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实用文体译例 Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone.  With the approval of the State Council, the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (TPFTZ) was established on May 12, 1991,

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Presentation on theme: "实用文体译例 Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone.  With the approval of the State Council, the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (TPFTZ) was established on May 12, 1991,"— Presentation transcript:

1 实用文体译例 Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone

2  With the approval of the State Council, the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (TPFTZ) was established on May 12, 1991, which is the first special zone in North China with features of an international free trade zone and will operate in accordance with international practice. Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone adopts special policies that are more flexible and preferential than those in force in economic development zones and special economic zones.  天津港保税区经国务院批准 于 1991 年 5 月 12 日建立。它 是中国北方第一家按照国际 惯例运作,具有国际上自由 贸易区性质的特殊区域。保 税区实行的特殊政策比经济 技术开发区、经济特区目前 实行的政策更为灵活,更为 开放,更为优惠

3  TPFTZ has become the new showcase of China’s further reform and open policy, and will be built into a future “ Hong Kong” in Northern China. TPFTZ is of far- reaching significance in accelerating opening and economic development in North China.  天津港保税区已成为中 国进一步扩大改革开放 的新窗口。它将建成中 国北方未来的香港,对 加快我国北方对外开放 和经济发展具有十分深 远的意义。

4  The planned area of TPFTZ is 7.1 square km. Located within Xingang Port at Tanggu District, by the Bohai Bay, 55 km., east of Tianjin. Within the zone, there are areas of international trade and finance, bonded warehouse, processing and wharf operation.  报税区坐落在渤海之滨, 天津市以东 55 公里的塘 沽新港区内,规划面积 为 7.1 平方公里,设有 金融贸易区,仓储加工 区和码头作业区

5  Now, the first 1.2 square km. has been developed. There are four functional areas, such as trade, financial, storage and processing. The infrastructure including water supply, drainage communication, road, power supply, land preparation and separate fence, has been finished with the essential operational requirements.  现已开发起步区 1.2 平方公 里,设有贸易、金融、仓储 和加工四大功能区。区内基 础设施已具备了 “ 五通 —— 上下水通,电信通,道路通 和电力通,一平 —— 土地平 整和一围 —— 保税区的围栏 ” 的实质性运作条件。

6  The distance from FTZ to all berths of Xingang Port is within 1.000 meters. The Beijing- Tianjin-Tanggu expressway and national main roads pass through here. Railways within TPFTZ links with the four main railways — Beijing- Puko and Beijing- Shanhaiguan railways  天津港保税区距离天津 港各码头只有 1,000 米 之遥。津京塘高速公路 及国家干线公路由此通 过,区内有铁路与京浦、 京山四大铁路干线相通

7  TPFTZ radiates and connects the hinterland of the two municipalities Beijing and Tianjin directly under the central government, North China, Northwest China and parts of Northeast China. Tianjin is the starting point of the Pacific Ocean-Europe-Asia continental bridge.  它辐射与连接京津两直 辖市和华北、西北及东 北部分地区。天津是中 国北方铁路交通枢纽, 也是太平洋 —— 欧亚大 陆桥的起点。

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