thinks you are an English teacher. You just arrived China last night and still have the jetlag (time difference). This is your second time to China to learn Chinese but the driver thought this is the first time. The driver tells you that you speak good Chinese but you don't think so. The driver responds to your modest reply. The driver needs to know when to come to pick you up. (3:00 sharp at the language college.) Driver asks you the current time. (your watch says 6:15 American time.) Driver reminds you that the time should be 7:30 in China. You realize that your watch has stopped for 1 ½ hours. Driver asks you what time your class starts? (9:50 Chinese class starts, but you still have Cultural class afternoon.) What time your culture class ends? (2:45 pm. ) Driver tells you that you are arrived Foreign language college, and there is still half an hour before the class starts. “Thank you!", and you say to each other, “see you later”.

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