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UNIT 6 The African-Americans

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1 UNIT 6 The African-Americans
All men are created equal. 王守仁 泛读教程 第二册 创思英语: 英语专业泛读课件 英语阅读课件

2 Dictation 堆积,积累 施加,运用 替代,替补 无形的,难捉摸的 被没收,丧失 恶化,变坏 镇压,抑制 超出,胜过 冲动的,草率的
自发的,自然的 accumulate exert substitute intangible forfeit deteriorate suppress exceed impulsive spontaneous 前一单元单词听写 创思英语 Andy原创!

3 Word Pretest Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 1. 他应该以身作则。
1. He ought to practise what he preaches. 2. 他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。 2. He tried to evade the embarrassing question. 单词与测试 创思英语 Andy原创! 3. She didn't want to commit herself. 3. 她不想明确表态。

4 Reading Comprehension
Keys: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 1. 民权运动 1. civil rights movement 2. nonviolence resistance 2. 非暴力抵抗 3. 诺贝尔和平奖 3. Nobel Peace Prize 4. 最高法院 阅读理解答案 短语 创思英语 Andy原创! 4. the Supreme Court 5. 静坐抗议 5. sit-in

5 Word Search 命运,天命 缓解、解脱 隔离主义者 联合抵制 静坐示威 遗产,遗留问题 慢性的,长期的 攻击,侵犯 困境,苦境
警惕的,警觉的 destiny relieve segregationist boycott sit-in legacy chronic assault plight vigilant 找词 查词 创思英语 Andy原创!

6 Semantic Variation Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C
1. Are there any classes I could observe? 2. 'He is a fine young man,' observed Stephen. 3. The army was observing a ceasefire. 1. He wants to transfer some money to the account. 2. I was transferred to the book department. 3. He likes to transfer from the bus to the metro line. 创思英语 Andy原创! 1. The tree grows well in his nurture. 2. She always nurtured great ambitions for her son. 3. Man learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.

7 Stems 1. immigrant 1. migrate, emigrate 2. import, export
2. report, deport, porter, transport 3. transcend 3. ascend, descend, condescend Convolve 盘旋 缠绕 词根词缀 创思英语 Andy 4. involve, revolve 4. evolve, devolve, convolve

8 Synonyms & Cloze Keys to Antonyms: 1. observe 2. admit 3. dismiss
4. eulogize advance Keys to Cloze: nominated raised immigrated earned rose assignment position army autobiography speaker 同义词 反义词 完形填空 创思英语 Andy原创!

9 Section B & C Keys to Section B:
1. T T F C B D D D 9. T F F F T T Keys to Section C: 1. A D D C C B D C 快速阅读 补充阅读 答案 创思英语 Andy原创!

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