Introduction to Taiwanese Cuisines

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1 Introduction to Taiwanese Cuisines

2 不過,美國人心目中『麵條』有一定條件;且看美國人如何定義『麵條』:
Bean Flour Noodles 2. 不過,美國人心目中『麵條』有一定條件;且看美國人如何定義『麵條』: 1. 『冬粉』或『粉絲』可稱為Bean Flour Noodles 也有人稱之為Bean Thread Noodles, Cellophane (玻璃紙) Noodles, Chinese Vermicelli, Bean Threads, Crystal Noodles, or Glass Noodles;族繁不及備載! Most Asian noodles aren't made with eggs. The FDA permitted names like "alimentary paste"營養麵糊、團 and "imitation noodles,"仿造麵條. The U.S. government required a noodle to contain flour, water, and eggs to be rightly called a noodle.

3 粉絲在日本稱『春雨』,朝鮮半島稱『唐麵』,越南稱『麵』。
3. 粉絲在日本稱『春雨』,朝鮮半島稱『唐麵』,越南稱『麵』。 4. Cellophane noodles are a type of transparent noodle made from starch (usually mung bean starch), and water. 原來綠豆的學名叫Vigna radiata,英文叫mung beans 或green grams!

4 英文中的Green beans指的反而類似中文的『缸豆』『扁豆』or『菜豆』! Uncle Tom’s Answer: 7.
5. 英文中的Green beans指的反而類似中文的『缸豆』『扁豆』or『菜豆』! Uncle Tom’s Answer: 7. 粉絲味淡,正宜佐食風味濃郁湯頭或醬汁! It all depends on how you cook the noodles. For soups and stir-fries, thou must soften the bean thread noodles by soaking in hot water for about 20 minutes. For deep-fries, thou should never soak or blanch the noodles beforehand! Bland in taste, mung bean noodles serves as a perfect addition to all saucy dishes. They pick up the flavor of both broths and sauces. 6. 冬粉烹調Q & A 粉絲下鍋前是否該先泡水浸軟? Do Bean Thread Noodles Need to Be Soaked Before Cooking?

5 About that name of Ants Climbing a Tree 8.
9. About that name of Ants Climbing a Tree 8. 粉絲料理最著名的菜色應該就是『螞蟻上樹』Ants Climbing a Tree了吧? About the name: the bits of minced meat are meant to stick to the noodle strands! They look like ants crawling through the branches of a tree. Ants Climbing a Tree 螞蟻上樹: A simple, spicy mung bean noodle dish originating in Sichuan.

6 Tom’s Top 10 Choicest Dishes from Taiwan's Night markets (Which happen to almost match CNN’s list)
1. Stinky tofu臭豆腐 2. Rice/Taiwanese sausage(糯米大腸包豬肉小腸) 3. Coffin bread棺材板 4. Deep fried prawns炸明蝦 5. Stewed pork rice滷肉飯 6. Baked black pepper pork燒餅夾黑胡椒豬柳 7. Scallion pancakes蔥油餅 8. Pearl bubble tea 珍珠奶茶 9. Barbecued anything烤遍天下無敵手 10 Sweet glass rice dumplings涼圓

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