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掙扎的人生 A Challenging Life.

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1 掙扎的人生 A Challenging Life

2 撒母耳记上 19: 1-4 1 扫罗对他儿子约拿单和众臣仆说要杀大卫,扫罗的儿子约拿单却甚喜爱大卫。 2 约拿单告诉大卫说:“我父扫罗想要杀你,所以明日早晨你要小心,到一个僻静地方藏身

3 撒母耳记上 19: 1-4 3 我就出到你所藏的田里,站在我父亲旁边与他谈论。我看他情形怎样,我必告诉你。” 4 约拿单向他父亲扫罗替大卫说好话,说:“王不可得罪王的仆人大卫,因为他未曾得罪你,他所行的都于你大有益处。

4 1 Samuel 19: 1-4 1 Saul told his son Jonathan and all the attendants to kill David. But Jonathan had taken a great liking to David 2 and warned him, “My father Saul is looking for a chance to kill you.

5 Be on your guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there
Be on your guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there. 3 I will go out and stand with my father in the field where you are. I’ll speak to him about you and will tell you what I find out.”

6 4 Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him, “Let not the king do wrong to his servant David; he has not wronged you, and what he has done has benefited you greatly.

7 1.良知的提醒,能分別是非。Conscience will Tell Right from Wrong
三原則 3-Fold Principles 1.良知的提醒,能分別是非。Conscience will Tell Right from Wrong 2.對神的忠誠,能遵行神的旨意。Faithfulness will Lead to Fulfillment of God’s Will 3.守住正直,按公義行事。Honesty will Lead to Righteous Acts

8 (一)良知的提醒, 感謝神賜的人“良心” Conscience will Tell Right from Wrong, Thanks be to God for Giving Us a Conscience 良心是有聲音的! Conscience has a Voice

9 撒但的工作就是使人良心麻痺!Satan wants to Numb our Conscience

10 1.為他禱告,求神來感動他。Intercede on His Behalf, that God will Touch Him
三方法 3-Fold Method 1.為他禱告,求神來感動他。Intercede on His Behalf, that God will Touch Him 2.靠神給智慧來啟發他。 Seek God’s Wisdom to Enlighten Him 3.靠神的愛來關懷,引導他來教會。 Depend on God’s Love to Lead Him to Church

11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.
箴言 Proverbs 4:11 我已指教你走智慧的道, 引导你行正直的路。 I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.

12 不想 Do Not Think about It 不看 Do Not Watch It 不說 Do Not Utter It 不做 Do Not Do It

13 要存清洁的良心, 固守真道的奥秘。 提摩太前书 1 Timothy 3 :9
They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.

14 新生命 New Life 向罪,是死的, Dead to Sin 向神,是活的! Alive to God

15 1.自己生活要有好見證。 2.服事教會要認真負責。
(二)對神忠誠,遵行神的帶領。Faithfulness will Lead to Fulfillment of God’s Will 1.自己生活要有好見證。 Your Life must be Full of Good Testimonies 2.服事教會要認真負責。 Be Responsible in Your Service to the Church

16 (三)守住正直,按真理行事。Honesty will Lead to Righteous Acts

17 箴言 6:16-18 16 耶和华所恨恶的有六样,连他心所憎恶的共有七样, 17 就是高傲的眼,撒谎的舌,流无辜人血的手, 18 图谋恶计的心,飞跑行恶的脚,

18 Proverbs 6:16-18 16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,

19 Proverbs 6:16-18 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,

20 弟兄们,我还有未尽的话,凡是真实的、可敬的、公义的、清洁的、可爱的、有美名的,若有什么德行,若有什么称赞,这些事你们都要思念。
腓立比书 4:8 弟兄们,我还有未尽的话,凡是真实的、可敬的、公义的、清洁的、可爱的、有美名的,若有什么德行,若有什么称赞,这些事你们都要思念。

21 教會裡是以“誠信”待人!Treat One Another with Integrity
教會生活“坦誠”自然!Church Life Engulf in Honesty

22 雅各书 5:12 我的弟兄们,最要紧的是不可起誓:不可指着天起誓,也不可指着地起誓,无论何誓都不可起。你们说话,是就说是,不是就说不是,免得你们落在审判之下。

23 James 5:12 Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.”Otherwise you will be condemned.

24 1.良知的提醒,能分別是非。Conscience will Tell Right from Wrong
三原則 3-Fold Principles 1.良知的提醒,能分別是非。Conscience will Tell Right from Wrong 2.對神的忠誠,能遵行神的旨意。Faithfulness will Lead to Fulfillment of God’s Will 3.守住正直,按公義行事。Honesty will Lead to Righteous Acts

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