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Appreciate the beauty of our home and adopted home -

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1 Appreciate the beauty of our home and adopted home -
有獎猜謎 認識我們美麗的家園 Appreciate the beauty of our home and adopted home - Taiwan and USA

2 Where in Taiwan is this structure?

3 雙心石滬 石滬是先民智慧的展現,它是利用玄武岩和珊瑚礁所砌築的捕魚陷阱。而七美的'雙心石滬因造型浪漫,吸引眾多的情侶前來,儼然成為澎湖觀光的代表景點。雙心石滬是澎湖地區眾多石滬中,保留最完整的石滬.

4 This region in the USA known as Monument Valley sits on the border of two states. What states are they?

5 Monument Valley A region of the Colorado Plateau characterized by a cluster of vast sandstone buttes, the largest reaching 1,000 ft (300 m) above the valley floor. It is located on the Arizona-Utah state line near the Four Corner area.

6 龜山島 Toward which direction is this turtle swimming? 烏龜的頭朝東, 西, 南, 北?

7 East

8 In what state in USA is this house known as Fallingwater?

9 Fallingwater A house designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 in rural southwester Pennsylvania, 43 miles (69 km) southeast of Pittsburgh Frank Lloyd Wright also designed a museum in New York City. What museum is it?


11 Where in Taiwan can you see this scene? And in what season?

12 老梅綠石槽 北海岸石門區老梅里的綠石槽海岸,為全台唯一特殊景觀,

13 這是什麼花? (Taiwan)


15 金針花,萱草 金針花學名是萱草,百合科,多年生草本植物,耐寒暑,適土性佳,夏天開花。 台東太麻里金針花季, 每年8~9月
花蓮金針花季, 花蓮縣玉里鎮赤柯山、富里鄉六十石山,每年8~9月

16 台灣特有的鳥類共 15 種. What bird is this, which is one of the 15 endemic species found only in Taiwan?

17 台灣藍鵲 鄉土名:山娘 學名:Urocissa caerulea 英文俗名:Taiwan Blue Magpie 科別:鴉科

18 What national park is this? What state is it located?

19 Crater Lake National Park Oregon

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