The Nature of Strategic

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1 The Nature of Strategic
Planning 战略规划的本质

2 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
Strategic planning is the managerial process of matching an organisation’s resources with its marketing opportunities over the long run. 战略规划是从长远上将组织的资源与其市场机会相匹配的管理过程。

3 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
Strategic Level 战略层次 Managerial Level 管理层次 Technical Level 技术层次

4 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
Strategic Planning is a total company concept . 战略规划是一个完全的公司观念。 Requires a long-run orientation. 需要长期的定向。

5 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
The organisation should be considered to be a collection of units or subunits having different strategic objectives. These units are collectively considered a ‘Portfolio’. 组织应该被看成是一个有不同战略目标的单位或亚单位的集合。这些单位被共同地看成一个“组合”。

6 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
Strategy - is a broad, basic plan of action by which an organization inters to reach its goal. 战略—— 一个组织达到其目标的粗略的,基本的计划。 Tactic - is an operational means by which a strategy is to be implemented or activated 战术—— 实施或激活战略的操作手段

7 The Strategic Plan 战略规划

8 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
Step 1 步骤 1 Defining the Business 定义其业务 - Answers the Question : What business am I in? 回答问题:我在做什么业务? - E.g., BP, BHP, IBM.

9 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
STEP 1 步骤 1 A Business Definition must state: 业务定义必须陈述: - Product and Market Scope- i.e. which customers are being served, which needs are to be satisfied. 产品和市场范围 – 服务哪些客户,满足哪些需要。 - Product and Market Segmentation - determines whether the firm recognizes differences among customers in terms of their needs and satisfaction of those needs. 产品和市场区隔 – 确定公司是否认识到不同客户在他们的需要和满足这些需要方面的差别。

10 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
STEP 2 步骤 2 Determining the Mission 确定使命 -- state the performance expectations in terms of sales growth, market share, ROI, Net Income or cash Flow. 说明销售增长,市场占有率,投资回报率,纯收入或现金流等方面的预期业绩。 -- careful evaluation of market opportunities and company capabilities along with corporate objectives is required. 对市场机会和公司能力以及企业目标的仔细评估是必需的。

11 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
STEP 3 步骤 3 Formulation of Functional Strategies 制定职能战略 -- individual integrated strategies for marketing, R&D, finance and production. 综合营销,研发,财务和生产的个体战略。 -- department managers are charged with developing strategies using forecasting techniques (e.g.cost/benefit analysis). 部门经理负责用预测技术(如成本/效益分析)制定战略。

12 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
STEP 4 步骤 4 Budgeting 预算 -- The planning cycle ends with the determination of resource allocations and budgets for the strategic business units. 规划周期的最后阶段是确定资源分配和战略业务单位的预算。

13 The Strategic Plan 战略规划
A Strategic Marketing Plan - is a plan of all aspects of an organisation‘s strategy in the market place. 战略营销计划—是一个组织在市场上的战略的所有方面的计划。 A Marketing Plan deals with the identification of target markets and the choice of an appropriate product, using the marketing mix. 营销计划涉及使用营销组合识别目标市场和选择合适产品。

14 The Analytical Prerequisites to Planning

15 Analytical Prerequisites to Planning 分析条件规划
Customer Analysis 客户分析 -- Segmentation methods and the requirements for each segment 区隔方法和每个区隔的要求

16 Analytical Prerequisites to Planning 分析条件规划
Competitor Analysis 竞争对手分析 -- Identification of competitors and their strategies in your shared markets. 在你的共享市场中确定竞争对手和他们的战略。

17 Analytical Prerequisites to Planning 分析条件规划
Environmental Trends 环境趋势 -- Social, economic, political, technological trends that affect the market must be isolated and forecasted 必须识别并预测影响市场的社会,经济,政治,和技术发展趋势

18 Analytical Prerequisites to Planning 分析条件规划
Market Characteristics 市场特点 -- Evolution of supply and demand and their interaction to determine prices. 供应和需求的变化以及它们的互动决定价格。

19 Analytical Prerequisites to Planning 分析条件规划
Internal Company Characteristics 公司内部特点 -- Internal audit to determine strengths and weaknesses compared to market requirements. 内部审计以确定相对于市场需求的优势和弱点。

20 Portfolio Analysis 组合分析

21 Portfolio Analysis 组合分析
The Porter Curve - a generic strategies model Porter曲线 – 一个普遍的战略模型 Porter stated that there are three generic strategies: Porter认为有三种普遍的战略: --1. Overall Cost leadership 总体成本领先 Produce a standarised product at a low price and under price everyone else. 以低廉的价格和比别人低的价格生产标准化的产品。

22 Porter Curve Porter曲线 --2. Differentiation 差异化
market at a “premium”price something that customers will perceive is higher quality 以较高的价格营销客户认为质量较高的产品 --3. Focus 集中化 -- concentrate on a small specialty market or segment 专注于小的特殊的市场或区隔

23 The Porter Curve Porter曲线
______________________ Focus 集中化 Differentiation 差异化 ROI 投资收益 Cost Leadership 成本领先 Stuck-in-the-Middle中间阻塞 ______________________________________ Low 低 High 高 Market Share 市场份额

24 Porter Curve Porter曲线 Stuck-in-the-Middle – does not mean to be at the bottom of the curve but in a position which does not maximize ROI. 中间阻塞 – 并不意味着在曲线的底部,而是处于投资收益不是最大的位置。 E.g., Toyota, Lexus 如丰田,雷克萨斯

25 The Experience Effect 经验效应
Total Cost /Unit 总单位成本 Company A 公司A Company B 公司B Cumulative Experience 累积的经验

26 Experience Effect Definitions 经验效应定义
Cumulative Experience – measures the reduction of total cost/unit with each doubling of the cumulative experience 累积的经验 - 测量随着累积经验的每次加倍总单位成本的减少 Total Cost/Unit – the total costs (variable and fixed) per unit of production 总单位成本 - 单位生产的总成本(可变的和固定的)

27 Portfolio Analysis 组合分析
The Boston Consulting Group Matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵 -- Compares SBUs by number and size of existing and potential marketing advantages. 以现有的和潜在的市场营销优势的数量和规模比较战略业务部门。

28 ? BCG Grid BCG矩阵 2 2 1 3 4 Relative Market Share 相对市场份额 High 高 Mkt.
Growth Rate 市场增长率 3 4 Low High Relative Market Share 相对市场份额 Low

29 BCG Grid BCG矩阵 Cash Flow drives the movement of products on the grid.
现金流驱动产品在矩阵中的变动。 The key is identifying questions marks that are likely to become stars and investing cash flow from the cash cows to make your bets successful. 关键是找出有可能成为明星产品的问号产品,并从现金流产品获取投资金牛,使你的投注成功。 Also, understand the move as it relates to market share and market growth 此外,理解产品的变动影响市场份额和市场增长。

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