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Schedule of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Sep 2019– Jan 2020)

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1 古宏海
Schedule of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Sep 2019– Jan 2020) Week Date Topic Chapter Organization and General Plan of the Body 1 The Tissues and Membranes 4 The Integument 5 The Skeletal System 6 The Muscular System 7 The Nervous System 8 st Midterm Examination The Senses, Eye and Ear 9 The Endocrine System 10 The Cardiovascular System 12, 13 The Blood and Lymphatic System 11, 14 nd Midterm Examination The Urinary System and the Body Fluid 18, 19 The Respiratory System 15 The Digestive System and Metabolism (I) 16, 17 The Digestive System and Metabolism (II) 16, 17 The Reproductive System 20 Final Examination Textbook: Valerie C. Scanlon and Tina Sanders. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. F. A. Davis Company, 7th Edition, 2015. Reference: (王霈) 1. 古宏海、邱美妙總校閱。解剖學, 高立圖書有限公司, 2013。 2. Gerard J. Tortora and Bryan Derrickson. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition, 2010. Course grading: Assignments, quiz and attendance: 30% Examination: 70% (1st midterm + 2nd midterm + final) 古宏海

2 relief of evil/pressure
Anatomy 解剖學 Physiology 生理學 Pathophysiology 病生理學 探討 Structure (size,形,色) Function Functional disorder 舉例 RBC血紅素Fe Fe 攜帶 O2 缺 Fe 造成 anemia (貧血) Prehistoric era Heart & survival Physiology Physio=nature -logy=study of Anatomy Ana=up, back tome=to cut Trepanation 環鑽術 relief of evil/pressure

3 人體解剖學 大體解剖學 (Gross Anatomy) 顯微解剖學 (Microscopic Anatomy)
體表解剖學 (surface anatomy):研究外部形態和表面特徵 局部解剖學 (regional anatomy):研究特定部位的構造 系統解剖學 (systemic anatomy):研究各器官系統的構造 顯微解剖學 (Microscopic Anatomy) 細胞學 (cytology):研究細胞(生命最簡單位)的內部構造 組織學 (histology):探討成群特化細胞及其產物的結構關係

4 Ch1 Organization and General Plan of the Body
1. Levels of organization (結構層次) chemicals-cell-tissue-organ-organ system -body (the rest of “us”) 2. Metabolism & homeostasis (代謝與恆定) 3. Terminology & general plan of the body (名詞與概念) parts, areas, cavities, membranes, planes

5 Levels of Organization
Inorganic: 1或2元素, 無 C(CO/CO2例外) Organic: 醣, 脂, 蛋白質, 核酸 - O>C,H,N,Ca,P 細胞 組織 組成: 構造和功能相似的細胞 有4種: 上皮, 結締, 肌肉, 神經 A city of cells: >200種, 共約1012 cells Life process(代謝): 生長, 修復, 感應, 生殖 器官 組織 “合作” e.g., 1 bone… (11-system) 1.各系統 Interdependent 2.血輸送 O2/營養/廢物 3.協調、穩定(=恆定=健康)

6 人體各器官系統 (11)

7 Gem-algae

8 Metabolism 代謝 ----- (生理功能)
-metabol (Gr.) = change (巨觀、微觀、分子觀) -體內所有化學反應、物理過程的總集合 -有variations (within normal range) -生命特徵: 代謝、生長、修護、反應、生殖 -metabolic rate: 身體產生能、熱的速率(../時間) Good Health (=Homeostasis 恆定) 1. Homeostasis between environment & behavior  In normal or stable metabolism (ranges)  Is equilibrium (dynamic)  Constant change (with variations) 2. Mainly controlled by nervous & endocrine systems 3. Affected by: air, food, thought

9 Control of Homeostasis
--靠 Feedback (回饋) Systems 1. Parts: Receptor, control center, effector 2. 類型: Negative or positive system Negative Feedback System 1. Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback systems 2. Negative means “opposite” (not “bad”) 3. These systems reverse (逆轉) a change in the controlled variable, bring it back to “normal” 4. e.g. blood pressure (BP), heart rate, hormone, 體溫-流汗…(代謝)

10 Negative Feedback System

11 Positive Feedback System Few (rare) homeostatic control mechanisms
are of this type These systems strengthen a change and require external “brake” (outside force) Examples - Bacteria infection causes fever - Systems that control blood clotting - Hormonal control of ovulation - Contractions of uterus cause even more contractions at child birth

12 解剖學姿勢 雙手下垂於體側,掌心朝前站立。 仰躺 (supine) 臉朝上躺 俯臥 (prone) 臉朝下趴

13 解剖學術語

14 解剖學的方位 Superficial Deep

15 (方位) (向頭部) 成對

16 Body cavities and membranes
顱腔 脊髓腔 胸腔 腹腔 骨盆腔

17 The Thoracic Cavity

18 臟層胸膜

19 Good health- Homeostasis is the basis

20 Planes & Sections 切面 cross/horizontal 額狀 frontal 橫/水平 (分成上下)
/冠狀coronal (分成前後) 橫/水平 (分成上下) cross/horizontal 矢狀Arrow (分成左右邊) 斜切 oblique



23 Medical imaging techniques
Computed Tomography (切片攝影)  tumor Magnetic resonance image --protons spin & line-up  radio wave pulsed protons return, signal --for soft tissue (H2O) Positron emission tomography (PET) -- 18FDG (sugar) injected  positron &  rays emitted --detect metabolism (活動、供血) --檢癌準確性90% --eclipsed by functional MRI (量O2) --color (表活性 Red>Y>G>Blue)

24 f MRI - 似 PET, video呈現Anat &Phys - 橘色: (視覺+空間分析) A: driving
(Post. View) f MRI - 似 PET, video呈現Anat &Phys - 橘色: (視覺+空間分析) A: driving B: + talking (driving專注力) - appl. Brain check (血流,活動)

25   Father of physiology  Hippocrates Andreas Vesalius
Haller (18th)-神經,肌(可激) Bernald (19th)-胰  Hippocrates ( B.C.) Father of medicine Andreas Vesalius ( ) Father of anatomy Woodcut, U Padua (1493)


27 Human Anat & Physiol vs. Dept HP&HE
國立台灣師範大學 健康促進與衛生教育學系於民國四十八年正式設立, 是國內唯一培養衛生教育專業人才的場所。 我們注重對人的關懷、對生命的尊重, 強調提高健康品質與預防疾病, 讓教育、輔導能優於治療及復健。 Human Anat & Physiol vs. Dept HP&HE 認知,期望…

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