Suffering – A Path to Glory

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1 Suffering – A Path to Glory
苦難 – 達到榮耀的路 Suffering – A Path to Glory

2 1. 苦難的目的和盼望 The Purpose and Hope of Suffering: - 是達到榮耀的路 A path to glory (彼前 1 Peter 5:10) - 為進入神的國 For entering into the Kingdom of God (使徒行傳 Acts 14:22)

3 - 是化裝的祝福 A blessing in disguise (羅馬書 Romans 8:28)

4 2. 在苦難中應有的態度 A Proper Attitude Towards Suffering: - 求問主 Seeking before the Lord (約伯 記 Job 38:2-3) - 順服神 Being submissive to God (約 伯記 Job 42:5-6)

5 - 相信神主宰的全能,並讚美 Trusting God’s sovereignty and praising Him (詩篇 Psalms 104:24,35b)

6 3. 我們是神手中的工作 We are the work of God‘s hand - 主是窯匠 The Lord is the potter ( 以賽 亞書 64:8) - 效法(模成)他兒子的模樣 to be conformed to the image of His Son... (羅馬書 Romans 8:29)

7 - 至暫至輕的苦楚 the light affliction, which is but for a moment (林後 2 Cor

8 4. 聖經中的例子 Examples in the Bible: - 約伯 Job (約伯記 Job 42:10-17) - 約瑟 Joseph (創世記 Gen. 50:20) - 大衛 David (詩篇 Psalms 34:1-7,19) - 耶穌 Jesus (希伯來書 Hebrews 2:9-10)

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