主在墳墓安睡,耶穌,我救主! 等待復活日來,耶穌,我主! 主從墳墓裏復活, 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡;

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Presentation on theme: "主在墳墓安睡,耶穌,我救主! 等待復活日來,耶穌,我主! 主從墳墓裏復活, 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡;"— Presentation transcript:

1 主在墳墓安睡,耶穌,我救主! 等待復活日來,耶穌,我主! 主從墳墓裏復活, 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡;
Christ Arose 主復活 S210-1/6 主在墳墓安睡,耶穌,我救主! Low in grave He lay, Jesus, My Savior ! 等待復活日來,耶穌,我主! Waiting the coming day, Jesus, My Lord ! 主從墳墓裏復活, Up from the grave He arose 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡; With a mighty triumph o’er His foes

2 主耶穌復活,得勝黑暗君王, 從此永遠與聖徒一同做王; 主復活!主復活! 哈利路亞!主復活!
Christ Arose 主復活 S210-2/6 主耶穌復活,得勝黑暗君王, He arose a victory from the dark domain, 從此永遠與聖徒一同做王; And He lives forever with His saints to reign; 主復活!主復活! He arose, He arose. 哈利路亞!主復活! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

3 兵丁守墓無用,耶穌,我救主! 封石也歸虛空,耶穌,我主! 主從墳墓裏復活, 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡;
Christ Arose 主復活 S210-3/6 兵丁守墓無用,耶穌,我救主! Vainly they watched His bed, Jesus, My Savior. 封石也歸虛空,耶穌,我主! Vainly they sealed the dead, Jesus, My Lord! 主從墳墓裏復活, Up from the grave He arose 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡; With a mighty triumph o’er His foes

4 主耶穌復活,得勝黑暗君王, 從此永遠與聖徒一同做王; 主復活!主復活! 哈利路亞!主復活!
Christ Arose 主復活 S210-4/6 主耶穌復活,得勝黑暗君王, He arose a victory from the dark domain, 從此永遠與聖徒一同做王; And He lives forever with His saints to reign; 主復活!主復活! He arose, He arose. 哈利路亞!主復活! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

5 死權不能困主,耶穌,我救主! 因已被主得勝,耶穌,我主! 主從墳墓裏復活, 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡;
Christ Arose 主復活 S210-5/6 死權不能困主,耶穌,我救主! Death could not keep his prey, Jesus, My Savior! 因已被主得勝,耶穌,我主! He tore the bars away, Jesus, My Lord! 主從墳墓裏復活, Up from the grave He arose 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡; With a mighty triumph o’er His foes

6 主耶穌復活,得勝黑暗君王, 從此永遠與聖徒一同做王; 主復活!主復活! 哈利路亞!主復活!
Christ Arose 主復活 S210-6/6 主耶穌復活,得勝黑暗君王, He arose a victory from the dark domain, 從此永遠與聖徒一同做王; And He lives forever with His saints to reign; 主復活!主復活! He arose, He arose. 哈利路亞!主復活! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

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