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妇科常用激素系列介绍(2) -----雌孕激素的临床运用 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院.

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Presentation on theme: "妇科常用激素系列介绍(2) -----雌孕激素的临床运用 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院."— Presentation transcript:

1 妇科常用激素系列介绍(2) -----雌孕激素的临床运用 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院

2 口服雌孕激素药物的发展

3 口服避孕药的发展 性激素与女人 性激素与避孕 关于口服避孕药 口服避孕药的安全性 口服避孕药的发展方向与前景

4 什么是女性激素? 女性激素,就是促进女性生殖器官的成熟和第二性征发 育并维持其正常功能的一类激素 主要由卵巢分泌 包括雌激素、 孕激素和
少量雄激素 子宫底 卵巢 子宫体 子宫颈 女性生殖系统解剖图

5 女性激素的代谢 在肝脏代谢 代谢为硫酸盐或葡萄糖醛酸盐等结合形式 经肾脏排除

6 雌激素的生理作用 对代谢的作用 (1) 骨代谢:刺激成骨细胞的活动,抑制破骨细胞的活动,加速骨的生长,促进钙盐沉积,并能促进骨骺软骨的愈合
  雌激素的生理作用 对代谢的作用 (1) 骨代谢:刺激成骨细胞的活动,抑制破骨细胞的活动,加速骨的生长,促进钙盐沉积,并能促进骨骺软骨的愈合 (2) 促进肝脏合成HDL,抑制LDL合成,减少胆固醇在动脉管壁的沉积,有利于预防冠状动脉粥样硬化 (3) 水盐代谢:使体液向组织间隙转移,由于血容量减少而引起醛固酮分泌,促进肾小管对水和钠的重吸收,从而导致水、钠潴留

7 孕激素是什么? 孕激素主要作用于子宫内膜和子宫肌,适应孕卵着床和维持妊娠

8 雌激素的其他作用 雌激素对皮肤—更有弹性 雌激素与骨骼--促进钙盐沉积

9 通常雌激素被认为可引起肥胖,癌症,长斑等等副作用
对雌激素存在的误解 通常雌激素被认为可引起肥胖,癌症,长斑等等副作用

10 医生需要用雌激素的 两大类情况 补充雌激素: 应用雌孕激素: 为了来月经 为了乳房发育 为了预防骨质疏松 为了保持皮肤弹性 为了避孕
为了治疗疾病 子宫性闭经(宫腔粘连所致) 不育:子宫内膜薄影响胚胎着床 功能性子宫出血

11 口服避孕药的发展 性激素与女人 性激素与避孕 关于口服避孕药 口服避孕药的安全性 口服避孕药的发展方向与前景

12 女人具备什么条件才能怀孕? 12

13 女人需要具备的条件 第一条件 卵子 第二条件 子宫与子宫内膜 输卵管 第三 条 件 宫颈 第 四 条 件 13

14 牛郎与织女 -相会何其易?何其难 卵管功能改变 内膜改变 排卵抑制 宫颈粘液改变 复方口服避孕药、绝育
复方口服避孕药、紧急避孕药、宫内节育器 内膜改变 复方口服避孕药、避孕套 排卵抑制 宫颈粘液改变 复方口服避孕药 14

15 复方口服避孕药避孕机理 下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴 (GnRH-FSH+LH-卵泡法语、生长、成熟、排卵) 雌激素 宫颈粘液(生物屏障) 孕激素
改变输卵管蠕动状态,影响同步性 改变子宫内膜形态, 使得受精卵不易着床 抑制排卵 (垂体) 子宫颈黏液变稠, 阻碍精子穿透受精 特居乐可靠避孕的机理如下3点:抑制排卵、阻碍受精和阻碍着床。 抑制排卵是由于特居乐所含雌孕激素对下丘脑的负反馈,抑制了促排卵激素的分泌;阻碍受精是通过改变宫颈粘液的性状,使精子较难穿透,同时,通过改变子宫内膜的功能和形态,降低了受精卵着床的可能性。 通过上述三个机制的作用,使特居乐可靠的避孕作用 下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴 (GnRH-FSH+LH-卵泡法语、生长、成熟、排卵) 雌激素 宫颈粘液(生物屏障) 孕激素 输卵管(干扰受精卵着床) 子宫内膜(影响内膜,干扰受精卵着床、发育)

16 常规避孕方法比较 避孕方式 比尔指数 安全期法 14~47 体外射精法 10~38 避孕套 7~14 宫内节育器 0.9~3.6
复方口服避孕药 0.03~0.1 比尔指数是指每百名女性使用该方法一年,避孕失败的例数。比尔指数越小,则说明此种避孕方法效果越好。 如采用安全期法的比尔指数为3,即指在100名女性采取安全性法避孕一年,将会有14~47例女性怀孕。 如上表所示:复方口服避孕药的避孕失败率最低。

17 口服避孕药的发展 性激素与女人 性激素与避孕 关于口服避孕药 口服避孕药的安全性 口服避孕药的发展方向与前景

18 复方口服避孕药避孕机理 下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴 (GnRH-FSH+LH-卵泡法语、生长、成熟、排卵) 雌激素 宫颈粘液(生物屏障) 孕激素
改变输卵管蠕动状态,影响同步性 改变子宫内膜形态, 使得受精卵不易着床 抑制排卵 (垂体) 子宫颈黏液变稠, 阻碍精子穿透受精 特居乐可靠避孕的机理如下3点:抑制排卵、阻碍受精和阻碍着床。 抑制排卵是由于特居乐所含雌孕激素对下丘脑的负反馈,抑制了促排卵激素的分泌;阻碍受精是通过改变宫颈粘液的性状,使精子较难穿透,同时,通过改变子宫内膜的功能和形态,降低了受精卵着床的可能性。 通过上述三个机制的作用,使特居乐可靠的避孕作用 下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴 (GnRH-FSH+LH-卵泡法语、生长、成熟、排卵) 雌激素 宫颈粘液(生物屏障) 孕激素 输卵管(干扰受精卵着床) 子宫内膜(影响内膜,干扰受精卵着床、发育)

19 第一种口服避孕药 1960 年6月,第一个复方口服避孕药经美国食品与药物管理局(FDA ) 批准在美国上市, 其商品名为Enovid-10, 含异炔诺酮9. 85 mg,炔雌醇甲醚150 μg。由于其避孕效果近100% , 很快在世界范围得到普遍采用。 1961年,德国先灵公司在澳大利亚和德国推出了Anovlar,是欧洲市场上第一个口服避孕药。 Enovid-10 Anovlar 翁梨驹, 吴尚纯.实用妇产科杂志. 2001; 17(6):

20 发达国家各种避孕方式所占比例 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division: World contraceptive Use 2003

21 中国OC的使用现状 我国已婚育龄人群口服避孕药现用率,既低于全球发达地区, 也低于其他发展中国家和地区 20 OC现用率(%) 16 12
17.3% OC现用率(%) 16 12 8 5.9% 4 1.83% 中国 全球发达国家 全球发展中国家 刘云嵘,中国计划生育学杂志. 2004; 8: 454-6

22 目前OC的使用状况 据估计,目前口服避孕药列全球所有已婚妇女目前使用的计划生育方法第三位。
这些百分数很大程度上受到世界上两个人口大国,中国和印度的影响,这两个 国家服用口服避孕药的妇女人数的比例很少 19.0% 20 全球妇女比例(%) 16 13.0% 12 8.0% 8 4 绝育术 宫内节育器 口服避孕药 许侠. 中国计划生育学杂志. 2001; 4:

23 口服避孕药使用低的原因 相关的宣传渠道及生殖健康教育知识的缺乏 消费者缺乏对口服避孕药正确的认识—作用、安全性

24 口服避孕药的发展 性激素与女人 性激素与避孕 关于口服避孕药 口服避孕药的安全性 口服避孕药的发展方向与前景

25 口服避孕药的常见误区 肿瘤风险增加? 导致胎儿畸形? 降低女性生育能力? 导致肥胖?

26 肿瘤发生相关的益处 卵巢癌 下降>80% 子宫内膜癌 下降50% 直肠癌 下降20-50% 绒毛膜癌 下降100%
卵巢癌 下降>80% Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study, N EngI J Med 1987 子宫内膜癌 下降50% WHO Collaborative Study, Int J Epidemiol 1988 直肠癌 下降20-50% Fernandez et al. Br J Cancer 2001 绒毛膜癌 下降100%

27 不增加乳腺癌风险(1) 类别 相对危险度(95%置信区间) 口服避孕药 正在服用 停用后1-4年 停用后5-9年 停用后10年以上 1.24( ) 1.16( ) 1.07( ) 1.01( ) 其他因素 老年 在发展中国家居住 初潮年龄<11岁 首次怀孕年龄>40岁和过量饮酒 10 5 3 使用COC女性与从未使用的女性比较,乳腺癌的相对危险度为1.24( )1,而乳腺癌的其他因素如老年、在发展中国家居住、初潮年龄<11岁、首次怀孕年龄>40岁和过量饮酒的相对危险度分别为:>10、5、3和32。与这些因素比较,使用COC发生乳腺癌的可能性极低。 1. Philip Hannaford. British Medical Bulletin 2000;56 (3) : 2. Scott A. et al. Human Reproduction Update;2004;10(5):

28 不增加乳腺癌风险(2) 类别 病例人数 对照人数 优势比 未用过 使用过 正在使用 以前使用 使用时间 <1年 1至5年 5至10年 10至15年 >15年 1032 3497 200 3289 782 1200 848 426 234 980 3658 172 3481 822 1280 882 466 202 1.0 0.9( ) 1.0( ) 0.9( ) 0.9( ) Marchbanks分析了35-64岁的乳腺癌患者4575例,以及4682例对照女性后得出结论:如未使用过OC女性患乳腺癌的相对危险度为1,则近期服用OC的相对危险度为1.0(95%CI:0.8~1.3),曾经服用OC者相对危险度为0.9(95%CI: )。 Marchbanks PA. et al. N Engl J Med 2002;346:

29 口服避孕药的常见误区 肿瘤风险增加? 导致胎儿畸形? 降低女性生育能力? 导致肥胖?

30 不增加新生儿畸形危险 育龄妇女停止使用任何一种避孕措施怀孕,最终新生儿畸形的发生率均无显著差异。与其他避孕措施比较,口服避孕药并不会引起新生儿畸形的增加。 Harlap S. et al. Int J Fertil. 1985;30(2):39-47

31 口服避孕药的常见误区 肿瘤风险增加? 导致胎儿畸形? 降低女性生育能力? 导致肥胖?

32 停用优思明®后生育力的恢复

33 停用优思明®后生育力的恢复 欧洲主动监测研究结果
Maureen Cronin MD PhD;1 Sabine Möhner PhD;2 Do Minh Thai;2 Carolyn Westhoff MD3 1 拜耳先灵; 2 ZEG – 德国柏林流行病学和健康研究中心; 3 美国纽约哥伦比亚大学

34 研究方法 前瞻性调查受孕时间 在欧洲主动监测研究(EURAS)中对口服避孕药使用者的研究
EURAS是一项在欧洲开展的针对 60,000名OC新使用者的对照、前瞻性队列研究 研究期间停用OC发生妊娠者 共入选59,510名受试者 2,064 (3.5%)名停用OC后妊娠 妇女停用OC后至少随访2年 制定全面的随访程序以确保失访率降低 (<2.5%)

35 结果: 受孕时间 停用OC者和未使用OC者 EURAS & DUNSON 1年后: 79.4% (95% CI: 77.6-81.1)
受孕时间:所有队列 EURAS & DUNSON 1年后: 79.4% (95% CI: ) 2年后: 88.3% (95% CI: ) 停用OC 后周期 性生活频率:每周2次 性生活频率:每周1次 Source: Dunson. Age and Infertility. Obstet Gynecol 2004.

36 结论: 该研究证实停用OC者受孕率与未使用OC者相 当 停用优思明®者受孕的时间中位数为3个周期

37 目前仍存在的问题 许多患者过早终止口服避孕药 30-50% 在1年内终止使用 50%的青少年在3个月内终止 新使用者的终止情况发生更频繁
大多数在6个月内终止 (尤其是头2个月内) 50%的青少年在3个月内终止 新使用者的终止情况发生更频繁 Premature OC Discontinuation Key points: 50% of adolescents stop OCs within 3 months and new starters tend to discontinue more frequently. Despite the fact that OCs are highly efficacious and women taking them do not want to become pregnant, an overwhelming number of women discontinue OC use. In order to improve adherence, it is important to communicate to patients that side effects may occur, but if they do, they are usually transient. Research has shown that patients do not necessarily discontinue OC use because of the side effects, but rather because the side effects occurred unexpectedly. Reference: Rosenberg MJ, Waugh MS. Oral contraceptive discontinuation: a prospective evaluation of frequency and reasons. Am J Obstet Gynecol1998;179(3 Pt 1): Rosenberg MJ et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179(3 Pt 1):

38 终止使用口服避孕药的原因 副反应: 46% 无避孕需求: 23% 其他: 17% 与使用方法相关: 14%
In a prospective study of 1657 women 6 months after starting a new oral contraceptive, 293 (18%) discontinued use: 46% did so due to the occurrence of side effects; 23% no longer required contraception ; 14% due to method-related reasons including difficulty with use, concern about hormones and cost; and 17% cited other/unspecified reasons for discontinuing. Rosenberg MJ et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;179:

39 耐受性差可导致避孕终止 耐受性差是妇女终止使用口服避孕药的最常见原因1 与终止使用相关的常见耐受性因素包括: 头痛 情绪改变 体液潴留
体重增加 乳房触痛 恶心 月经周期紊乱 (不规则出血) 血压升高 Skouby SO. Contraceptive use and behavior in the 21st century: a comprehensive study across five European countries. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2004;9(2):57–68 Rosenberg MJ, Waugh MS. Oral contraceptive discontinuation: a prospective evaluation of frequency and reasons. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179:577–82 1. Skouby 2004; 2. Rosenberg and Waugh 1998

40 口服避孕药的发展 性激素与女人 性激素与避孕 关于口服避孕药 口服避孕药的非避孕效益 口服避孕药的发展方向与前景

41 口服避孕药的发展:有效,安全,收益 额外收益 Safety Safety 1960 2006 安全 Added Benefits 1960
体重 经前期紧张综合症 青春痘 Added Benefits 1960 2006 有效 1960 2006 It is interesting, if we look at efficacy and efficiency of OCs over the last decades, efficacy has remained by and large constant, meaning a very high level Safety has improved with lower hormonal load, but at least over the last couple of years, in the safety area not much has changed. Modern OCs as you know are very safe indeed. But what has really changed, are all the additional benefits that we subscribe to OCs. What makes Yasmin and DRSP so unique is its positive effect on water retention, and its positive effect on PMS like symptoms. This has been confirmed in many clinical studies.

42 口服避孕药的发展 雌激素 + 孕激素 降低剂量,增加安全性

43 口服避孕药的发展 雌激素 + 孕激素 降低剂量,增加安全性 研发新的结构式,以降低副作用,增加避孕外的收益

44 OC中孕激素的发展 第一代的孕激素:炔诺酮 甲地孕酮 第二代的孕激素:左旋18甲基炔诺酮 左炔诺孕酮LNG
第一代的孕激素:炔诺酮 甲地孕酮 第二代的孕激素:左旋18甲基炔诺酮 左炔诺孕酮LNG 第三代的孕激素:孕二烯酮 去氧孕烯等 目前为止仍未解决的问题: 目前药物含有雌激素的盐皮质激素效应导致水潴留等相关症状,是导致女性体重增加及其他相关副作用的重要原因,目前上市的产品均无抗盐皮质激素效应。

45 最接近天然孕酮的孕激素--屈螺酮 新型孕激素屈螺酮(DRSP), 比其他目前上市药物所含的任何合成孕激素比,更接近天然孕激素:
抗盐皮质激素 = 抵消水潴留=体重控制、PMS 抗雄激素效应 = 皮肤更美

46 各种孕激素药理学特性比较 孕激素 雄激素 抗雄激素 抗盐皮质激素 糖皮质激素 活性 活性 活性 活性 活性 孕激素 + - (+) + -
孕激素 雄激素 抗雄激素 抗盐皮质激素 糖皮质激素 活性 活性 活性 活性 活性 孕激素 + - (+) + - 屈螺酮 醋酸环丙孕酮 (+) 地诺孕酮 去氧孕烯 + (+) (3-酮基地索高诺酮的活性代谢物) 孕二烯酮 + (+) - (+) - 左炔诺孕酮 + (+) - - - (+) 治疗剂量可以忽略不计 无作用 明显作用 Foldert et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2000; 5:

47 除孕激素作用之外的重要特性 抗盐皮质激素作用 抗雄激素作用

48 水潴留相关不良反应 手指/手浮肿 乳房胀痛 屈螺酮 醛固酮 盐皮质激素 受体 体重增加 腹胀 下肢水肿

49 抗盐皮质激素效应对体重的影响 (与基线期比较)
抗盐皮质激素效应对体重的影响 (与基线期比较) Weight gain during oral contraceptive use is perceived by many women as a major disadvantage of using hormonal contraceptives and is a common reason for discontinuation. The increase in bodyweight may in part be explained by fluid retention resulting from unopposed stimulation of the RAAS by oestrogens, including ethinyloestradiol. For Yasmin, the direct antimineralocorticoid effects of drospirenone, which prevent the mineralocorticoid action of aldosterone, are expected to counteract the water retention-related bodyweight gains for most women. This effect is clearly demonstrated in the relative changes in body weight observed in women during the first year of treatment relative to baseline and Marvelon . However, the initial overall weight loss observed with Yasmin treatment is not an indicator of fat loss but presumed to be an indicator for reduced water retention. Yasmin should not be used for weight reduction Boschitsch et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2000;5:34–40

50 对月经相关症状具有积极作用,尤其是水潴留的对抗,并可降低食欲
屈螺酮对经前期症状的作用 对月经相关症状具有积极作用,尤其是水潴留的对抗,并可降低食欲 可减少经前期症状,改善健康相关生活质量和身心愉悦感 Effects of Drospirenone on Premenstrual Symptoms Key points: Drospirenone (DRSP) has a positive effect on menstrually-related symptoms, especially water retention, negative affect, and increased appetite and food cravings, and improves health-related quality of life and sense of well-being. Sangthawan and Taneepanichskul conducted an open-label, randomized study in 99 women to compare the effects of two COCs containing 3.0 mg drospirenone (DRSP)/30 μg ethinyl estradiol (EE) with 150 μg levonorgestrel (LNG)/30 μg EE on the prevalence and changes from baseline of premenstrual symptoms after 6 cycles. The symptoms were measured using the Women’s Health Assessment Questionnaire. A significantly lower score of negative affect category in the premenstrual phase was demonstrated in subjects receiving DRSP/EE compared to LNG/EE (p=0.035). The DRSP/EE group showed a greater improvement of mean scores from baseline in the premenstrual phase compared with those who received LNG/EE on negative affect as seen in items on anxiety (p=0.045), irritability (p=0.006), feeling sad or blue (p=0.006) and weight gain (p=0.022) in the category of water retention. Borenstein et al. analyzed responses from 858 women who completed a survey when initiating 3.0 mg DRSP/30 μg EE and again after 2 cycles of treatment. Compared with baseline values, DRSP/EE use was associated with significant improvements in premenstrual symptoms; namely, negative affect (p<0.001) and water retention (p<0.001); sense of well-being (p<0.05); impairment in usual activities due to premenstrual symptoms (p<0.05) and Mental Component Summary Scale of Short Form-12 (p<0.001). However, a significant improvement was not seen in the Physical Component Summary Scale. Apter et al. conducted an open, 6-cycle study in 336 women to evaluate the effects of 3.0 mg DRSP/30 μg EE on fluid-related symptoms in the luteal phase of the cycle and the effects of these symptoms on general well-being. DRSP/EE was associated with a significant reduction in the incidence and severity of abdominal bloating and breast tension (both p<0.001) associated with the menstrual cycle. A significant beneficial effect of DRSP/EE on psychological well-being (p<0.0001), as measured by the Psychological General Well-Being Index, was evident by cycle 3 and maintained at cycle 6. Parsey and Pong conducted an open-label study in 326 evaluable women using 3.0 mg DRSP/30 μg EE for 13 cycles. When they evaluated the effect on menstrual health, they found that DRSP/EE had a statistically significant positive effect on water retention and negative affect in all menstrual phases of the cycle and on increased appetite in the premenstrual and menstrual phases at cycle 6. Freeman et al. conducted a placebo-controlled study to assess the effect of 3.0 mg DRSP/30 μg EE in 82 women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). They found that women using DRSP/EE had a better response in all 4 factor categories; however, the effect was statistically significant only in factor 3 (p=0.027), which included appetite, food cravings and acne. References: Sangthawan M, Taneepanichskul S. A comparative study of monophasic oral contraceptives containing either drospirenone 3 mg or levonorgestrel 150 μg on premenstrual symptoms. Contraception 2005;71:1-7. Borenstein J, Yu HT, Wade S, Chiou CF, Rapkin A. Effect of an oral contraceptive containing ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone on premenstrual symptomatology and health-related quality of life. J Reprod Med 2003;48: Apter D, Borsos A, Baumgärtner W, Melis GB, Vexiau-Robert D, Colligs-Hakert A, Palmer M, Kelly S. Effect of an oral contraceptive containing drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol on general well-being and fluid-related symptoms. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2003;8: Parsey KS, Pong A. An open-label, multicenter study to evaluate Yasmin, a low-dose combination oral contraceptive containing drospirenone, a new progestogen. Contraception 2000;61: Freeman E, Kroll R, Rapkin A, Pearlstein T, Brown C, Parsey K, Zhang P, Patel H, Foegh M, for the PMS/PMDD Research Group. Evaluation of a unique oral contraceptive in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. J Womens Health Gend Based Med 2001;10:561-9. Sangthawan M et al. Contraception 2005;71:1-7. Borenstein J et al. J Reprod Med 2003;48:79-85. Apter D et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2003;8:37-51. Parsey KS et al. Contraception 2000;61: Freeman E et al. J Womens Health Gend Based Med 2001;10:561-9.

51 优思明对经前期症状的影响 (经期不适量表评分的改变)
8 6 4 2 基线期 Cycle 6 n=300 *p<0.001 * Mean score * Effect of Drospirenone on Premenstrual Symptoms (change in Menstrual Distress Questionnaire score) Key points: Drospirenone has an effect on the perception of the severity of some common menstrual symptoms. Symptoms of water retention, negative affect, and increased appetite were less severe after 6 cycles of treatment with drospirenone. The impact of 3.0 mg drospirenone/30 μg ethinyl estradiol on women’s self-perception of menstrual health was evaluated during an open-label, 13-cycle study conducted in the US. The occurrence of menstrually related symptoms was assessed via a questionnaire completed at baseline and again at the end of cycle 6. The questionnaire was adapted from the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ). It consisted of the following items: • Impaired concentration: insomnia, forgetfulness, confusion, poor judgment, difficulty concentrating, distractibility, tendency to have minor accidents and poor motor coordination • Negative affect: loneliness, sadness, tearfulness, moodiness, tension, anxiety, irritability, and restlessness • Water retention: weight gain, painful or tender breasts, swelling of breasts or abdomen, and skin blemish or disorder • Increased appetite • Feeling of well-being • Undesirable hair change The results of the questionnaire showed that drospirenone has an effect on the perception of the severity of some common menstrual symptoms. Symptoms of water retention, negative affect, and increased appetite were less severe after 6 cycles of treatment. Reference: Parsey KS, Pong A. An open-label, multicenter study to evaluate YASMIN, a low-dose combination oral contraceptive containing drospirenone, a new progestogen. Contraception 2000;61: * 注意力不集中 消极情绪 水潴留 食欲增加 Adapted from Parsey KS et al. Contraception 2000;61:

52 优思明抗雄激素效应对痤疮和皮脂产生的影响
Cycle Cycle -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 屈螺酮/炔雌醇 醋酸环丙孕酮 /炔雌醇 自基线总体痤疮 减少中值 (%) 自基线皮脂产生减少中值 (%) Acne and Seborrhea: Drospirenone/EE vs. Cyproterone Acetate/EE Key point: Drospirenone/EE was as effective as Cyproterone Acetate/EE in decreasing total acne lesion count and sebum production. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind study of 3.0 mg drospirenone (DRSP)/30 μg ethinyl estradiol (EE) [YASMIN®] vs. 2.0 mg cyproterone acetate (CPA)/35 μg EE (Diane®-35) was conducted in menstruating women aged 16 to 35 years with mild-to-moderate acne vulgaris. Patients received either DRSP/EE (n=82) or CPA/EE (n=43) over 9 cycles. The primary objective was to assess the relative change in the acne lesion count from baseline to the 9th treatment cycle (non-inferior statistical analysis). As a secondary endpoint, sebum production was also assessed. After 9 treatment cycles, the median total acne lesion count was reduced by 62.5% in the DRSP/EE group and 58.8% in the CPA/EE group. DRSP/EE was as effective as CPA/EE in reducing the acne lesion count (p= for non-inferiority). Both DRSP/EE and CPA/EE decreased sebum production, with a marked reduction seen after only 1 treatment cycle. Reference: van Vloten WA, van Haselen, van Zuuran EJ, Gerlinger C, Heithecker R. The effect of 2 combined oral contraceptives containing either drospirenone or cyproterone acetate on acne and seborrhea. Cutis 2002;69:2-15. 屈螺酮/炔雌醇 醋酸环丙孕酮/炔雌醇 p= (非劣性比较) van Vloten WA et al. Cutis 2002;69:2-15.

53 新的口服避孕药将带给女性什么? 非常可靠的避孕效果 极佳的周期控制 极好的耐受性 控制体重 改善经前期症状 对皮肤和毛发的有益作用

54 避孕药有很多不为人知的好处 控制月经周期 治疗功能性子宫出血 流产后内膜恢复 治疗痛经

55 谢谢!

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