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He who seizes the right moment, is the right man.

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Presentation on theme: "He who seizes the right moment, is the right man."— Presentation transcript:

1 He who seizes the right moment, is the right man.
--- Goethe   谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 ——歌德

2 高考读写任务 写作技巧点拨与学生习作评析 目标:消灭0分 超越20 by Helen (魏秀红制作)

3 Thinking Over 考查学生的概括能力和综合语言应用能力。 1.用30词概括; 2. 发表看法:可用自己亲身经历的或虚构的 故事
2. 发表看法:可用自己亲身经历的或虚构的 故事 趋势:从校园生活、家庭生活 时事热点

4 概要的写作(about 30 words) 关键词 记叙文 1 2 议论文 3 夹叙夹议文 要素串联法 主题概括法(论点+论据)

5 Don’t copy the sentences in the text.
Attention Don’t copy the sentences in the text. Use another word or phrase that has the same or similar meaning. Use different sentence structures to express the same idea.

6 Skills 第一段段首万能句型模板(概括) We may begin like this:
1. According to the passage, we know that... From the passage, we can know that... 2. In this passage, the writer / author states / thinks / argues that... 3. In this passage, the writer/author tells us about... 4. The story / passage is about... 5. The story / passage mainly tells us that... 6. It’s reported that... As is reported in the passage, ...

7 Skills 第二段万能句型模板(看法、经历)

8 Skills 第三段万能句型模板(总结)

9 家庭作业一: 万能写作模板: 三段的首句或可用于段中的套句 (写在作业本上,明天上交!)

10 第一步:审题 读写任务构思与写作步骤: 1.关键词或中心句 2.文体: 议论文,记叙文 3.时态:(概括:与文章相符) 看法:一般现在时
经历:一般过去时 表决心:一般将来时 4.人称:

11 第二步:Brainstorm(头脑风暴法)
What do you think of it at the first sight? Write it down in a few words (key words).

12 第三步:句式的选用 编! 长短句原则; 一二三原则; 短语优先原则;多变句式原则 能亮则亮,不亮就万能套句上路! 名人名言:编!
第三步:句式的选用 编! 长短句原则; 一二三原则; 短语优先原则;多变句式原则 能亮则亮,不亮就万能套句上路! 名人名言:编! As an old saying goes,“ ~~~~~~” A proverb says, “ ~~~~~~ ” It goes without saying that ~~~.(不言而喻---) 数字统计:编! According to a recent survey, ~~~~~~ 根据一项最新的调查,

13 In other words 思维短路? To take ~~~as an example,~~~~~~
It reminds me of my own experience, which will never escape from my memory. 又没话说了? I cannot bear it. That is to say, I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it. 举实例!尽管举例子! 换句话说!重复再重复! In other words

14 读写任务:阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
The family planning policy was introduced in the late 1970s to slow down population growth by limiting most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two children if their first child was a girl. According to the decision approved at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee held from November 9 to 12 in Beijing, the new policy will allow couples to have two children if one of them is an only child. After China announced its decision to loosen the one-child policy, heated discussion and controversy has broken out in the country.

15 The evening after the decision was issued, a major Chinese web portal started an online poll regarding "whether people would choose to have a second child." Thousands of people voted in less than two hours, and more than 60 percent of them said "yes." "The new policy will help keep the birth rate stable, preventing a sharp decline in population after it reaches the peak," said Zhang Yuanzhen, a professor at Henan Institute of Family Planning. It is estimated that China's population will reach a peak of 1.5 billion around 2033.

16 【写作内容】 1.以约30个词概括上文的主要内容 2.以约120个词谈谈你对放松计生政策的看法,内容包括: (1)假如长期坚持原来严格的计生政策,会有什么后 果? (2)你的看法 【写作要求】 1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照 阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。

17 第一步:审题 one possible version (参考答案)第一段概括
According to the passage, we can know that China announced its decision to loosen the former strict one-child policy, which has won the approval of most Chinese.

18 第二步Brainstorm Encouraging!!! Unfair!!!(农村较少独生子女,新政对城市地区的人有利) Pros
Cons (Hesitation) Baby boom Huge pressure to bear on food security,health, education or employment? No ! a population expert (题外话:外国Dink家族)

19 the sixth national census roughly 13million of China’s “black ”population without hukou
black kids struggle for hukou basic local welfare and public services family planning offices present a birth certificate and pay the social maintenance fee

20 Problems: the aging problem, imbalance of genders , decrease of working population.

21 第三步:句式的选用 编!

22 one possible version (参考答案) 第二三自然段
Due to the decades-long family planning policy, most families have only one child, which leads to the aging problem, imbalance of genders and decrease of working population.

23 I support the new policy to loosen the
one-child policy, but everyone should be able to have a second child regardless of whether he or she is the only child or not. The adjusted birth policy will not only meet many people’s expectations, but is in line with a long-term balanced development of the population in China. With the cost of raising a child in the city relatively high, people will think twice before they make a decision to have one more child, so such a policy will probably not bring about a sudden population explosion in the near future.

24 According to the passage, we can know that China announced its decision to loosen the former strict one-child policy, which has won the approval of most Chinese. Due to the decades-long family planning policy, most families have only one child, which leads to the aging problem, imbalance of genders and decrease of working population. I support the new policy to loosen the one-child policy, but everyone should be able to have a second child regardless of whether he or she is the only child or not. The adjusted birth policy will not only meet many people’s expectations, but is in line with a long-term balanced development of the population in China. With the cost of raising a child in the city relatively high, people will think twice before they make a decision to have one more child, so such a policy will probably not bring about a sudden population explosion in the near future.

25 书写要整洁美观!!! 学生习作评析: 面对popular mistakes,学会避免明显的错误) 学会在错误中成长
代词乱套 名词单复数不分 搭配不当 一味追求长句却用错! 书写要整洁美观!!! 学会在错误中成长 抓基础语法,抓写作词汇, 背常用固定搭配 用长句用错,不如用短句用对!

26 读写任务材料的再利用建议 ideas 阅读词汇&写作词汇 Ask yourself:
“What have I learned from the passage?” ideas Are there any other things good for you ? 读写任务材料的再利用建议 Suggestions: 1.如数字的表达:历年小作文基础写作均出现 2. 词汇的积累: 阅读词汇&写作词汇

27 下期看点:英语作文增分亮点 家庭作业二: Student Times(双语报) 第44期 A4版
读写任务: the Spring Festival Travel Rush Chunyun 春运 下期看点:英语作文增分亮点

28 Thank you for your listening!

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