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 蒙恬( - 前 210 年),中国秦朝名将,祖 居齐国,祖父蒙骜和父亲蒙武皆为秦國 名将。蒙恬北防匈奴多年,威震北方。 传说蒙恬发明了毛笔,《史記》 “ 恬取 中山兔毛造筆 ”. 據說蒙恬在鎮守北方時 ,見匈奴以獸毛沾顏料繪圖,又同時前 方戰況告急,才改篆刻竹簡由絲卷書寫 軍情。這才名大噪,並由史官記於史冊.

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Presentation on theme: " 蒙恬( - 前 210 年),中国秦朝名将,祖 居齐国,祖父蒙骜和父亲蒙武皆为秦國 名将。蒙恬北防匈奴多年,威震北方。 传说蒙恬发明了毛笔,《史記》 “ 恬取 中山兔毛造筆 ”. 據說蒙恬在鎮守北方時 ,見匈奴以獸毛沾顏料繪圖,又同時前 方戰況告急,才改篆刻竹簡由絲卷書寫 軍情。這才名大噪,並由史官記於史冊."— Presentation transcript:



3  蒙恬( - 前 210 年),中国秦朝名将,祖 居齐国,祖父蒙骜和父亲蒙武皆为秦國 名将。蒙恬北防匈奴多年,威震北方。 传说蒙恬发明了毛笔,《史記》 “ 恬取 中山兔毛造筆 ”. 據說蒙恬在鎮守北方時 ,見匈奴以獸毛沾顏料繪圖,又同時前 方戰況告急,才改篆刻竹簡由絲卷書寫 軍情。這才名大噪,並由史官記於史冊 內。  Meng Tian ( 蒙恬 ) (died 210 BCE) was a general of the Qin Dynasty who distinguished himself in campaigns against the Xiongnu and in the construction of the Great Wall of China. He is traditionally revered for important improvements of the "Ink brush" ( 毛筆 ) and is specially remembered at the

4  湖笔之乡在浙江湖州善琏镇。  Lake pens are produced in Huzhou shanlian town in China’s Zhejiang Province. Lake pens were first produced during the Jin dynasty. By the Yuan Dynasty, the quality of the pens were greatly improved.  Xuan paper, Hui ink, Duan ink stone, and the Lake pen were collectively known as the " four treasures. “  湖筆 湖筆

5  新毛筆的使用方法 ( How to use a new Chinese ink brush) :  開筆:首先用手指將毛筆的頂端把筆毛慢慢地揉開,再把斷毛弄掉。接著把毛筆放在溫水裏面浸 泡(只須浸泡大概 3/4 就好了,不能用太熱的水,只能使用溫水)一般浸泡在溫水 3 到 5 分鐘就好, 時間不要太長。  润筆:润筆是在寫字前最重要的過程。万万不可直接拿起筆蘸墨就去写。這樣的話,寫起字來的 效果也不是最好。正確的方法是在寫字之前以清水將筆毫浸濕,然後拿出筆來用吸水紙吸乾再把 筆挂起來。大約 7 到 10 分鐘后,筆毫充分吸水后,就能開始寫字了。  入墨:在润筆后,把水去掉就可以良好的吸墨。古語說 “ 筆之着墨三分,不得深入至毫弱無力也 ” 墨 汁少則會過干,不能運轉自如,墨汁太多則腰漲無力。  筆套:當開了新的毛筆后,筆套就可丟掉了。因爲毛筆用后再套筆套會把筆毛弄毀。我們可以使 用報紙把毛筆卷起來或者晾著。  清洗:首先的先洗净毛筆,在洗的时候借助于水把笔毫给理顺,注意洗笔的时候不要用香皂洗, 肥皂水属碱性,会去油,用肥皂洗后会使笔更乾更脆更易折断。洗的时候要慢慢的洗顺着笔毫轻 轻的按压,一般洗个 3 到 5 分钟就可以。  開筆 開筆  How to Use a Chinese Calligraphy Brush How to Use a Chinese Calligraphy Brush


7  徽墨,是中國傳統墨中最富盛名 的一種,因其主要產地徽州府而 得名,列入文房四寶。  徽墨發端於唐代末年,時值戰亂, 大批良匠南下避禍,易州製墨能 手奚超父子定居歙州。二人利用 皖南特產的松樹原料,改進工藝, 終於製成良墨。其子廷珪被南唐 後主李煜賞識,賜姓為李。自此 李廷珪成為製墨宗師,所製徽墨 在宋代就已經極為難得。清代乾 隆皇帝將世傳的李廷圭墨在墨雲 室珍藏,現存台北故宮。  Hui Ink Hui Ink  徽墨 徽墨


9  Xuan paper or Shuen paper or rice paper, is a kind of paper originating in ancient China used for writing and painting.  Xuan paper is renowned for being soft and fine textured, suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both Chinese calligraphy and painting.  The material Xuan paper uses is closely related to the geography of Jing County. The bark of Pteroceltis tatarinowii, a common species of elm in the area, was used as the main material to produce Xuan paper. Rice, along with several other materials, was subsequently added to the recipe in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Bamboo and mulberry also began to be used to produce xuan paper around that time.  The production of Xuan paper can be loosely described as an 18-step process, and a detailed account would involve over a hundred. The process includes steaming and bleaching the bark of Pteroceltis tatarinowii, as well as the addition of a variety of juices. 


11  端砚产自广东肇庆市。肇庆古 称端州,所产的砚台因此叫 “ 端 砚 ” ,最早产于唐代武德年间 ( 618 年 -626 年),至今已有一 千三百多年歷史。端砚以石色 青紫带圆形青绿色石眼的为最 上。肇庆七星岩出产纯白色的 白砚,滑如玉,磨墨无声,也 是上品。上好的端砚不但美观, 而且能 “ 发墨 ” ,墨色光亮如漆, 能在相对较长的时间内不乾。 端硯 Duan ink stone


13 雲門 - 永 Cloud Gate dancing

14  董陽孜寫大字 Dong Yang Zi calligraphy 董陽孜寫大字 Dong Yang Zi calligraphy  書法筆畫教學 Brush Stoke 書法筆畫教學 Brush Stoke  雲門 行草三部曲 Cloud Gate calligraphy dancing 雲門 行草三部曲 Cloud Gate calligraphy dancing











25  三希堂,古时是清高宗弘历即乾 隆帝的书房。 “ 三希 ” 即 “ 士希贤, 贤希圣,圣希天 ” ,士人希望成为 贤人,贤人希望成为圣人,圣人 希望成为知天之人,也就是鼓励 自己不懈追求,勤奋自勉。  第二种解释为 “ 珍惜 ” (cherish) 。 古文 “ 希 ” 同 “ 稀 ” (rare) , “ 三希 ” 即 三件稀世珍宝。在当时,这两层 含义是并重的。乾隆十一年(公 元 1746 年)在此收藏了晋朝大书 法家王羲之的《快雪时晴帖》、 王献之的《中秋帖》和王珣的 《伯远帖》。 三希堂 三希堂圖片

26  李文培出生于 1938 年,中国国家京剧院国 家一级美术师, 中国戏剧家协会会员,中 国舞台美术家协会理事。 1964 年中央戏 剧学院美术系毕业。系我国京剧舞美设 计界的元老,一生从事京剧舞台美术设 计工作,与京剧艺术结下了不解之缘, 他所创作的京剧人物具有独特的艺术感 染力。  Liwen Pei, born in 1938, is one of the top China National Peking Opera artists at the national level, member of the Chinese Dramatists Association, and board member of the Chinese Stage Artists Association.

27 醉 Zuì drunk Yang Yuhuan, often known as Yang Guifei, known briefly by the Taoist nun name Taizhen, was known as one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. She was the beloved consort of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang during his later years.


29 Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yun chang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.

30 Xi Shi was one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China. She was said to have lived during the end of Spring and Autumn Period in Zhuji, the capital of the ancient State of Yue. Her name was Shi Yiguang.


32  乙酉年六月十八,登州富家之女薛湘灵出嫁,花轿于途中遇雨, 在春秋亭暂避;彼时载着贫女赵守贞的另一架花轿也避入其里。 赵守贞感叹贫富相遇,世态炎凉,因而啼哭。湘灵仗义怜惜, 从嫁资中取内贮珠宝之锁麟囊相赠,雨止,二人别去。  六年后,洪水洗劫登州,湘灵与家人失散之后逃难到了莱州, 为求生计,只好在当地绅士卢家为奴。一日陪刁蛮小公子天麟 在夫人曾嘱勿上的小楼下游戏,公子将球抛入小楼上,逼薛取 球,湘灵不得已而为之,却见己当日赠贞之锁麟囊供在楼上。 不觉悲泣。原来卢夫人即赵守贞。如今既知湘灵为赠囊之人, 好生感慰,敬如上宾,并助其寻得母、子、夫,终于闔家团聚。  锁麟囊就是绣有麒麟的 “ 锦袋 ”. The pouch is embroidered with the Kirin.

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