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末世 “時序” --以救贖經綸為主軸的探討 Timeline of the Last Times --The Study Focus on Salvation Plan WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia.

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Presentation on theme: "末世 “時序” --以救贖經綸為主軸的探討 Timeline of the Last Times --The Study Focus on Salvation Plan WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia."— Presentation transcript:

1 末世 “時序” --以救贖經綸為主軸的探討 Timeline of the Last Times --The Study Focus on Salvation Plan
WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

2 主題綜纜 Theme Overview 3D+T 救贖執行 Execute the salvation 時序 Timeline 三度空間
時間 末日 Last Times 以前 Before (計畫 Plan) 創世Creation 之後 After (完成 Finish) 救贖執行 Execute the salvation 時序 Timeline WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

3 主旨 Objectives 看明真耶穌教會在真神救贖經綸的角色
To clarify the status of TJC in God’s salvation plan WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

4 主旨 Objectives 確認獨一真教會的基本信仰
To confirm the basic belief of One True Church. WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

5 真神救贖經綸的 “時序”綜纜 An Overview of the Timeline in God’s Salvation Plan
--舊約聖經的救贖 “時序” --The timeline in OT of God’s Salvation Plan WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

6 聖經 The Bible 中心主題: 救恩 中心人物: 基督耶穌 The central theme: Salvation
中心主題: 救恩 中心人物: 基督耶穌 The central theme: Salvation The central character: Christ Jesus WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

7 救贖計畫 Salvation Plan 基督在創世以前是預先被神知道的(彼前1:20)
基督的救贖 Christ was foreordained before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:20) Salvation of Christ WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

8 救贖計畫 Salvation Plan 從創世以來所隱藏的事 (太13:35)
天國的奧秘 The secret things from the foundation of the world (Mt. 13:35) Mysteries of the kingdom of God WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

9 救贖計畫 Salvation Plan 從創世以來為你們所預備的國 (太25:34)
神的國 The kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Mt. 25:34) Kingdom of God WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

10 救贖的執行 Execution of Salvation
主藉著從創世以來 聖先知的口所說的話 (路1:70) 興起拯救的角 As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, who have been since the world began (Lk. 1:70) A horn of salvation WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

11 救贖執行 Execution of Salvation
神從創世以來, 藉聖先知的口所說的 (徒3:21) 基督降生 God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began (Acts 3:21) The birth of Christ WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

12 救贖執行 Execution of Salvation
這話是從創世以來 , 顯明這事的主說的 (徒15:18) 重新修造 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world (Acts 15:18) Build again WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

13 救贖執行 Execution of Salvation
基督在這末世顯現一次, 把自己獻為祭, 好除掉罪 (來9:26) 基督獻自己 Hath Christ appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. (Heb. 9:26) Christ sacrificed WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

14 舊約救贖時序 OT Timeline 先前的殿 末後的殿 閃的家譜 (10) The former The latter 摩西被差
temple (王上1 Kgs. 8) 末後的殿 The latter temple (該Hag.2:9) 閃的家譜 (10) Genealogy of Shem (創Gen.11:10) 摩西被差 Moses sent (出 Ex.3) 創造 Creation 亞當的家譜 (10) Genealogy of Adam (創 Gen.5) 先知預言性時序 Prophetic timeline of prophets 亞伯拉罕蒙召 Abraham called (創Gen.12:2) 大衛的國度 Kingdom Of David WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

15 舊約先知預言性時序 Prophetic Timeline of Prophets
小角興起 A little horn 但 7:8, 25, 12:7 太24:15 末日審判 The final judgement 但12:2 一子降生 A son is born (Is. 7:14, 9:6-7 Jer. 30:9) 永不敗壞的國 A kingdom never be destroyed 但 Dan.2:44 像人子的駕天雲來 One like the Son of man Came with the clouds 但7:13-14 WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

16 彌賽亞與屬靈國度 Messiah & His Kingdom
A Child is born, a Son is given; the government will be upon His shoulder. Name called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

17 主耶穌揭示的末世“時序” Timing of End time in New testament revealed by Lord Jesus
WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

18 馬太福音十三章主耶穌所講的聯貫性比喻 The coherent parables of Lord Jesus in Matthew 13
1. 13:3 說有一個人撒種 a sower went out to sow   又設個比喻 Another parable He put forth 2. 13:24 天國好像 The Kingdom of heaven is like 3. 13:31 天國好像 The Kingdom of heaven is like 4. 13:33 天國好像 The Kingdom of heaven is like 沒說設比喻 Did not mention parable 5. 13:44 天國好像 The Kingdom of heaven is like 6. 13:45 天國又好像 The Kingdom of heaven is like 7. 13:47 天國又好像 The Kingdom of heaven is like 8. 13:52 說凡文士受教作天國的門徒 Every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

19 八比喻串連在一起,都在談論神國(教會)的發展,含有其歷史的時間性, 即從耶穌➡世界的末了。 When we put the eight parables together, they are talking about the development of the kingdom of God (Church). With an element of time in the History. From Lord Jesus ➡ End of the world. WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

20 第一個比喻:撒種的比喻 First Parable: Parable of the Sowers
1. 有一個撒種的出去(3)A sower went out to sow 2. 撒種者:主耶穌或門徒們,你或我 Sower : Lord Jesus or Disciples, You or Me 3. 種子:天國的道理 Seed: Word of the Kingdom 4. 以個人心田領受為基礎:個別的人心 reception is based on the heart of the individual: Various individual hearts. 5. 我用比喻對他們講(13) ➡ 傳講給猶太人(賽六9) I speak to them in parables (13) ➡ Speak to the Jews (Isa 6:9) Mat 太 13:23 100, 60, 30 逐次遞減 Decreasing Mark 可 4:8 30, 60, 100 逐次增加 Increasing Luke 路 8:8 100 結實百倍 Hundredfold WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

21 第二個比喻:稗子的比喻 Second Parable: Parable of the Tares
天國好像 the kingdom of heaven is like(24) 對門徒講 to the disciples(他們 them) 人子(撒種) son of man(Sower) ,天使 Angel(收割 Harvest)=耶穌 Jesus 種在祂(人子)的田裡(世界)Sow in His (Son of man) Field (world) 稗子 ➡ 及至人睡覺…..到長苗吐穗(使徒時代)…… 等著收割(末世真教會)= 跨越不同時期 Tares ➡ while men slept…… when grain had sprouted (Apostolic time) …… at the time of harvest (True Church in end time) = crossing over different periods of time. 好種=天國之子(復數)Good Seeds = Sons of the kingdom (plural) 稗子=那邪惡(單數)之子(復數) Tares = Sons(p) of the wicked one(s). 仇敵=魔鬼 enemy=Devil 收割 =世界的末了 harvest= end of the age 收在倉裡=在父的國裏 gathered = in the kingdom of the father WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

22 第三個比喻:芥菜種的比喻 Third Parable: Parable of the Mustard Seed
種子: 神的道 Seed:God’s word 田裏:是他(耶穌)的田裏 Field: belong to him (Lord Jesus) 變質:且成了樹=教會發展興旺,惟質已改變。Changed nature : Becomes a tree = the church prospers, but the nature changed. 神的教會變質,成了『大公教會』(Catholic Church), 這是羅馬大公教會與希臘東正教的前身 The Church of God changed; becomes “Catholic church”, which later become Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox. 飛鳥:惡者 Birds of the air: Evil Wicked one(Mat太13:4,19; Dan但4:21; Rev啟 18:1-2) 宿在它的枝上,居住在大公教會裏頭,那惡者活躍在教會裡。(Dan但4:12)Nest in its branches, dwelling in the Catholic church, the evil one is active in the church. 變質後 After the nature changed 真耶穌教會出現,道理完全(有聖經), 人一開始不完全 TJC appears, Truth is Perfect(Bible) but members are not perfect from the beginning. 使徒時代教會,人一開始完全 Apostolic church, members are perfect in the beginning WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

23 第四個比喻:麵酵的比喻 Fourth Parable: Parable of the leaven
真理漸漸變質 The Truth slowly go bad 1. 有婦人拿來:有軟弱如夏娃受誘惑的婦人拿來(cf 啟二20) Brought by a Woman: a woman who is weak like Eve when she was deceived. (Rev 2:20) 2. 麵酵 Leaven: 惡毒邪惡(1Co林前5:8)Malice and wickedness 教訓 (Mat太16:12)Doctrine 假冒為善(Luke路12:1)Hypocrisy 3. 不對他們說什麼 = 隱藏真理 (34) He did not speak to them = truth is hidden 用比喻對眾人說的話=傳福音於外邦 (Psalm詩68, Eph弗3:9) Spoke to the multitude in parables = Preaching the Gospel to Gentile. WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

24 第五個比喻:藏寶於田的比喻 Fifth Parable: Parable of the Hidden Treasure
(Mat太2:11)黃金,乳香,沒藥 Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (2Co林下4:7)職分,聖靈 Ministry, Holy Spirit (Mat太6:20)地寶成為天寶 Earthly treasure become heavenly T. (Mat太13:52) 一切的智慧的寶貝 All treasure of wisdom (Col西2:3)一切的智慧知識 All wisdom and Knowledge 2. 藏在地裏:隱藏在他(耶穌)的田裏 Hidden in field: hidden in his (Lord Jesus) field 買這塊地 Buying the field 這都是預備工作 These are preparation work. WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

25 第六個比喻:尋珠的比喻 Sixth Parable: Parable of seeking Pearl
1. 尋找重價的珠子=真理 Seeking pearl of great price = Truth 2. 變賣一切所有的=放棄一切 Sold all that he had = give up everything 3. 買這顆珠子=真耶穌教會 Bought the Pearl = True Jesus Church WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

26 第七個比喻:撒網的比喻 Seventh Parable: Parable of the Net
撒網:傳福音 Cast the net:Preach the Gospel 海裡:世界 into the sea:into the world 各樣水族:各種的人fish of every kind:people of every kind 人(天使)就拉起來=審判 Men (Angel) drew it ashore = Judgment 從義人中把惡人分別出來 Separate the evil from the righteous 撿好的收在器具裡=天國 The good will be stored = Heaven 不好的丟棄=地獄(火爐) The bad will be thrown out = Hell (fiery furnace) WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

27 第八個比喻:作天國的門徒 Eighth Parable: Trained for the kingdom of Heaven
文士受教=從庫裡拿出新舊的東西 The Scribe who has been trained = Brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

28 啟示錄中的“末世時序" 真教會的行事曆 經文 印 馬 顏色 騎馬者 權柄結果 1~2 1印 1馬 白 弓 冠冕:勝又勝 3~4 2印 2馬 紅 刀 奪太平、相殺 5~6 3印 3馬 黑 天平 斤斤計較 7~8 4印 4馬 灰 死亡陰間 四大災 9~11 5印 受到大逼迫 WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

29 啟示錄中的“末世時序" 六12~17 6印 世界末日 八 1 7印 主再臨的審判 WDC 3/22/2019
六12~17 6印 世界末日 八 印 主再臨的審判 WDC 3/22/2019 Olive Garden, Malaysia

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