I Look To The Shepherd 仰望牧者 (1 of 4)

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Presentation on theme: "I Look To The Shepherd 仰望牧者 (1 of 4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Look To The Shepherd 仰望牧者 (1 of 4)
尋求仰望牧者 衪慈愛引領 滿足我所需用 安歇在水邊 賜平安在我心 因衪愛得安息 I look to the shepherd He meets all my needs Beside the still waters He faithfully leads Bringing peace to my soul As His love makes me whole

2 I Look To The Shepherd 仰望牧者 (2 of 4)
Surely goodness and mercy Shall follow me, follow me All the days of my life Shall follow me all my life 必有恩惠與慈愛 跟隨著我, 隨著我 在我一生時日 跟隨著我到永遠

3 I Look To The Shepherd 仰望牧者 (3 of 4)
當我憂傷絕望 在幽暗谷中 我尋求仰望主 衪與我同行 賜平安在我心 因衪愛得安息 And when in the valley Of deepest despair I look to the shepherd His presence is there Bringing peace to my soul As His love makes me whole

4 I Look To The Shepherd 仰望牧者 (4 of 4)
Surely goodness and mercy Shall follow me, follow me All the days of my life Shall follow me all my life 必有恩惠與慈愛 跟隨著我,隨著我 在我一生時日 跟隨著我到永遠

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