一個有效率的團隊的要素 Elements of an Effective Team

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1 一個有效率的團隊的要素 Elements of an Effective Team
一個清楚定義的責任 Clearly Defined Responsibilities 一個詳盡的行動計劃 A Detailed Plan of Action 與扶輪社有暢通的溝通管道 Clear and Open Lines of Communication with the Club 有充足的知識及受到鼓勵的社員 Knowledgeable and Motivated Members 第二次會議Session 2: 擬定一個行動計劃與尋找資源Developing an Action Plan and Identifying Resources -A

2 達成目標的策略 Strategies for Achieving Goals
擬定行動步驟 Develop action steps. 指定負責人 Delegate responsibility. 訂定時間表 Establish a timeline. 制定評估進度的特定標準 Determine criteria for measuring progress. 獲得的資源和工具 Utilize tools and resources. 評鑒進度─從經驗中學習 Evaluate progress - learn from experience. 第二次會議Session 2: 擬定一個行動計劃與尋找資源Developing an Action Plan and Identifying Resources -B

3 基本的材料資源 Basic Material Resources
公式名錄 Official Directory 程序手冊 Manual of Procedure 國際扶輪目錄 RI Catalog 英文扶輪月刊或地域雜誌 THE ROTARIAN or regional Rotary Magazine 國際扶輪網站 Rotary’s Web site at 第二次會議Session 2: 擬定一個行動計劃與尋找資源Developing an Action Plan and Identifying Resources -C

4 基本的人力資源 Basic Human Resources
扶輪社社員與領導人Club members and leaders 扶輪社前領導人Past club leaders 家人與朋友Family and friends 地區領導人District leaders 前地區領導人Past district leaders 其他扶輪社社員Members of other Rotary Clubs 國際扶輪辦事員RI Staff 第二次會議Session 2: 擬定一個行動計劃與尋找資源Developing an Action Plan and Identifying Resources -D

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