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在真神寶座前 Before the Throne of God Above

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1 在真神寶座前 Before the Throne of God Above
在真神寶座前 Before the Throne of God Above 詞: Charitie Lees Bancroft 曲:Vikki Cook 譯詞:廖忠信 Andrew Liau 在天上真神寶座前 Before the throne of God above 有主為我懇切代求 I have a strong and perfect plea 有位大祭司帶著愛 A great high Priest whose Name is Love 長遠活著為我祈求 Who ever lives and pleads for me [ 1/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

2 我的名刻在祂手上 My name is graven on His hands 我的名記在祂心中 My name is written on His heart 因祂站立在寶座前 I know that while in heaven He Stands 無權勢能將我奪去 No tongue can bid me thence depart 無權勢能將我奪去 No tongue can bid me thence depart [ 2/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

3 當撒但控告我的罪 When Satan tempts me to despair 使我的心感到絕望 And tells me of the guilt within 我抬頭仰望我的主 Upward I look and see Him there 祂除去我的眾罪愆 Who made an end of all my sin [ 3/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

4 無罪的救主為我死 Because the sinless Savior died 我眾過犯今得赦免 My sinful soul is counted free 神的公義得以成全 For God the just is satisfied 仰望我主我得赦免 To look on Him and pardon me [ 4/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

5 看哪天上復活羔羊 Behold Him there the risen Lamb 毫無瑕疵全然聖潔 My perfect spotless righteousness 自有永有永不改變 The great unchangeable I AM 充滿恩典榮耀君王 King of glory and of grace [ 5/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

6 有祂同在永不滅亡 One in Himself I cannot die 祂的寶血買贖了我 My soul is purchased by His blood 我的生命在基督裡 My life is hid with Christ on high 全能真神我的救主 With Christ my Savior and my God [ 6/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

7 我的名刻在祂手上 My name is graven on His hands 我的名記在祂心中 My name is written on His heart 因祂站立在寶座前 I know that while in heaven He Stands 無權勢能將我奪去 No tongue can bid me thence depart 無權勢能將我奪去 No tongue can bid me thence depart [ 7/7] Sovereign Grace Music 版權所有 Used by Permission: Church Copyright License #

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