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Living hope 永活盼望 在你我之間, 有深淵隔絕, 有高山阻擋, 無法跨越。 我徬徨無助, 舉目仰望天, 在暗夜呼求你聖名。 How great the chasm that lay between us How high the mountain I could not climb In.

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Presentation on theme: "Living hope 永活盼望 在你我之間, 有深淵隔絕, 有高山阻擋, 無法跨越。 我徬徨無助, 舉目仰望天, 在暗夜呼求你聖名。 How great the chasm that lay between us How high the mountain I could not climb In."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living hope 永活盼望 在你我之間, 有深淵隔絕, 有高山阻擋, 無法跨越。 我徬徨無助, 舉目仰望天, 在暗夜呼求你聖名。 How great the chasm that lay between us How high the mountain I could not climb In desperation, I turned to heaven And spoke Your name into the night

2 在黑暗之中, 你慈愛彰顯, 拆毀我靈魂的晦暗 恩典已成就, 結局已寫明, 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 Then through the darkness, Your loving-kindness Tore through the shadows of my soul The work is finished, the end is written Jesus Christ, my living hope

3 有誰能想像, 這偉大憐憫? 有誰能測度, 無限恩典? 亙古永活的神, 自高天降卑, 背負我罪, 為我受死。 Who could imagine so great a mercy? What heart could fathom such boundless grace? The God of ages stepped down from glory To wear my sin and bear my shame

4 在十字架上, 宣告我赦免, 萬王之王竟選召我, 榮美的救主, 我願永屬你, 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 The cross has spoken, I am forgiven The King of kings calls me His own Beautiful Savior, I'm Yours forever Jesus Christ, my living hope

5 哈利路亞, 讚美主已釋放我, 哈利路亞, 死亡不再轄制我, 你已打破這鎖鏈, 彰顯你救贖恩典, 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me You have broken every chain There's salvation in Your name Jesus Christ, my living hope

6 哈利路亞, 讚美主已釋放我, 哈利路亞, 死亡不再轄制我, 你已打破這鎖鏈, 彰顯你救贖恩典, 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me You have broken every chain There's salvation in Your name Jesus Christ, my living hope

7 榮耀的清晨, 你成就應許, 受死的身體, 開始呼吸, 猶大的獅子, 打破了沈默, 宣告:墳墓不再轄制我! Then came the morning that sealed the promise Your buried body began to breathe Out of the silence, the Roaring Lion Declared the grave has no claim on me

8 榮耀的清晨, 你成就應許, 受死的身體, 開始呼吸, 猶大的獅子, 打破了沈默, 宣告:墳墓不再轄制我! Then came the morning that sealed the promise Your buried body began to breathe Out of the silence, the Roaring Lion Declared the grave has no claim on me

9 哈利路亞, 讚美主已釋放我, 哈利路亞, 死亡不再轄制我, 你已打破這鎖鏈, 彰顯你救贖恩典, 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me You have broken every chain There's salvation in Your name Jesus Christ, my living hope

10 哈利路亞, 讚美主已釋放我, 哈利路亞, 死亡不再轄制我, 你已打破這鎖鏈, 彰顯你救贖恩典, 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me You have broken every chain There's salvation in Your name Jesus Christ, my living hope

11 主耶穌, 永活盼望。 Jesus Christ, my living hope

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