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高中英语词汇教学那些事 重庆18中 卿君.

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1 高中英语词汇教学那些事 重庆18中 卿君

2 ● Why to teach ● How to teach/improve

3 Why to teach (The importance):
▲ 美国著名作家和教育家L-Ron Hubbar先生的教 育学理论认为: 影响理解和应用的最重要因素是词汇。 ▲ 英国语言学家David Wilkins: “Without grammar,very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.”

4 解读:重大教材词汇量太大 浮 云 必修1: 780个 必修2: 762个 最多一个单元达112个,超100个的就有5个单元
浮 云 必修1: 780个 必修2: 762个 最多一个单元达112个,超100个的就有5个单元 新课标8级要求掌握3300个左右的单词和400—500个习惯用语和固定搭配,而初中要求1600个左右 (再现率高、派生词、超纲词)

5 分享:三不教 1.教过的不要再教(检测)。 2.学生能学会的不要教 (引领学生学习)。 3.教了也学不会的不要教(科学控制每课教学容量)。
How to teach / improve (体会 ): 分享:三不教 1.教过的不要再教(检测)。 2.学生能学会的不要教 (引领学生学习)。 3.教了也学不会的不要教(科学控制每课教学容量)。

6 词汇分层次教学(按教材编排) Reading部分, Grammar&Writing部分 Listening&Speaking部分 Further reading部分

7 见词讲词,适当拓展和省略,尽可能精讲少讲
体会 1: 见词讲词,适当拓展和省略,尽可能精讲少讲

8 体会2: 切忌面面俱到

9 体会3: 尽量少讲词汇间的区别。

10 体会4: 并非每个单词(8级)都要求正确拼写与运用

11 ▲美国心理学家特鲁·赫伯说: 体会5:幽默地利用联想、谐音、游戏,找单词之间规律,自编自用,也可借用。
“幽默是一种最有趣,最有感染力,最有普遍意义 的传递艺术。” 在英语教学中,教师如果善于运用幽默艺术,就可以深深地感染和吸引学生的注意力,消除教学疲劳,活跃课堂气氛,和谐师生关系,有助于知识的传授和掌握。

12 1. Negroes and heroes like to eat potatoes and
tomatoes from the volcanoes. (一个黑人英雄在火山下面的土豆地里吃西红柿) 2. A modern modest model won a metal medal . 3. There is a mutton and a button at the bottom of the bottle. 4. Does your lover love your glove? 5. Believe it or not,the sweat in my sweater is sweet, so I’d like to eat it. 6.Do you know,which is the most important, health, wealth or wreath?

13 7. There is a fly flying over the frying pan and crying for help.
8. The competitors competed in the composition competition, and they are all very competitive.

14 9.The emperor with his mayors and inspectors came to a hospital to see a sailor and a monitor of a school. The director of the hospital , as well as some doctors, professors and inventors warmly met the visitors. They thought highly of the wounded sailor and the brave monitor for their fighting against the traitor, who robbed one tailor of her mirror and scissors on the tractor.

15 谐音法记忆 pregnant 怀孕 ——扑来个男的 ambulance 救护车 ——俺不能死 ponderous 肥胖的 ——胖的要死;
pest害虫——拍死它; ambition雄心——俺必胜; agony痛苦——爱过你; bale灾祸——背噢; admire羡慕——额的妈呀; damage破坏---打米机; instructive有教育意义的---硬是抓到个特务…

16 语言的约定俗成性 Long time no see. go to big / small; No three, no four. Give you some color see see.

17 ◆感悟6:创设和利用真实语境,促进词汇的活用和理解
埃利斯(1990)提出:“没能给学习者提供自然交流机会的教学活动,将会使学习者失去接触语言材料的主要来源,进而阻止习得的进步”,因此,理想的词汇教学应创造更多的直接使用语言的机会,让学生“沉浸”在语言环境中,进行有意义的的交流。 注意: 1.活动要围绕教学内容教学目标,复习巩固所学词汇。 2.以学生的经验和兴趣为出发点,并与学生现实 生活联系起来。

18 add 的一些短语: add it up added up to added to added added to In addition
Last week my daughter told me that she wanted to buy a Chinese-English dictionary. When I asked her how much she had herself, she took out all her pocket money and started to _________, but it _____________ no more than 62 yuan, which was not enough to a Chinese-English dictionary which would cost 108 yuan. She then asked me for the rest. I gave her 50 yuan ________ 50 is 112.After buying the dictionary, she still had 4 yuan left. So I ______ she could keep the remaining money. She was happy to buy the dictionary. _________ , it really _________ our happiness . add it up added up to added to added added to In addition

19 Sports I am glad to tell you that a sports meeting will be held in our school next Wednesday. It will last three days. More than 200 students will compete in the meet. For field event, we will have the high jump, long jump, shotput and javelin-throwing. For track events, we will have the 100-meter race,200-meter race….At the end of the meet, we will have a 400-meter relay race and a tug-of –war in the gym. But I am sorry to tell you that we won’t have the following events: swimming, sailing, shooting or wrestling. I hope each of you will enter for at least one event and get the best possible result.

20 结束语: ▲ Teach in your own way that suits your own students!
词汇教学体会:   词汇教学的方法是不胜枚举,八仙过海,各显神通。教无定法,但教有常法,有一些科学的规律性的东西(即原则)需要我们去遵循。 ▲ Teach in your own way that suits your own students! ▲ Everything will be possible in our English teaching & learning!


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