Views on the News 不同的观点 选自《多维阅读第11级》.

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Presentation on theme: "Views on the News 不同的观点 选自《多维阅读第11级》."— Presentation transcript:

1 Views on the News 不同的观点 选自《多维阅读第11级》

2 What are the people doing in the picture?

3 Read the book quickly and answer the questions.
How many topics are there in this book? What are the topics?

4 Choose one topic and read it. List the facts and reasons.
Reading Circle Choose one topic and read it. List the facts and reasons. Reasons Facts

5 Word Master The words we would like to remember!
The page of the word on. The pronunciation of the word. The meaning of the word. Show us an example. word

6 Choose one word and share with others.
Word Master Choose one word and share with others. My opinions and reasons: ______________________________________________________ The words our group want to share are: Page: ________. Meaning: ______________________________________________________ Example: ______________________________________________________

7 Answer these questions:
Group A Do you think big cities have traffic problem? Why do you think that? Do you agree with any of these reasons for sky cars? Why or why not? What reasons did De John give for not having sky cars?

8 Answer these questions:
Group B What were the reasons given for dressing Chihuahuas like people? Do you agree with Nadia? Why or why not? Do you think Pedro’s reasons make sense? Why or why not?

9 Answer these questions:
Group C What other animals have you heard of that are extinct? If you were to disagree with Carlo about fire-breathing dragons being real, what reasons would you give?

10 Answer these questions:
Group D Which of these reasons do you agree or disagree with? Why? If birds are a problem in a city, how else do you think this problem could be solved?

11 How can we make persuasive arguments?
Discussion How can we make persuasive arguments? State what the problem is. Give opinions. Give reasons for the opinions. Say what could be done

12 Please give a speech on one of the topics in this book.
Speech Time Please give a speech on one of the topics in this book.

13 Homework (1)课后和小组成员一起利用网 络或者图书馆查询资料。看看 是否还可以为今天讨论的四个 话题找到其他论据。在全班汇 报调查结果。 (2)与小组成员合作,围绕一个 现实问题开展讨论,表明自己 的观点并通过海报体现出来, 并在全班进行展示。


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