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四川大学商学院 ACCA项目.

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1 四川大学商学院 ACCA项目

2 一、四川大学简介 二、四川大学商学院简介 三、ACCA项目介绍 四、ACCA项目经验总结及未来展望
目录 一、四川大学简介 二、四川大学商学院简介 三、ACCA项目介绍 四、ACCA项目经验总结及未来展望

3 一、四川大学简介 四川大学是教育部直属全国重点大学,是布局在中国西部、“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设的高水平研究型综合大学。四川大学由原四川大学、原成都科技大学、原华西医科大学三所全国重点大学经过两次合并而成。原四川大学起始于1896年四川总督鹿传霖奉光绪特旨创办的四川中西学堂,是西南地区最早的近代高等学校;原成都科技大学是新中国院系调整时组建的第一批多科型工科院校;原华西医科大学源于1910年由西方基督教会组织在成都创办的华西协合大学,是西南地区最早的西式大学和国内最早培养研究生的大学之一。1994年,原四川大学和原成都科技大学合并为四川联合大学,1998年更名为四川大学,2000年,四川大学与原华西医科大学合并,组建了新的四川大学。 校训:海纳百川,有容乃大 First of all, have a look at the six key features of our School,please. The place we live, Chengdu city, is the origin of the southern Silk Road. In nighteen-o-five, we set up Half-day Xue Tang. This was the beginning of our Business School. We have many outstanding alumni, such as two former Chairman of the CPPCC, and one former Chairman of the ACFIC. CPPCC is the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, ACFIC is All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Our school has been awarded Top ten Business school in China, has over ten thousand students and over fifty thousand alumni. I hope those six key factors have brought you a brief picture about our school, and ..(翻下一张) ************************************************************ I am not sure how well you know CPPCC, basically it is also an important organization for the development of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, and an important forum for promoting socialist democracy in the Chinese political system.

4 尊经书院的创始人(1874) 张之洞 Zhang Zhidong is the founder of Zun Jing Hall. He was Commissioner of Education at that time. After that, he has governed many provinces in China and founded several other universities. He advocated to learn from western countries and pioneered in importing western education to China. Later, he was appointed as the Grand Councilor of the State, the top level minister in Qing Dynasty.

5 尊经书院 Following Zhang Zhidongs understanding of education, Zun Jin Hall taught business and management. In the list of must-read book, 潜书 and 盐铁论 are closely related to business management. I think these two books can be regarded as the “The Wealth of Nations” in China. We all know in “The Wealth of Nations”, Adam Smith talks about the growth of wealth for the nation, and reasons why personal wealth may be different (rich or poor). Similarly, the two Chinese books are about how to increase the national wealth, and why peoples life qualities are different. Adam Smith paid attention to the labor division and market operations. While, two Chinese books focused on the production and development of important resources in national economy, salt and iron. ********************************************** In the UK, people finally have a market economy and the corresponding market operating mechanism under private ownership of properties. Based on our theory throughout the Chinese books, we have established a centralized feudal product economy, in some sense, under public ownership of properties (because all the land belongs to the emperor). Another important article,(论积贮疏), literally translated as Production, inventory and growth, talking about agricultural production and development which was a core business in that time.

6 四川大学的创始人 鹿传霖 1896,清朝 Sichuan University was founded by LU Chuanlin, in eighteen-nighty-six. He is also the top level minister in Qing Dynasty.

7 This is the main gate of National Sichuan University in nighteen-thirty-one.
国立四川大学 (1931)

8 二、四川大学商学院简介 起源于1905年的半日学堂,是中国最早进行商业教育的机构 中国10佳商学院(2012-2014,腾讯)
中国最大的商学院(超过10000名学生,包括2000名MBA)    拥有中国最有影响力的校友会(截至2014年有超过50000名的校友) First of all, have a look at the six key features of our School,please. The place we live, Chengdu city, is the origin of the southern Silk Road. In nighteen-o-five, we set up Half-day Xue Tang. This was the beginning of our Business School. We have many outstanding alumni, such as two former Chairman of the CPPCC, and one former Chairman of the ACFIC. CPPCC is the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, ACFIC is All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Our school has been awarded Top ten Business school in China, has over ten thousand students and over fifty thousand alumni. I hope those six key factors have brought you a brief picture about our school, and ..(翻下一张) ************************************************************ I am not sure how well you know CPPCC, basically it is also an important organization for the development of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, and an important forum for promoting socialist democracy in the Chinese political system.

9 Business School was found by ZHOU Shanpei in nighteen-o-nine
Business School was found by ZHOU Shanpei in nighteen-o-nine. He was the Deputy-Governor-General of Sichuan Province. ************************************** He was in charge of Business and Transport in Sichuan. He established several firms. His life was closely related to business and management. 商学院创始人 周善培 1909, 清朝

10 Responsibility to Virtue Insights to TAO
院训 行健厚德 格商致道 Responsibility to Virtue Insights to TAO The motto of our school is Responsibility to Virtue, Insight to TAO. Well, this is not the most precise translation, but it’s the best that we can think of… we believe this translation will give you the space to think about the philosophy behind our motto. We require our staff and students not only to be proud of our responsibility, but also to implant the virtue into our genes. We seek not only insights of management, but also deep understanding of TAO.

11 Aspire Morality Inherit Culture Advocate Science Pursue Truth
教育理念 虚心向善 传承文化 崇尚科学 追求真理 Aspire Morality Inherit Culture Advocate Science Pursue Truth Our education philosophy is from the evolution of our school, Aspire Morality, Inherit Culture , Advocate Science , Pursue Truth. Once again, this is not a perfect translation, but I hope these four phrases will give you insight into our education philosophy. I think these four aspects should be the essential criteria for Business School students.

12 Outstanding Business Extraordinary People
教育目标 商界精英 社会栋梁 Outstanding Business Extraordinary People Our training objective is to help incubate more Business elites. Our outstanding students could bring value to our society, regardless of whether they are businessmen, or not.

13 企业导师 150 外聘教授 150 专业教师 160 As you can see from the pie chart, the Human Resource system for our staff is based on the three-thirds principle. One third is academic staff, one third is business mentors, and, one third is adjunct professors.

14 三、ACCA项目介绍 ACCA 项目 (1+1≧2) 学历教育 职业教育

15 1.ACCA 项目的特色 学历教育+职业教育 本土化+国际化 双语教学

16 2.为什么选择ACCA 高度国际化 全球影响力 地域广泛性 品牌知名度 专业知识强


18 专业优势 川大ACCA学生一旦注册成为ACCA学员,即可获得F1-F5的免考资格,只需要参加剩余9门课程的考试即可;

19 3.ACCA 项目的管理体系 四川大学 商学院 ACCA中心 ACCA 项目

20 ACCA 中心的工作内容 ACCA职业教育 本科的学历教育 ACCA 中心 特殊工作 日常 培训 日常管理工作 考前串讲

21 4.ACCA项目的招生及管理

22 1)招生 本专业方向计划招生100名,文理科不限。学生被录取为四川大学新生后,自愿在规定的时间内,在指定地点报名;除国家规定的和学校招生规定不能转专业同学以外都可以报名。报名条件为:高考英语120分(满分150分为例)以上,数学110分(满分150分为例)以上,符合条件的同学随后参加笔试和面试,笔试内容为英语综合水平测试,内容范围不限;根据笔试成绩来确定进入面试的学生名单;最后根据笔试和面试的综合成绩排名,从高分到低分择优录取,额满为止。

23 历年ACCA 项目的报名人数及录取人数 ( 2004-2017)

24 2)学历教育基本情况 1.目标:培养符合经济全球化发展需要的综合 性高素质专业会计人才 2.核心课程:ACCA全球统考的14门课程
3. 学制:4 年 (3-6 years) 4. 毕业所要求的学分:160 个学分 5. 学位:管理学学士学位

25 历年ACCA 项目毕业人数和在校人数 ( 2004——2014)

26 ACCA 毕业生就业情况 year Manage-ment Jobs Higher Education(domestic) education (overseas) Total Employ-ment rate 2008 40 7 3 50 100% 2009 53 6 14 77 2010 60 16 95 2011 59  10  23  93  100%  2012 51 25 90 2013 32 98 2014 43 17 37 97 2015 47 19 35 101 2016 36 15 45 99% 2017 41

27 3)教学组织 本院教师 外院教师 外校教师 培训机构教师

28 5、ACCA 项目取得的成绩 ACCA统考全球第一 4次 ACCA统考大陆第一 22次 其他国家级奖项 16项 省市级奖项 9项 校级奖项
奖项(不完全统计) 数量 ACCA统考全球第一 4次 ACCA统考大陆第一 22次 其他国家级奖项 16项 省市级奖项 9项 校级奖项 14项 ACCA项目是学校本科教育的创新项目,也是学院本科教育金牌特色项目,经过多年的努力,ACCA专业学生共获得4次全球第一,22次大陆第一以及多项国家、省市、校级奖项,为学院争取了众多荣誉。

29 全球统考颁奖典礼

30 2015年就业力大比拼决赛获奖

31 ACCA学子参与全国模拟联合国活动

32 “会计学ACCA专业方向教学实践——基于会计教育国际化目标的会计学建设”获得教学成果二等奖

33 图为所获ACCA颁发的奖项证书(09级前ACCA未设立奖项证书)以及ACCA代表处为感谢我院ACCA中心教学成果所颁发的各项奖杯

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