Zhenqin Tian, Wende Middle School, Zhenyuan county

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1 Zhenqin Tian, Wende Middle School, Zhenyuan county
镇远舞阳河桃花水母的探究 Exploring the freshwater jellyfish in Wuyang River, Zhenyuan county 镇远文德中学 田政琴 Zhenqin Tian, Wende Middle School, Zhenyuan county

2 背景 Background 距离县城向西约15公里处,有国家级风景名胜区——舞阳河。河中发现桃花水母,它被称为生物进化研究的“活化石”,是一种淡水水母,是地球上原始、低等的无脊椎腔肠动物,它以“水母体——水螅体——水母体”世代交替的生命形式存在,记录着地球生命发展历程。据了解,在我国每年都能观赏到淡水水母的,就唯有贵州省镇远县舞阳河风景区。因此我们产生了浓厚的兴趣,于是开展了这一探究课题。 15 miles west of Zhenyuan county, Guizhou Province lies the national scenic spot- Wuyang River, the only place nationwide that you can expect the freshwater jellyfish on a yearly basis. Freshwater jellyfish, nicknamed “the living fossil”, is a low-form Coelenterate alternates its life form between jellyfish and hydra for generations, recording the development of the living of earth. It fascinates us a lot so we carried out a research

3 探究过程 Steps of Research 查阅资料: Literature Reviewing 调查走访: Investigation
实地考察:Field Visit 采集样本回学校观察: Specimen Collecting and Study 结果分析讨论:Discussion & Analysis 撰写论文:Essay Writing

4 调查走访 Collect Data

5 实地考察 Field Visit

6 实地考察 Field Visit

7 实地考察 Field Visit

8 采集样本 Specimen Collecting

9 在校探究 Experiments at school


11 水质 Water Quality 桃花水母的生存环境 Environment 出现的时间 Time of Appearance
2010:在7月至8月下旬出现,是近几年出现最短的,且每天在13:00—16:00上浮。Freshwater jellyfish floated everyday from 13:00-16:00pm, in July and late August. The period stands as the shortest in recent years 2012:在6月至11月初(至今)仍然大量出现,据调查所知,是近10年出现最多,时间最长的一年。Bloom from June to the closing of the report. The longest appearance of the last decade 水质 Water Quality 人为痕迹少,弱酸性水质。PH为 之间 Rarely trodden, weak acid water body, PH ≈  

12 水温: 约25 oC—32 oC 光照: 水深: 水流: 天气晴朗,光照好才见上浮 约0.5-5米 水的流速很慢,水面流速约0.1m/s
Water Temperature: around 25 oC—32 oC 光照: 天气晴朗,光照好才见上浮 Lightening: Float only in sunny days with abundant light 水深: 约0.5-5米 Depth of Water: from around meters 水流: 水的流速很慢,水面流速约0.1m/s Speed of flow: Slow speed, around 0.1m/s on the surface

13 在探究过程中出现很多困难和不足之处。如:器材不全,导致测量水深、水温和水的污染程度有所误差,另外,无法制作标本。而今年11月份出现的水母之多,可用“爆发”两个字来形容,有人问这是否是一种“污染”,或是污染导致的结果,待续研究。 We confronted difficulties and imperfections like insufficient equipments and inability to make samples, resulting in water temperature, depth and pollution measuring error. On the other side, the explosion in number of freshwater jellyfish this November leaves us pondering if it’s a pollution, or a result of pollution. Research is to be continued.

14 总而言之,对生命个体的探究,其目的是:从不同的角度发现生物体生活习性,揭示生命的生活规律或起源,为其他事业(医、药、文、卫)提供理论基础 。同时,在探究过程中也给学生带来乐趣,有助于他们对大自然的热爱,为今后的学习和成长带来很大的帮助。 In a word, the aim of exploring a creature is to discover its characters in multiple ways, revealing the law or origin of life, thus founding a theoretical basis serving other purposes like medicine, drugs, culture or health. Meanwhile it merits the students by bringing great fun and passion for nature.

15 谢谢!Thank you

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