Most recent trends in collective bargaining 集体谈判的最新趋势

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1 Most recent trends in collective bargaining 集体谈判的最新趋势
里奥普尔多·塔尔塔利亚 意大利总工会

2 Signs of recovery in bargaining 集体谈判出现复苏迹象
Steel sector in Germany: 3,6% wage increase over 1’ months and equal pay for agency workers (80% coverage rate) 德国钢铁业:工资愈1个月上涨3.6%,劳务派遣工获同酬(覆盖率达80%) Postponed wage increases brought forward from April to February (2,7%) again in many German companies 许多德企最初推迟涨薪,而后再度将加工资从四月提前至二月(2.7%) Germany: Paper workers: 2,5% 德国:造纸业工人涨薪2.5% Ver.di demand for regional governments: 3% 德国服务业工会要求地方政府涨薪:3% FNV coordinated wage demand: 2% plus 1% to repair retirment issues and for training 荷兰工会联合会协调后的加薪要求:2%+1%,解决退休问题并用于培训 Austria, metal: 2,3% effective wage increase/2,5% minimum wage increase 奥地利金属业:工资有效增长2.3%,最低工资增长2.5%

3 Continued moderation 持续削弱
Poland: Wage freeze proposed for 2011 (public sector) 波兰:提议2011年工资冻结(公共部门) Slovenia: public sector wage freeze until 2012 斯洛文尼亚:公共部门工资冻结直至2012年 Intention to abolish minimum pay obligation in public tendering (UK) 意欲取消公共招标中最低工资的义务(英国) Intention not to implement planned minimum wage rise 2011 (PT) 意欲不予实施原已计划好的2011年最低工资增长(葡萄牙) Ireland: Minimum wage cut by 11,6%, sector level minimum wages also under review (‘abolishment’?) 爱尔兰:最低工资削减11.6%,行业层面的最低工资也在审议之中(“取消”?)

4 Company agreements 企业协议
Siemens Germany: job security until 2013 for workers, in return for having accepted cuts in the crisis 德国西门子:为12.8万名员工提供至2013年的工作保障,作为对员工在危机中接受减薪的回报 Ford Belgium: giving up on 2% wage increases in retunr for job security until 比利时福特:员工放弃2%的涨薪,以换取公司保障工作岗位至2020年 Italian metal: Agreement to allow company agreements to deviate from sector agreement in case of ‘new investments’ or in case of ‘period of crisis’ (follows similar agreement in chemicals 2007) 意大利金属业:同意在出现“新增投资”或“危机时期”的情况下,允许企业协议背离行业协议

5 Tackling wage competition because of posting of workers across the borders 应对跨境外派劳工造成工资竞争
Denmark: In construction and transport, employers ‘refrain’ from using foreign contractors not respecting Danish agreements. No agreement however on ‘supply chain liability’ in outsourcing. 丹麦:在建筑和运输业,雇主“克制”使用不符合丹麦本地协议的外籍合同工。然而,在外包方面,尚未有关于“供应链责任”的协议。 Austria: Agreement to monitor minimum pay rates in context of opening labour market in May 奥地利:2011年5月,劳动力市场开放。在此背景下,同意对最低工资水平进行监测。

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