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2006年政策对话 Policy Dialogue in 2006

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1 2006年政策对话 Policy Dialogue in 2006
Cornie Huizenga, CAI-Asia秘书处主任 Head of CAI-Asia Secretariat Second Workshop on Strengthening CAI-Asia PRC Network 29-30 May 2006 Friendship Hotel, Beijing Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia A CAI-Asia Program

2 工作计划架构Workplan Structure
工作计划是根据CAI-Asia中国项目的活动范围制定的 Workplan is structured against the scope of activities of CAI-Asia PRC Project: 组织发展Organizational Development 知识管理Knowledge management 能力建设Capacity Building AQM战略(政策对话) AQM strategies (policy dialogue) 试点项目Pilot projects

3 中国的政策目标 Chinese Policy Goals
综合一体的思路是空气质量管理的基础 Integrated approach essential for AQM 十一五规划-大好时机 11th Five Year Plan- great opportunity 2010年目标 Targets by 2010: a. 人均GDP较2000年翻两番 per capita GDP doubles that of 2000, b. 单位GDP 能耗较十五规划下降20% unit GDP energy consumption reduced by 20% of that at end of 10th Five Year Plan. c. SO2排放降低10% SO2 emissions to be reduced by 10% d. 二级天数达到85% (?)Number of days in Class II should be 85% e. 80% 的汽车定期检查排放情况 80% of cars to be tested on regular basis for emissions

4 中国的政策目标 Chinese Policy Goals
2010年目标 Targets by 2010: a. 人均GDP较2000年翻两番 per capita GDP doubles that of 2000 b. 单位GDP 能耗较十五规划下降20% unit GDP energy consumption reduced by 20% of that at end of 10th Five Year Plan . c. SO2排放降低10% SO2 emissions to be reduced by 10% d. 二级天数达到85% Number of days in Class II should be 85% e. 80% 的汽车定期检查排放情况 80% of cars to be tested on regular basis for emissions

5 城市战略 City Strategies 亚洲城市清洁空气行动中国项目将:
CAI-Asia China Project will: 鼓励会员城市指定综合的空气质量战略 Encourage member cities to formulate integrated AQM strategy 记录这些战略,并 Document the strategies, and 邀请这些成员在各种场合(BAQ研讨会或相关的会议)分享交流其经验 Invite its members to share the strategies at events like the Better Air Quality workshops, or in AQM meetings and conferences in PRC.

6 战略过程 Strategy Process 会员城市分析其目前的AQM战略:那些效果好,那些不尽人意, 如何改进工作
Members to review their existing AQM strategies: What works? What does not? How to improve to make it work? 会员城市采用整体思路将AQM纳入到协同效益中:Members to take holistic approach to integrate AQM with Co-benefit: 拥堵 Congestion 道路安全 Road safety 能源效率 Energy efficiency 生活质量 Quality of life 经济发展 Economic development 中国项目将通过引入对口专家到城市来协助城市制定战略的过程 CAI-Asia PRC Project facilitate the process to bring focused expertise to cities

7 具体活动 CAI-Asia activities in support of strategy formulation
回顾空气质量标准,评价标准修改的可行性(第三季度进行) 召开发展伙伴会议支持中国AQM 能力建设 “路演”--空气质量专家团将访问城市,把AQM日程从环保局提高到市政府,并提升中国项目会员城市的形象 In particular, CAI-Asia will: Review air quality standards and assess feasibility for revision of standards Development partners meeting to strengthen the agenda for support to AQM sector in China Capacity building ”RoadShow”- air quality experts team to visit cities to advance the AQM agenda from EPBs arena up to city government, and to raise the profile of the membership of the China Project.

8 Roadshows 路演 Roadshow: 城市希望空气质量管理专家到他们的城市进行访问,并和城市一起讨论AQM的具体挑战
Cities requested that an air quality expert teams visit them to discuss the specific AQM challenges in that city. CAI-Asia中国项目愿意促成组建一个由政府官员(包括来自国家环保总局)、AQM不同领域国内外专家及私营部门等的队伍 CAI-Asia China Project would like to facilitate this by organizing a team consisting of national and international experts and governmental officials (including representatives from SEPA) 讨论的议题需与城市达成一致。提议的优先城市是杭州、乌鲁木齐和贵阳。其他城市也可以提出要求 The discussion topics will be agreed with the cities. Priority cities are proposed to be Hangzhou, Urumuqi, and Guiyang but others can apply as well.

9 Result of policy dialogue
目标 Target: 4个会员城市利用亚洲城市清洁空气行动引进的资源和资金,开始制定综合的AQM战略 4 member cities have started the formulation of an integrated AQM strategy, making use of CAI-Asia China Project inputs and resources 这些活动可能与一个试点项目结合起来重新评价对城市定的目标 These activities might be conducted in line with a pilot project to reassess the targets assigned to cities.

10 Policy Dialogue 你所在的城市现在需要政策对话吗? 请尽告诉我们,以便开始具体设计下一步工作方案。 谢谢大家! Do you need this policy dialogue in your city now? Please let us know so we can have detailed design on how to proceed. Thank you!

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