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The Glory of God’s Justice: Part 1 Old Testament 上帝正義的榮耀: 第一部分 – 舊約

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1 The Glory of God’s Justice: Part 1 Old Testament 上帝正義的榮耀: 第一部分 – 舊約
Justice is not a standard God follows: HE IS THE STANDARD! 正義不是上帝遵行的標準:祂就是標準! Justice flows from Him. An eternal immutable attribute of His glory. (Isa. 40:14; Ex. 34:6-7) 正義從祂流出,是祂的榮耀的永恆,不改變的屬性. Justice is that perfection of God’s nature whereby he is infinitely righteous in Himself & in all he does. 正義是上帝本質的完美,祂自身是公正的,且凡祂所做的全是公正的.

2 Justice as it applies to Mankind is… 正義應用在人類身上是…
“Just behavior or treatment.” 「公正的行為或對待.」 “The quality of being fair & impartial” 「公平,不偏私的品質. 」 “The administration of ‘The Law’ in maintaining Justice.” 「維持正義時的『執法』.」 When an individual or Nation does this they are “Righteous” & will be exalted by God (Prov. 14:34; 4:18; Deut. 4:6-8; 28:1-14) 當個人或國家行使正義, 他們就稱為「公義的」, 且被上帝高舉(箴14:34; 申4:6-8, 28:1-14)

3 Justice as it applies to Mankind: 正義應用在人類身上:
Justice is an uncompromising allegiance to God’s moral standard 正義是不妥協地效忠於上帝的 道德標準. “Justice” & “Righteousness” used interchangeably in the Bible 聖經裡「正義」與「公義」 交互使用.

4 Justice as it applies to Mankind: 正義應用在人類身上:
When a person or situation is “Just” they are “right” or “as they were created to be.” (Ezek. 18:5; Hosea 14:9) 當一人或情況是「公正的」, 他們就是「正確的」, 或稱「合乎他們被造的樣式」(以西結18:5; 何西阿14:9) When we violate God’s moral standard (sin) we are no longer “right” with God and must be Judged for every violation. 當我們違背上帝的道德標準(犯罪), 我們在上帝面前不再「正確」,必須受每一項罪過的審判. All moral perversity is abhorrent to a Holy & moral God 所有道德上的變態,都是聖潔,道德的上帝所憎惡的.

5 The Glory of God’s Justice 上帝正義的榮耀
As the perfectly Just & righteous Creator of everything, God Himself is the moral standard for all mankind. (Deut. 32:4) 身為完全正義,且公義的造物主, 上帝自身就是所有人類的道德標準(申32:4). “Be ye holy ; for I am holy” (I Pet. 1:15-16; Lev. 19:2; Matt. 5:48) 「你們要聖潔;因為我是聖潔的」(彼前1:15-16;利19:2;太5:48). Thus God is the Judge of all the earth! (Gen. 18:25;). 因此上帝是全地的審判者! (創18:25) He will never compromise Justice in any way (2 Chron. 19:6-7) 祂永遠不會以任何方式妥協正義 (代下19:6-7).

6 Man’s Problem in light of God’s Justice 鑒於上帝的正義,人的問題
Because God is Just & righteous He must Judge all the earth. 由於上帝公正且公義,祂必須審 判全地(創18:25). Justice requires we get what we deserve based on God’s omniscience of everything we did & why we did it! 根據上帝對萬事以及動機的全知, 我們獲得自己該得的!

7 The Justice of a Sovereign God Reigns over History 全能上帝的正義統管歷史
Created in God’s image (Gen. 1:26-27), we long for moral justice to prevail & are outraged when we see injustice (2 Sam. 12:1-14). 我們按照上帝的形像被造(創1:26-27), 內心渴望正義戰勝;當看見不公正時,我們會憤慨(撒下12:1-14). So if a Just God is the Sovereign Judge of all things how do we explain the seeming injustices manifest in History? 所以,倘若公正的上帝統管萬有,我們如何解釋歷史中顯出的不公正呢? Why sometimes the wicked prosper & innocent suffer? 為何有時邪惡的人昌盛,而無辜者受苦呢?

8 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20
The Glory of God’s Justice must be understood in Light of Eternity 上帝正義的榮耀必須從永恆的觀點來明白 From our limited perspective in this fallen World we often think “Life is not fair.” Then we wrongly think God is not fair 從我們在這墮落的世界有限的觀點來看,我們經常認為「人生不公平」, 然後錯誤地認為上帝不公平. Time: History 時間:歷史 Eternity Past 永恆的過去 Eternity Future 永恆的未來 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20 Gen. 1& 2 Rev. 21 & 22

9 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20
Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20 is the History of how a Just & Loving God is working out redemption in a Fallen World 創世記3章到啟示錄20章是公正且慈愛的上帝如何在這墮落的世界施行救贖的歷史. God’s Book answers life’s 3 great questions: “Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” “Where am I going?” 上帝的聖書回答人生三個重大問題:我從哪來?我為何在此?我將去哪? Time: History 時間:歷史 Eternity Past 永恆的過去 Eternity Future 永恆的未來 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20 Eternity Past Gen. 1& 2 Rev. 21 & 22

10 God’s Justice must be understood in Light of Eternity 上帝的正義必須從永恆的觀點來明瞭
Only when we enter “Eternity Future” will we understand how God “worked all things for good for us who love Him” (Rom. 8:28) 只有當我們進入「永恆的未來」,我們才明瞭上帝如何「為愛祂的人使萬事互相效力」(羅8:28). Eternity Past 永恆的過去 Eternity Future 永恆的未來 Time: History 時間:歷史 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20 Gen. 1& 2 Rev. 21 & 22

11 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20
It is hard to grasp the glorious perfections of eternity when we are passing through the dark tunnel of time. 當我們經過時間的黑暗隧道時,我們很難捕捉永恆榮耀的完美. Eternity Past 永恆的過去 Time: History 時間:歷史 Eternity Future 永恆的未來 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20 Eternity Past Gen. 1& 2 Gen. 21 & 22

12 God’s Book Reveals History Controlled by a Righteous God
God’s Book Reveals History Controlled by a Righteous God. We Learn of the Perfection of God’s Justice 上帝的聖書啟示公義的上帝掌管歷史,我們學到上帝的正義是完美的 God has revealed “The Beginning” & “The End” of History. 上帝已啟示歷史的「開始」與「末了」. As well as the source, purpose, and future of my life! 以及我人生的來源,目的,和未來!

13 賽41:22 …說明先前的是什麼事,好叫我們思索,得知事的結局,或者把將來的事指示我們。
God rebukes every false religion that doesn’t know the Beginning of our world nor how it will End. 上帝斥責每一不知世界起頭和結束的假信仰 (Isa 41:22) “… let them show the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come. 賽41:22 …說明先前的是什麼事,好叫我們思索,得知事的結局,或者把將來的事指示我們。 (41:23) Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods… (also Isa. 45:21; 46:9-10; 48:3-5; John 13:19) 賽41:23 - 要說明後來的事,好叫我們知道你們是神…(賽45:21, 46:9-10, 48:3-5; 約13:19)

14 Illustration: Corrie Ten-Boom 彭柯麗
Her entire Family died in German concentration Camps for helping the Jews 她全家人因幫助猶太人而死在德國集中營.

15 One time Corrie was sewing while she was being interviewed…一次,柯麗在被訪談時綉著東西
All we could see was the back… 我們只能看見後面…

16 God’s Character Guarantees all wrongs will be made right, & all rights rewarded on “The Day of Judgment” (Rom. 2:5; Matt. 12:36; 2Tim. 4:8; 2Pet. 2:9; 3:7; I John 4:17) 上帝的品格保證 - 所有的錯將被改正,所有的對將在「審判日」被獎賞 (羅2:5; 太12:36; 彼後2:9, 3:7; 約一4:17) God is the perfect Judge because He has total authority over everything He created. (God is Sovereign) 上帝是完美的審判者,因祂對所造的萬物有自主權 (上帝是自主的) God is the perfect Judge because He is perfectly Just & righteous (He is no respecter of persons) (Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:11; I Pet. 1:17) 上帝是完美的審判者,因祂本身是公正又公義的(不偏待人) (徒10:34; 羅2:11; 彼前1:17).

17 God’s Character Guarantees all wrongs will be made right when “Judgment day” arrives (Rom. 2:5) 上帝的品格保證 - 所有的錯將在「審判日」到達時被改正 God is the perfect Judge because He is omniscient & all wise (God knows every Deed, Word, Thought & Motive) 上帝是完美的審判者,因祂全知且全智(祂知道每個行為, 話語,思想,與動機). God is the perfect Judge because He is powerful enough to enforce every just sentence (God is omnipotent) 上帝是完美的審判者,因祂的能力足以執行每個公正的判決(祂是全能的).

18 Revelation from the O.T. that God is Just and must execute Judgment on every sin 舊約啟示上帝是正義的,且必須執行對每個罪的審判 (Rom 1:18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 羅1:18 - 原來,神的忿怒從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上,就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。 As the Perfect Judge God must inflict upon all sin & wrongdoing the penalty it deserves! 上帝是完美的審判者, 祂必須判決罪及犯錯當得的處罰!

19 The wrath of God’s Justice (Rom
The wrath of God’s Justice (Rom. 1:18-21) is revealed in… 上帝正義的憤怒顯明在…(羅1:18-21) God’s Judgment on Adam & Eve for disobeying His command. 審判亞當和夏娃,他們違背祂的吩咐. Have you ever disobeyed a command of God? 你曾違背上帝的一個吩咐嗎?

20 Justice was revealed when… 正義顯明, 當….
God Judged the whole world in Noah’s day for their evil thoughts (Gen. 6:5) 在挪亞的日子因世 人的邪念而審判全世界(創6:5). Do you ever have evil thoughts? 你曾有邪念嗎?

21 God’s Justice was revealed when… 上帝的正義顯明, 當….
God Judged the People of Babel for their vain pride (Gen. 11:1-9) 上帝因人虛空的驕傲而審判巴別人(創11:1-9).

22 Do you ever suffer from vain pride? 你曾因虛空的驕傲而受苦嗎?

23 The Whole World is proudly rebelling against God! 全世人都驕傲地背叛上帝!

24 God’s Justice is revealed in… 上帝的正義顯明在…
God’s Judgment on Sodom & Gomorrah for immorality (Gen. 18:25) 祂審判所多瑪和娥摩拉的淫亂(創18:25). Have you ever been immoral? 你曾淫亂嗎? Layers of Ash

25 火與硫磺從天降下(創19:24), 今天在那還可找到!
Rained Fire & Brimstone from Heaven (Gen. 19:24) You can still find it there today! 火與硫磺從天降下(創19:24), 今天在那還可找到!

26 God Emphasizes His Justice by His Judgment of Sodom & Gomorrah 上帝藉審判所多瑪和娥摩拉強調祂的正義
Isaiah 1:9-10; 3:9; 13:19 “the sin of Sodom”; Ezekiel 16:49-50; Jeremiah 6:15; 8:12; 20:16; 49:18; 50:40; Lamentations 4:6; Deuteronomy 29:23; 32:32-35; Psalms 11:6; 107:34; Amos 4:11; Zephaniah 2:9; Matthew 11:23-24; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:12; 17:28-29; Romans 9:29; Peter 2:6; Jude 7

27 猶1:7 - 又如所多瑪、蛾摩拉和周圍城邑的人,也照他們一味的行淫,隨從逆性的情慾,就受永火的刑罰,作為鑑戒。
Believe the Lessons of History or be Doomed to Repeat them! 要相信歷史的功課,要不然一定會重蹈覆轍! Jude 1:7 “Even as Sodom & Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” 猶1:7 - 又如所多瑪、蛾摩拉和周圍城邑的人,也照他們一味的行淫,隨從逆性的情慾,就受永火的刑罰,作為鑑戒。

28 The Wrath of God’s Judgment revealed in His… 上帝審判的憤怒顯明在祂的…
Judgment on Egypt for persecuting His people (Exodus 7 thru 12) 審判埃及,因他們逼迫屬神的百姓 (出7-12章). Judgment on Israel for worshipping the golden calf (Ex. 32:26-35) 審判以色列人,因他們敬拜金牛犢 (出32:26-35).

29 The Wrath of God’s Judgment revealed in His… 上帝審判的憤怒顯明在祂的…
Judgment on Nadab & Abihu for disrespect in worship (Lev. 10) 審判拿達,亞比戶, 因他們不敬重敬拜的事 (利10章). Judging Achan for coveting & stealing (Joshua 7) 審判亞干,因他貪戀和偷竊 (書7章). The O.T. is filled with the righteous Judgment of God upon all the unrighteousness (sin) of man (Eccles. 11:9; 12:14; Rom. 1:18-21) 舊約滿了公義的上帝審判人所有的不義 (罪)(傳11:9, 12:14; 羅1:18-21).

30 在上帝與罪惡之間的衝突將到達一個榮耀的終了!在耶穌裡得勝!(啟19-21章).我如何站在獲勝的一方?
The Scriptures give amble proof that all evil will be disposed of decisively, Justly, & permanently. 聖經給出充足的證據, 所有的罪惡將決定性地, 公正地, 永久地被了結. The conflict between Good & Evil will come to a glorious end! Victory in Jesus! (Rev ). How do I get on the winning side? 在上帝與罪惡之間的衝突將到達一個榮耀的終了!在耶穌裡得勝!(啟19-21章).我如何站在獲勝的一方?

31 But while we are passing through this dark Tunnel of Human History, NEVER FORGET… 當我們經過人類歷史這黑暗隧道時,總不可忘記… Actions lead to consequences. 行動導致後果, Good actions (righteousness) leads to good results 好行動(公義)導致好結果, Bad actions (sin) brings bad results 壞行動(罪)帶來壞結果.

32 NEVER FORGET Our Hopeless situation Before God 不要忘記我們在上帝面前無望的景況
(Ps. 14:3) “They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.” (Ps. 53:1, 3; Romans 3:10-12, 23) 詩14:3 -他們都偏離正路,一同變為污穢;並沒有行善的,連一個也沒有 (詩53:1,3; 羅3:10-12,23)。 We will all be Judged by the inescapable moral Law of Creation. 我們將依據無法逃避的創造道德律受審判. Illustration: Clever Lawyer and his cigars

33 We have a Choice: Receive Justice or Receive Mercy 我們的選擇:接受正義或接受憐憫
Because of Christ’s perfect righteousness, He can save me from the Just consequences of my sin! 由於基督完美的公義,祂能救我不受罪的公正後果!

34 Jesus took the Judgment due our sin on the Cross! 耶穌在十字架上取了我的罪該得的審判
(Isa 53:5) But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; & with his stripes we are healed. 賽53:5 - 哪知他為我們的過犯受害,為我們的罪孽壓傷。因他受的刑罰,我們得平安;因他受的鞭傷,我們得醫治。

35 Jesus took the Judgment due our sin on the Cross! 耶穌在十字架上取了我的罪該得的審判
(53:6) All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 賽53:6 - 我們都如羊走迷;各人偏行己路;耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上。 Illustration: 8 yr. old Monica

36 There is so much wrong with Me & this World
There is so much wrong with Me & this World! How will everything be made right? 我及這個世界充滿了錯誤! 萬事如何變成對的呢? Either by receiving God’s perfect Justice at the Throne of Judgment 要不是接受上帝審判臺前完美的正義, Or by receiving God’s Mercy & Forgiveness at the Cross of Christ 就是接受上帝在基督十字架上的憐憫與赦免.

37 Which do you want. MERCY or JUSTICE. It’s your Choice 你想要什麼. 憐憫或正義
Those who refuse to be saved by His mercy must be consumed by his justice. 那些拒絕被祂的憐憫拯救的人, 必須被祂的正義消耗.

38 Do Nothing and Get eternal Justice 不採取行動,將得到永恆的正義
The Justice due one who has sinned against a holy God (Rom. 6:23) 得到冒犯聖潔的上帝當得的正義(羅6:23).

39 Repent of your Sins & Trust in Christ and Receive Mercy & the Gift of Eternal Life 悔改罪惡, 信靠基督, 接受憐憫及永生的禮物 Romans 羅 6:23; John 約 3:36; 5:24; 6:40; 10:28; 17:2; I Pet. 彼前 1:3-4; I John 約一 5:11-12 Hallelujah!

40 What will you do? 你會做什麼? What will you do with the Mercy & Forgiveness God the Father offers us? 你如何對待父神提供給我們的憐憫與赦免? What will you do with the Salvation Jesus provided by suffering the Justice due our sin on the Cross? 你如何回應耶穌在十字架上為我們當得的正義受苦, 為我們提供的救恩? Will you receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit so you can live life in the Victory Jesus has already won for us? 你接受所賜的聖靈, 使你活在耶穌已為我們贏得的勝利中嗎?



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