And reaches to the lowest hell

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Presentation on theme: "And reaches to the lowest hell"— Presentation transcript:

1 And reaches to the lowest hell
真神之愛[G68] [1/9] The Love of God 真神之愛,偉大無窮 高超諸星,深達地獄 長闊高深世無相同 And reaches to the lowest hell

2 And pardoned from his sin
[2/9] 始祖犯罪,惶恐低首 使我罪人與神和好 赦免一切罪尤 And pardoned from his sin

3 The saints’ and angels’ song
[3/9] 啊!神之愛何等豐富 永遠不變,永遠堅定 天使聖徒頌揚 The saints’ and angels’ song

4 On rocks and hills and mountains call
[4/9] 縱然世代變更過去 頑梗世人仍不求神 卻向山石呼求保障 On rocks and hills and mountains call

5 The saints’ and angels’ song
[5/9] 真神慈愛始終不變 亞當後嗣得蒙救贖 天使聖徒頌揚 The saints’ and angels’ song

6 The saints’ and angels’ song
[6/9] 啊!神之愛何等豐富 永遠不變,永遠堅定 天使聖徒頌揚 The saints’ and angels’ song

7 And every man a scribe by trade
[7/9] 世上海洋當作墨水 世上萬莖用作筆桿 全球文人集合苦幹 And every man a scribe by trade

8 Though stretched from sky to sky
[8/9] 竭盡智力描繪神愛 案卷雖長像天連天 仍難描述盡詳 Though stretched from sky to sky

9 The saints’ and angels’ song
[9/9] 啊!神之愛何等豐富 永遠不變,永遠堅定 天使聖徒頌揚 The saints’ and angels’ song

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