The Bedroom Swing 卧室里的秋千

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Presentation on theme: "The Bedroom Swing 卧室里的秋千"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bedroom Swing 卧室里的秋千

2 Read the Cover What can you see from the cover?
What is the girl doing? Why is she playing swing in her bedroom? 学生阅读书图书封面并回答老师提出的问题。 提问建议: 1. What can you see on the cover? 2. What is the girl doing? 3. Why is she playing swing in her bedroom?

3 Read and Answer What did the girl think of cleaning the house?
Can you guess what the girl would do later?

4 Read and Finish the House Graphic.


6 Discuss and Answer 1. What did the girl think after she fell down on the floor? 2. What did she do? 引导学生推断和分析女孩心情有所变化的主要原因。

7 Discuss and Answer Why did the girl decide to tell his father the truth?

8 Retell the Story 学生利用自己填的表格口头讲述故事。

9 Reading Circle Passage Person Character Captain Creative Connector
Introduce the story Ask detail questions Analyse the girl’s personality Reading Circle 学生根据教师创设的情境和任务选择自己在阅读圈活动中的角色和任务。 学生四人一组为单位,每个人承担阅读圈活动中的一个角色,在小组内进行交流;之后,所有同样角色的学生聚在一起,形成专家组进行讨论;最后进行阅读圈的小组展示。 Creative Connector Moral Master Provide solutions to the problem in the story Share similar experiences

10 Discuss How can you explain to your parents when you make troubles at school? 学生在教师的引导下总结在学校生活中如果发现自己闯祸之后该如何向父母解释。

11 Homework 1. Write down what we should do if we cause troubles or make mistakes. 2. Find some sayings about HONSETY.

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