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Unit 7 Text B American Environmental Movement

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1 Unit 7 Text B American Environmental Movement

2 Para 1 Take to the streets---
We have seen people in Lebanon take to the streets to demand their independence. (Text of Bush’s State of the Union Address) Even when Millennials take to the streets, they still encounter criticism from their elders. 2. Teach-in [ˈti:tʃˌin] (以公众关注的事情等为题的)宣讲会,座谈会  an informal lecture and discussion on a subject of public interest 3. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. [wiki]

3 Para 2 Gaylord Nelson Priority [praɪˈɒrəti] on sth. [C] 优先事项;最重要的事;首要事情 ; Education is a top priority . You need to (= decide what is important to you) . (NAmE) You need to get get your priorities right your priorities straight. 把个人 事情的轻重缓急分清楚。 [U] give/take~ (over sth) 优先;优先权;重点  Club members will be given priority . The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research. See to it that… be careful or certain to do something 请务必立即执行变更! Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are made atonce!  似应由学校领导处理。 It would be better if the school authorities should see to it. 

4 Initially [ɪˈnɪʃəli] worried –at the beginning
Forecasters say the gales(大 风) may not be as bad as they initially predicted. canoeing[kəˈnu:ɪŋ] n.皮划艇运动;划独木舟,玩独木舟 Assassination [əˌsæsɪ'neɪʃn]行刺;暗杀  assassinate英 [əˈsæsɪneɪt] Bust [bʌst] vt.& vi.打破,打碎 vt.突击搜查(或搜捕);(使)降级 adj. 破产;破碎,毁坏 n.胸围;半身雕塑像;妇女的胸部;突击搜捕; (NAmE) 蹩脚的东西a thing that is not good 作为一场演出,那可不 怎么样。 As a show it was a bust. Anemic [ə‘ni:mɪk] crowds --- lacking vigor or energy adj.贫血的; 无精打采的 an anemic attempt to hit the baseball

5 Para 3 Their ideas take off
 a product, an activity, or someone's career ---suddenly becomes very successful 这个方案要想真正成功,他们就需要增加参与的农场主的人数。 They need to expand the number of farmers who are involve d if the scheme’s going to really take off.  Dub: VERB 给…起绰号;把…称作  give that description or name. 被工党反对派戏称为“不变首相”的男人 ...the man whom the Labour opposition dubbed as the 'no change Prime Minister'...

6 Airtime[ˈeətaɪm] \n.电影或电节目开始的时间
Take the day off ---休假一天 Uncoordinated[ˌʌnkəʊˈɔ:dɪneɪtɪd] (of plans, projects, etc. 计划、项 目等) 不缜密的;无通盘安排的;缺乏全面考虑的  not well organized;  a handful of -- A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching. 少数旁观者 Impose …over… [ɪmˈpəʊz] ] ~ sth (on/upon sth/sb) 采用(规章制 度);强制实行 ...the imposition of a ban on cycling in the city centre.  to impose limitations/restrictions/constraints on sth

7 Para 4 Have consequences ---lead to The Clear Act of 1970
Para 4 Have consequences ---lead to The Clear Act of 1970 The Clear Water Act of 1972 Endangered Species Act of 1973. The Environmental Protection Agency Administration Offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ]  pl. offspring(formal or humorous)---子女;后代  the problems parents have with their teenage offspring

8 Para 4 Institute— 我们将实施一系列措施来更好地保护公众安全。
We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public... stitut, stit= to set up, to place 建立;放 constitutev. 构成;制定con 共同 + stitut 建立;放 + e → 一起建立 → 构成;制定 destituteadj. 缺乏的;贫穷的de 非 + stitut 建立;放 + e → 没有建立 → 缺乏的 → 贫穷的 substitutev. 代替sub 下 + stitute 建立;放 → 被放到下面 → 代替

9 Beat: N-COUNT (警察的)辖区,巡逻区;(记者的)负责采访的 区域  A police officer's or journalist's beat is the area for which he or she is responsible. 小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的 群众。 The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat.

10 Para 5 Groundbreaking [ˈgraʊndbreɪkɪŋ] making new discoveries; using new methods: a groundbreaking piece of research Silent Spring Spell out-- explain it in detail or in a very clear way. 要自信点儿,把自己的感受讲清楚 Be assertive and spell out exactly how you feel... 我要仔仔细细讲多少遍? How many times do I have to spell it out?  Awaken [əˈweɪkən] to wake up; to make sb wake up She awakened to the sound of birds singing.

11 Health hazards [ˈhæzəd] of sth/of doing sth) ~ (to sb/sth)
a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage危险;危害 [ risky situations that are very serious or life-threatening ] a fire/safety hazard Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population. A ban [bæn] on DDT :  He was banned from driving for six months.

12 Para 5 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Silent Spring began with a “fable for tomorrow” – a true story using a composite of examples drawn from many real communities where the use of DDT had caused damage to wildlife, birds, bees, agricultural animals, domestic pets, and even humans. 

13 Carson’s passionate concern in Silent Spring is
with the future of the planet and all life on Earth. She calls for humans to act responsibly, carefully, and as stewards of the living earth. Additionally Silent Spring suggested a needed change in how democracies and liberal societies operated so that individuals and groups could question what their governments allowed others to put into the environment

14 Para 6 Excerpt [ˈeksɜ:pt]摘录;节录;摘要 Uproar [ˈʌprɔ:(r)]喧嚣;吵闹;骚乱
Howl –[1]-to make a long, loud cry 2[V] ~ (in/with sth) (因疼痛、愤怒、开心等)大声叫喊  to howl in pain / We howled with laughter. Indignation [ˌɪndɪgˈneɪʃn] ~ (at/about sth) | ~ (that…)愤慨 Vermin [ˈvɜ:mɪn] 害虫;歹徒;危害社会或他人的人 Inherit [ɪnˈherɪt] ~ (sth) (from sb)继承、接替 Brochure [ˈbrəʊʃə(rn.小册子,手册 Parody [ˈpærədi] n. 恶搞;拙劣的模仿;滑稽的模仿诗文 vt.滑稽地拙劣 地模仿; The trial was a parody of justice. 那次审判是对正义的嘲弄。

15 Para 6 Desolate[ˈdesələt] empty and without people; very lonely and unhappy 一片荒凉的景色 a bleak and desolate landscape  万分悲凉 He saw them walk away and felt absolutely desolated. Eradication[ɪˌrædɪ'keɪʃn] n.摧毁,根除 He is seen as having made a significant contribution towards the eradication of corruption. 记忆技巧:e 除去 + radic 根 + ation 行为 → 根除,消灭  Eradicate: get rid of it completely.

16 Yellow fever [ˈjeləu ˈfi:və]黄热病
Sleeping sickness昏睡病 Typhus [ˈtaɪfəs]n.斑疹伤寒 With the assistance of Malnutrition [ˌmælnju:ˈtrɪʃn]营养不良

17 Para 7 + 8 Para 8 Serve as Point to
今年的高利率并不表明市场繁荣。 High interest rates do not point to a buoyant market this year  The Sierra Club---- an environmental organization in the United States. It was founded on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California, by the Scottish-American preservationist John Muir, who became its first president. Traditionally associated with the progressive movement, the club was one of the first large-scale environmental preservation organizations in the world, and currently engages in lobbying politicians to promote environmentalist policies.  Preservationist [ˌprezəˈveɪʃənɪst] (对野生动物、自然区、古迹和传统事物等 的)保护主义者 Yosemite Valley--(美国加利福尼亚州中部)约塞米蒂国家公园 Para Serve as

18 Para 9+10 Para 10 Beneath [bɪˈni:θ] -under
Innovative-introducing/using sth. new and original Notable--widely known and esteemed Para 10 damming ['dæmɪŋ]筑坝;堰塞;壅水;回水 Hetch Hetchy Valley赫奇赫奇山谷--  a valley, a reservoir and a water system in California in the United States. Liken[ˈlaɪkən] liken sth/sb to sth/sbformal) 把…比作…  to compare one thing or person to another and say they are similar Life is often likened to a journey. Be doomed to do 注定: He knew that if he lived, he would be doomed to spend the war as a prisoner.

19 Para 11 Naturalist Conservationist Activist Preservationist
Heighten our perception of nature Vs. Enhance our awareness of An inspiration for …

20 Para 12 Spark the movement It is safe to say Environmentalism
Ongoing efforts Depleting [dɪˈpli:t]-VN] [usually passive] 大量减少;耗尽;使 枯竭  to reduce sth by a large amount so that there is not enough left 大量消耗臭氧层的物质 ...substances that deplete the ozone layer... Tread-- [tred] vi. ~ (on/in/over sth/sb) (especially BrE) 踩;踏 哎哟!你踩着我的脚指头了 Ouch! You trod on my toe! walk/tread a fine/thin line 处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰;走 钢丝 

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