我神真偉大 How Great Is Our God 尊貴榮耀君王 The splendor of the King 在全地之上 clothed in majesty 願萬民都喜樂 Let all the earth rejoice 全地都喜樂 all the earth rejoice.

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Presentation on theme: "我神真偉大 How Great Is Our God 尊貴榮耀君王 The splendor of the King 在全地之上 clothed in majesty 願萬民都喜樂 Let all the earth rejoice 全地都喜樂 all the earth rejoice."— Presentation transcript:

1 我神真偉大 How Great Is Our God 尊貴榮耀君王 The splendor of the King 在全地之上 clothed in majesty 願萬民都喜樂 Let all the earth rejoice 全地都喜樂 all the earth rejoice

2 主祢滿有榮光 He wraps Himself in light 黑暗都躲藏 and darkness tries to hide 萬民高聲唱 and trembles at His voice 齊來高聲唱 and trembles at His voice

3 我神真偉大 How great is our God 歌頌祢聖名真偉大 Sing with me How great is our God 全地都看見 And all will see how great 我神真偉大 how great is our God

4 昔在永在君王 And Age to age He stands 從今直到永遠 and time is in His hands 祢從不曾改變 Beginning and the End 永存在天地間 Beginning and the End

5 祢是三一真神 The Godhead, three in one 父子與聖靈 Father, Spirit, Son 真神的羔羊 The Lion and the Lamb 全能神羔羊 The Lion and the Lamb

6 我神真偉大 How great is our God 歌頌祢聖名真偉大 Sing with me How great is our God 全地都看見 And all will see how great 我神真偉大 (x2) how great is our God (x2)

7 祢至聖尊名 Name above all names 配受大讚美 worthy of all praise 全心歌頌 and my heart will sing 我神真偉大 (x2) How great is our God (x2)

8 我神真偉大 How great is our God 歌頌祢聖名真偉大 Sing with me How great is our God 全地都看見 And all will see how great 我神真偉大 (x2) how great is our God (x2)

9 都因祢 豐盛恩典 (x2) for Your grace abounds to me
我在這 I Am Here 我在這 是因祢恩典 I am here because of Your grace 我在這 是因祢慈愛 I am here because of Your love 主耶穌 我如此感恩 Lord Jesus I am so thankful 都因祢 豐盛恩典 (x2) for Your grace abounds to me

10 forever I will praise Your name
感謝耶穌 耶穌 Thank You Jesus Jesus 耶穌 感謝耶穌 Jesus Thank You Jesus 只因著 祢恩典 It's only by Your grace 使我能為祢活 that I could live today 我讚美祢直到永遠 forever I will praise Your name

11 無人能像祢 There Is None Like You 無人能像祢 There is none like You 惟有祢能摸著我靈深處 No one else can touch my heart like You do 我雖用盡一生來追求 I could search for all eternity long 哦主 無人能像祢 And find there is none like You

12 祢的憐憫如江河湧流 Your mercy flows like a river wide 祢的手充滿醫治 And healing comes from Your hands 受苦者在祢懷裡得安息 Suffering children are safe in Your arms 無人能像祢 There is none like You

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