耶和華是愛 Jehovah is Love.

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1 耶和華是愛 Jehovah is Love

2 耶和華是愛 讓我安歇青草溪水邊 神令我省察心中的幽暗 共度每一天
耶和華是愛 讓我安歇青草溪水邊 神令我省察心中的幽暗 共度每一天 Jehovah is love, who lay me on pasture by the stream God reveals the darkness in my heart; and walk with me everyday Jehovah is Love 1/4

3 耶和華是愛 在困境中他保守引领 神為我擺設豐盛的恩典 在危難也不改變
Jehovah is love, who protects and guides me in hard times God shows His faithfulness and grace to me when I am in fiery trials Jehovah is Love 2/4

4 在世間主恩與共 他的愛常在我身邊 神為我施恩惠, 保守勉勵 共同渡此生
In this world, God’s love for me will never change He comes alongside to walk with me through life’s ups and downs Jehovah is Love 3/4

5 耶和華是愛 讓我安歇青草溪水邊 無限滿足快樂湧自心田 在危難也不改變
耶和華是愛 讓我安歇青草溪水邊 無限滿足快樂湧自心田 在危難也不改變 Jehovah is love, who lay me on pasture by the stream There is joy inside me like a foun-tain for I know God is with me Jehovah is Love 4/4

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