禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 今願諸天都要快樂 願全地百姓都要歡喜 同來歡唱讚美之歌 盼望中同心相信
Let the heavens be glad today Let the people of the earth rejoice Sing together in joyful praise In the hope that we all do share

4 主我神正運行 他要來使萬物復興 他要憑公義審判 傳這信息到地極
The Lord is on His way He will come to restore all things He will judge in righteousness Shout the message everywhere

5 He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness
神掌權 憑公義掌王權 他公義的權柄 永遠無止境 Our God reigns He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness That will never end

6 主再來 眾人都要看見 我主何等威嚴 他必要再來
Our Lord comes And ev’ry eye shall see The Lord of majesty When He comes again

7 I Believe Your promises I believe Your truthfulness
我相信 你的應許 我相信 你的愛 我相信 你的真實 我相信你 I Believe Your promises I believe Your love I believe Your truthfulness I believe in You

8 I believe Your loving grace
我相信 你的恩典 我相信 你能力 我相信 你智慧完全 我相信你 I believe Your loving grace I believe Your power I believe Your wisdom I believe in You

9 我相信 你的救贖 我相信 你犧牲 我相信 你流出寶血 我相信 你復活
I believe Your redemption I believe your sacrifice I believe You shed the blood I believe Your resurrection

10 So here I come to love You
所以我來 為要愛你 所以我來 為要敬拜你 你在我身 作為可畏 我一生敬畏你 So here I come to love You So here I come to worship You You make me whole, my Master I worship You alone

11 我以永遠的愛愛你 我以慈愛吸引你 聘你永遠歸我為妻 永以慈愛誠實待你
With an everlasting love, I’ve loved you I’ve drawn you with loving-kindness Betroth you to me forever Betroth you in love and faithfulness

12 哦我願奪得主的心 用我注視的眼睛 我的心如禁閉的井 新陳佳果存留為你 I want the heart of my Lord With my eyes gazing at the Lord My heart is a spring enclosed All choice fruits are for you alone

13 將我放在你的心上 如印記 將我帶在你手臂上 如戳記 Oh Lord Place me like a seal over Your heart Oh Lord Place me like a seal on Your arm

14 你的愛情堅貞 勝過死亡 眾水不能熄滅 不能淹沒 For your love has overcome death Many waters cannot wash love away

15 我賜你肉心代替石心 把律法寫在你心裡 我用水將你洗潔淨 你眾罪惡我全忘記 I replace your stone heart with flesh I’ll put my laws and decrees in you with clean water I will cleanse you All your sins will be forgiven

16 因你鞭傷我得醫治 你受刑罰我得平安 你受咒诅我得祝福 因你流血我得生命 I am healed because of your wounds You bore punishment and I have peace You bear curses and I am blessed You shed your blood and I am alive

17 我靠著主羔羊的寶血 進入神至聖之所 獻上全心全力和全人 來敬拜我全能之主
I enter the Holy of holies I enter through the Blood of the Lamb I enter to worship you only I enter to honor “I AM”

18 主我敬拜祢 我敬拜祢(2x) 因為你是聖潔 聖潔 喔主 Lord, I worship You, I worship You (2x)
For Your name is holy holy, O Lord

19 Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah, Our God reigns
哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 神掌权 Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah, Our God reigns

20 归给耶和华 他名所当得荣耀 敬拜耶和华 在他圣洁的光辉中 向主歌唱 荣耀 哈里路~亚 哈里路~亚

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