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A healthy outside starts from the inside.

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1 A healthy outside starts from the inside.
UNIT 9 First Aid A healthy outside starts from the inside. 昨天2013年4月20日雅安地震 金山词霸 首页默认搜词 first aid rescue 等 王守仁 泛读教程 第二册 创思英语: 英语专业泛读课件 英语阅读课件

2 Dictation 引出,探出,诱出 举起,提高,提升 强化,坚定,筑防于 表演场地,舞台, 竞技场 逆境,不幸,灾难 逆转,颠倒,相反的
穿透,洞悉,渗入 同意,订购,署名 领土,领地,领域 笨拙的,不得体,粗糙的 elicit elevate fortify arena adversity reverse penetrate subscribe territory clumsy 前一单元单词听写 创思英语 Andy原创!

3 Word Pretest Keys: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B
1. 他们将不惜任何代价找回丢失的孩子. 1. They will at any price resume their lost child. 2. 供不应求(供应不足以满足需求). 2. The supply is inadequate to meet the demand. 单词与测试 创思英语 Andy原创! 3. 雨水正从屋顶缝隙中漏入。 3. The rain is leaking in through a crack in the roof.

4 Reading Comprehension
1. B C D BDAC 5. C C A CABD Keys: 1. 急救 1. first aid 2. 人工呼吸 2. artificial respiration 3. 胸外按压 3. chest compression 阅读理解答案 短语 创思英语 Andy原创! 4. 中指 4. the middle finger 5. 内部器官 5. internal organs

5 Word Search ambulance urgent emergency massage yell vein artery
fracture blister tetanus 救护车 紧急的,急切的 紧急情况,突发事件 按摩,推拿 叫喊,吼叫,大叫 静脉,矿脉,叶脉,风格 动脉,主干,要道 骨折,破裂,分裂 水疱,长水疱 破伤风 找词 查词 创思英语 Andy原创!

6 Use of English 1. come in for 1. 遭到(指责),受到(批评) 2. come to terms with
2. 接受,忍受,达成协议 3. comeback 3. 复出,东山再起,恢复 4. come to the boil 4. 开始沸腾,到达紧急关头 5. come into effect 英语知识运用 惯用短语搭配 创思英语 Andy原创! 5. 开始生效、实施、实行 6. come out 6. 出来,出现,出版, 出狱

7 Stems 1. solo, insulator 1. isolate, peninsula, sole, solitary
2. series 2. desert, exert, insert, assert 3. compete, repeat 3. petition, impetus, appetite extraterrestrial 外星人 词根词缀 创思英语 Andy 4. obstruct 4. construct, instruct, destruct

8 Synonyms & Cloze Keys to Synonyms: 1. render 2. halt 3. sterile
4. prevent 5. pierce give receive seek release free stop unclean antiseptic productive allow block advance penetrate remain carry 同义词 反义词 完形填空 创思英语 Andy原创! Keys to Cloze: pedestrians adults declining avoid signals case impaired fatalities

9 Section B & C Keys to Section B: 1-3 CBB 4-5 DA 6-8 CBA
9-11 TFF FTT Keys to Section C: 1-5 FTFTF FFFFT 快速阅读 补充阅读 答案 创思英语 Andy原创!

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