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Lecture 7 Determiners (II) Articles I) Generic and Specific Reference a class of people or things a individual of the class Generic Reference: Specific.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 7 Determiners (II) Articles I) Generic and Specific Reference a class of people or things a individual of the class Generic Reference: Specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 7 Determiners (II) Articles I) Generic and Specific Reference a class of people or things a individual of the class Generic Reference: Specific Reference:

2 I) Generic Reference: A tiger is dangerous. The tiger is dangerous. Tigers are dangerous. The tigers are dangerous. × √ √ √ Which ones mean ? reference to a whole class, rather than to individual and specified members of it.

3 8 patterns for G.R. : 1. a/an + sing. N. 2. the + sing. N. 3. 0 + pl. N. 4. the + pl. N. 5. 0 + non count N. 6. the + non count N. 7. 0 + sing. N. 8. a/an non count N. All the patterns denote generic reference But they are used for different situations and different styles

4 1. a/an + singular noun: a. 最具体,最口语化。 c. 表达集合的群体概念时不能用这种模式。 How do you take care of a parrot? A panda is going to be extinct. × b. 可在所有的语义环境中表达非正式的一般概念。

5 2. the + singular noun: a. 类指的最正式用法 b. 主要应用于报道性或技术性的文章 c. 相关的名词多是描述人,动物,人体器官, 植物,复杂的发明设计, 不包括简单的非生命体 书能给人们带来无穷乐趣。 The book can bring people endless pleasure. A book can bring people endless pleasure. Books can bring people endless pleasure. ×

6 The US infantryman, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France. More Example: 那个美国步兵在需要过于奢侈的后勤支持的同时 在法国进行了顽强的战斗. 美国步兵

7 3. 0 + plural noun: a. 语体上稍欠正式 c. 应用范围没有太多限制 b. 介于模式 1 , 2 之间 Pandas are going to be extinct. Books can bring people endless pleasure.

8 4. The + plural noun: a. 使用有限 b. 通常只用来类指有关宗教,民族, 社会,或职业及专业性质的人的集团 c. 划分这一类人的标准是集团的隶属关系 而不是科学的类属概念 The communists are fighting for their ideals. The terrorists are threatening the world peace. The Pandas are going to be extinct. The roses are symbols of love. × ×

9 5. 0 + non count noun : 几乎适用于所有不可数名词 Sugar is bad for you. Milk is good for you. 6. The + noun count noun : 只适用于几种疾病名词 the flu (流感), the gout (痛风) the plague (疫斑), the chickenpox ( 水痘 )

10 7. 0 + singular noun : a. 实际上是模式 5 的一种特殊情况 b. 此时的不可数名词同时也是可数名词 c. 表示抽象的活动或概念 He goes to church every Sunday. Difficulty is not frightening.

11 8. a/an + non count noun: a. 用于具体,非正式语境 b. 是需要小心对待的一种用法 c. 这里的名词具有可数,不可数双重身份 d. 他们的明显特征是都是从动词,形容词派生过来的 抽象名词用以表达一般性的概念 My doctor told me weight gaining can put a strain on my heat. 医生告诉我体重增加会加大心脏负荷。

12 sing. N. pl. N.non count N a/an 0 the 0 0 Frequently used Rarely used Frequency of use: 80% 90% 70% 60% 50%

13 II) Specific Reference: A. Definite specific reference B. Indefinite specific reference 明确所指 共同所知 上文下文 说者听者 也指个体 没有确认 与类指相对 与确定特指相对 A house on the corner is for sale. The house on the corner is for sale.

14 Definite or Indefinite? SpeakerListener I want to marry a Japanese girl. You’re crazy!! I want to marry the Japanese girl. Oh, that girl!

15 使用定冠词还是不定冠词并不是以说话者为 出发点, 而是 以听话者为出发点 。 即谈话者认为名词或名词词组所表达的事物 或现象对于听者来说是已知的,还是未知的。 用定冠词还是不定冠词往往表明说话者的态度。 假如说话者认为听者能够与他共同确认某个事物 或现象的具体所指,他就使用 定冠词 ,而不管该 名词有无限制性定语。 假如说话人认为听者尚不知道他所提到的事物 或现象的具体所指或者认为对他所提到的事物 尚不熟悉,他就使用 不定冠词 。 Rules to Use Definite or Indefinite Article:

16 Bob lost a gold watch yesterday, and Bill was wearing a gold watch this morning. Bob lost a gold watch yesterday, and Bill was wearing the gold watch this morning. What’s the difference? gossip witness

17 A tiger escaped from the zoo. The tiger escaped from the zoo. Tigers escaped from the zoo. The tigers escaped from the zoo. Which ones are correct ? D.S.R. I. S. R. D.S.R. Given specific and proper context, they all can be correct.

18 III) Anaphoric, Cataphoric and situational reference Anaphoric reference Cataphoric reference Situational reference mentioned in previous context interpretated in following context the common knowledge shared by speaker and hearer or on a specific situation in which the reference is made clear. 上文提过 下文修饰 共同所知

19 Student: How did I do on ____ test? Teacher: Well, actually you didn’t do very well. Don’t you have _____ tutor? Student: Yes. Mary’s been tutoring me for two weeks now. It’s been difficult to meet though, because I don’t have _____car. Mary does have _____ small Toyota, but isn’t always reliable. the a a a Rewrite the following news title into a sentence: Man bites dog A man bites a dog. Exercise

20 There was once1 ___ crow who stole 2 ___ wedge of cheese from 3 ___ kitchen window. She flew off with 4 ___ cheese to 5 ___ nearby tree. 6 ___ fox saw what 7 ___ crow had done, and he walked over to 8 ___ tree. “Oh, mistress Crow, you have such lovely black feathers, such slender feet, such 9 ___ beautiful yellow beak, and such fine black eyes! You must have 10 ___ beautiful voice. Would you please sing for me?” 11 ___ crow felt very proud. She opened her beak and sang CAW – CAW – CAW. Of course 12 ___ cheese fell down, and 13 ___ fox snatched it up and ate every bite. aa a a a a Athe The the

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