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In the World but not of the World –

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1 In the World but not of the World –
在世界中但不屬於世界 In the World but not of the World – 教會中的困難(難處) Difficulties in Church (1) 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 7 章

2 - 身子是為主 Body is for the Lord (6:13)
前言 Introduction - 身子是為主 Body is for the Lord (6:13) - 是基督的肢体 Your bodies are members of Christ (6:15) - 身子是聖靈的殿 Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (6:19) - 不是自已的 You are not your own (6:19) - 應當保持身子聖潔, 要在身子上榮耀神 Keep your body holy, glorify God in your body (6:20)

3 A. 婚姻的原則 Principles of Marriage (7:1-9)
- 可免淫亂 Because of sexual immorality, let people have their own spouse (7:2) - 主所設立的,為著主的旨意 Ordained by God, for God’s purpose (創Gen. 1:27,28) * - 照著各人所領受神的恩賜 Each one has his own gift from God (7:7)

4 B. 關於已婚者 Concerning the married (7:10-24)
- 成為一体,不可分開 (主吩咐)Two became one flesh, let no one separate them (the Lord command) (7:10,11;創Gen. 2:24; 太Matt. 19:6) - 為專心禱告,暫時分房 Give yourselves to fasting and prayer, separate for a time (7:5) - 防備撒但引誘 Beware of Satan’s temptation (7:5) *

5 - 如有不信配偶 For the unbelieving spouse
(7:12-16) - 守住蒙召時的身份 Remain with God in the state in which he was called (7:19,24)

6 C. 關於守童身,和未婚的 Concerning virgins and the unmarried (7:28-38)
- 是神的恩賜 A gift from God (7:7) - 無所掛慮,為主的事掛慮 being without care, care for the things of the Lord (7:32) - 身体,靈魂都聖潔 May be holy both in body and in spirit (7:34) - 得以殷勤服事主,沒有分心的事 may serve the Lord without distraction (7:35) - 守素安常 It is good for a man remain as he is (7:26)

7 D. 關於再婚 Concerning remarrying (7:39-40)
- 婚姻關係因死亡和淫亂而解除 Marriage tie can only be broken by death and fornication (7:39; 太 Matt.19:9) - 與在主裡的人 Remarry to the one in the Lord (7:39) - 保羅的意見,守節更有福氣 According to Paul’s judgment, she is happier if she remains as she is (7:40)

8 實行 Practice: 1. 耶穌基督並祂釘十字架,是教會難處的唯一解答 Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the only solution of all the difficulties in Church (林前 1 Corin. 2:2) 2. 但與主聯合的,便是與主成為一靈 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him (6:17) 3. 靠靈得生,靠靈行事 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit (加拉太書5:13,16-25)

9 結論 Conclusion: 1. 結婚,不結婚都是為著主 Marry or not marry, it is for the Lord 2. 生命長大,成為屬靈的,不作屬肉体的 Grow in life, be spiritual and not carnal 3. 保持身子聖潔,在身子上榮耀神 Keep your body holy, glorify God in your body 4. 在世界中但不屬世界,籍教會實行並實現神的國 We are in the world but not of the world, to practice and to bring in God’s Kingdom

10 - 起初神造男,造女 In the beginning, God created male and female (Gen. 1:27)
生養眾多,遍滿地面,使他們治理,管理…Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over… (Gen 1:28) 婚姻是為著神的目的,為神的國度,是神聖的Marriage is for God’s purpose and for His Kingdom, therefore it is sacred - 撒但破壞婚姻 Satan damage church by destroying marriage and family

11 撒但的破壞 Satan’s destruction
- 隨意挑選 They took wives for themselves of all whom they chose (Gen 6:2) - 身体成為肉体 Body became flesh (Eph 2:3) - 不知神的目的,輕看神所設立的婚姻 Not knowing God’s purpose and despise the marriage established by God

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