Tips for preparing research proposal and some advises

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1 Tips for preparing research proposal and some advises
Wen-Feng Hsieh Department of Photonics & Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering National Chiao Tung University 2008/10/18

2 楊振寧 銘言 in 「物理的誘惑」 2008/10/11 科學研究要有傳統,年輕人在傳統的影響下,才知道什麼是值得做,拿什麼態度研究,不是一兩天就能達成。 物理學很艱難,有好奇心就不難。 若研究的過程中太苦,成功的可能性不大;要有欲望、希望和動力,克服過程中的苦,摔倒了才能爬起來。 做出自己可以滿意,並對人類有重大貢獻的事。 轉錄聯合報 2008/10/12

3 聲明 It is only my opinion! Reviewers may not agree!
Use advises at your own risk!

4 Outline 國科會補助專題計劃審查意見表 How to prepare an effective proposal
Whitesides’ Group: Writing a paper, Adv. Mater. (2004) What is in 國科會研究計畫書 Some advises

5 國科會補助專題計劃審查意見表 壹、人才審查:(佔50%)
一、計畫主持人之學術地位與經驗及其學術貢獻如何?      (近五年內著作之品質、創見、學術或應用價值等)     二、主持人之專長與計畫配合情形?    三、申請單位對本延攬案在人力、設備、資源及工作場所等方面之配合情形?   

6 貳、計畫審查(佔50%) 一、計畫之重要性:     1、本計畫研究主題之重要性或創新性、在學術或應用上之價值或影響?     2、本計畫對國內科技或產業發展之貢獻如何,對申請單位之學術研究的影響為何? 二、計畫之可行性:     1、計畫書撰寫是否具體詳盡?研究方法及步驟之可行性?     2、對國內外相關研究文獻之掌握及評述?     3、人力及工作項目分配之合理性?     4、計畫預期成果之明確性? 三、計畫總評及內容修正建議:(內容請務必具體詳細,本部份將送計畫主持人參考)

7 How to prepare an effective proposal Whitesides’ Group: Writing a paper
George M. Whitesides, Adv. Mater. 16(15), 1375 (2004)

8 What is a Scientific Paper?
A paper is an organized description of hypothesis, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central part of research. A paper is also a structure for planning your research in progress. A good outline for the paper is also a good plan for the research program.

9 Why writing a paper If your research does not generate papers, it might just as well have not been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent”.

10 How to write a paper Writing a paper starts from organizing the outline It is most efficient to write papers from outlines. An outline is a written plan of the organization of a paper. All writing that “I” do – papers, reports, proposals, and slides for seminars – “I” do from outlines. A good outline will organize the various topics and arguments in logical form.

11 What’s in a paper Motivation Title, authors Abstract Introduction
Significance of this work Problem description Goals Solution & Conclusion Method Results and Discussion Conclusions/Future Works References Noun -- the most important conclusion -- the central message Three (or several) central points Motivation

12 What is in 國科會研究計畫書 Executive summary Significance of this work
研究計畫摘要 十一、研究計畫中英文摘要:請就本計畫要點作一概述,並依本計畫性質自訂關鍵詞。(五百字以內) Executive summary It is plenty! Significance of this work Problem description Goals Proposed Solution Anticipated results Capital funding request Motivation Without references   1、本計畫研究主題之重要性或創新性、在學術或應用上之價值或影響?

13 研究計畫內容 十二、研究計畫內容: (一)近五年之研究計畫內容與主要研究成果說明。(連續性計畫應同時檢附上年度研究進度報告)
(二)研究計畫之背景及目的。請詳述本研究計畫之背景、目的、重要性及國內外有關本計畫之研究情況、重要參考文獻之評述等。本計畫如為整合型研究計畫之子計畫,請就以上各點分別述明與其他子計畫之相關性。 (三)研究方法、進行步驟及執行進度。請分年列述:1.本計畫採用之研究方法與原因。2.預計可能遭遇之困難及解決途徑。3.重要儀器之配合使用情形。4.如為整合型研究計畫,請就以上各點分別說明與其他子計畫之相關性。5.如為須赴國外或大陸地區研究,請詳述其必要性以及預期成果等。 (四)預期完成之工作項目及成果。請分年列述:1.預期完成之工作項目。2.對於學術研究、國家發展及其他應用方面預期之貢獻。3.對於參與之工作人員,預期可獲之訓練。4.本計畫如為整合型研究計畫之子計畫,請就以上各點分別說明與其他子計畫之相關性。

14 (一)近五年之研究計畫內容與主要研究成果說明
一、計畫主持人之學術地位與經驗及其學術貢獻如何? (近五年內著作之品質、創見、學術或應用價值等) 二、主持人之專長與計畫配合情形?

15 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的 -- Introduction --
請詳述本研究計畫之背景、目的、重要性及國內外有關本計畫之研究情況、重要參考文獻之評述等。 Significance of this work --重要性 Problem description -- 研究近況、重要參考文獻之評述 Goals --計畫目的 Proposed Solution (Capital funding request)   1、本計畫研究主題之重要性或創新性、在學術或應用上之價值或影響?    2、對國內外相關研究文獻之掌握及評述?

16 研究方法 1.本計畫採用之研究方法與原因。 2.預計可能遭遇之困難及解決途徑。 3.重要儀器之配合使用情形。
1.本計畫採用之研究方法與原因。 2.預計可能遭遇之困難及解決途徑。 3.重要儀器之配合使用情形。  1、計畫書撰寫是否具體詳盡?研究方法及步驟之可行性? * Remember to describe the reasons why you need the proposed capital equipments and budget here if any.

17 進行步驟及執行進度 請分年列述 預期完成之工作項目及成果(your commitments)

18 Some advises Know what you can handle well to build up good reputation. Open mind to enthusiastically share your results and techniques to colleague Publish papers whatever things have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent”. Think deeply to make things simple and useful or significant --若研究的過程太苦,成功的可能性不大。 做出自己可以滿意,並對人類有重大貢獻的事。

19 Size dependent RRS Only enhancing LO modes but not TO modes implies the Fröhlich interaction dominates the exciton-phonon coupling, which can be characterized by I2LO/I1LO. Decreasing electron-phonon coupling as decreasing particle sizes that agrees well with the results of PRB 69, (2004) for nanowires. APPL. PHYS. LETT. 88, (2006)

20 Reducing exciton-longitudinal-optical phonon interaction with shrinking ZnO quantum dots
Hsu WT, et al., APL 91(18), (2007)    13 K The energy shift from eV to eV is due to quantum confinement effect (QCE) LO-phonon replicas for: ZnO powders → obvious QD-samples → unapparent The intensities of LO-phonon replicas depend strongly on their exciton-phonon coupling strengths Duke et al., Phys. Rev. 139, 1965 (1965)

21 ZnO quantum dots system – Temperature-dependent PL
Only one main band exists around all temperatures 7.4 nm 25 meV Binding energy of D0X is small It will be ionized until T > 100K The only band is FX emission The energy difference (13~300K) : QDs (25 meV) < Powders (62 meV) The main contribution to the energy shift is the Fröhlich interaction

22 Power dependent PL of ZnO QDs

23 Acoustic and optical phonon assisted formation of biexcitons
Power dependent PL Bx Fx 10K 80K Dispersion of exciton-polariton P2 P∞ n=1 n=2 n=∞ Eexciton wave vector k UPB LPB energy Eg 15meV Lower Te for than for More excitons populate in @ 80K 10K Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, (2007)

24 Some advises Know what you can handle well to build up good reputation. Open mind to enthusiastically share your results and techniques to colleague – especially senior researchers Publish papers whatever things have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent”. Think deeply to make things simple and useful or significant 若研究的過程太苦,成功的可能性不大。 做出自己可以滿意,並對人類有重大貢獻的事。

25 It is only my opinion! Reviewers may not agree! Use advises at your own risk!

26 Thanks for your attention

27 Integrated emission intensity of biexciton vs. pumping
0.53 1.86 80K 40K 10K Power exponent for biexciton should be close to 2. Observe anomalous temperature dependent power exponents

28 Acoustic and optical phonon assisted formation of biexcitons
Power dependent PL Bx Fx 10K 80K Dispersion of exciton-polariton P2 P∞ n=1 n=2 n=∞ Eexciton wave vector k UPB LPB energy Eg 15meV Lower Te for than for More excitons populate in @ 80K 10K Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, (2007)

29 Temperature dependent biexciton formation
0.53 1.86 80K 40K 10K P2 P∞ n=1 n=2 n=∞ Eexciton wave vector k UPB LPB energy Eg At low T, the relaxation process involves only emission of acoustic phonons to lower kinetic energy. At high T, optical phonons participate in to efficiently lower exciton kinetic energy, since Te ~

30 ZnO quantum dots system – Temperature-dependent PL
Only one main band exists around all temperatures 7.4 nm 25 meV Binding energy of D0X is small It will be ionized until T > 100K The only band is FX emission The energy difference (13~300K) : QDs (25 meV) < Powders (62 meV) The main contribution to the energy shift is the Fröhlich interaction

31 Power dependent PL of ZnO QDs

32 ZnO quantum dots system – Binding Energy investigation
7.4 nm 5.3 nm 12 nm Powder 67 meV 60 meV 132 meV 87 meV Temperature dependence of the peak intensity of FX emission: Ea is the activation energy for thermal quenching ZnO crystallite size (Compressing boundary) electron-hole interaction Coulomb potential (binding energy, Eb)

33 ZnO quantum dots system – Exciton-LO phonon coupling strength (a0)
5.3 nm ; a0 = 0.19 7.4 nm ; a0 = 0.21 12 nm ; a0 = 0.40 powders ; a0 = 0.59 Temperature-dependent exciton energy: Take only one summation term to disscuss exciton-LO phonon coupling ħLO : LO phonon energy, 72 meV a0 : the weighting of the exciton LO-phonon interaction Exciton Bohr radius quenching ZnO crystallite size coupling strength of exciton-LO phonon ZnO crystallite size Eb recall

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