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Presentation on theme: "ABC PATTERN “The PLAYBOOK” ABC跟进法 “教战手册”"— Presentation transcript:


2 ABC Pattern of Duplication & Building Depth ABC跟进法:复制及深入发展
SENIOR PARTNER 资深伙伴 YOU A A B B C C A1 A1 B1 B1 C1 C1 A, B, C, etc. are Go NOW UnFranchise™ Owners A、B、C等人是积极进取的超连锁™店主

3 90 Days to transfer 150 BV from “Other Brands” to YOUR BRAND
Use Consistently & Correctly Fast Start Kit products Complete Home Shopping List Look Up BV Values for ma Branded products checked off Revise UnFranchise™ AutoShip Order* before first pull if needed *UFMS 90天赚取150 BV 将“其他品牌”改成你的品牌 持续正确使用“新人快速启动组合”产品 完成“居家购物清单” 核对所选美安品牌产品的BV值 若有需要,在第一次出货前修改“超连锁™自动送货”* *超连锁管理系统(UFMS)

4 改变你的购物方式及购物地点… “购买你原本就要购买的东西!”
Change how you buy, and where you buy... “What you are going to buy anyway!” SG.SHOP.COM/??? PCID & PSWD on “Every Computer” “Surf” SG.SHOP.COM site Conduct inventory of “Stores” you currently buy from 改变你的购物方式及购物地点… “购买你原本就要购买的东西!” “每台计算机”都连上SG.SHOP.COM/??? 使用你的优惠顾客号码及密码 “上网浏览”SG.SHOP.COM网站 盘点你目前从“店家”购买的商品

5 初始10天建立可能人选名单 60-300份姓名及联络资料
Create Possibility List Names & Contact Info. in first 10 days Address Book Contact Phone Facebook Instagram Twitter...etc Who do you know that... 初始10天建立可能人选名单 份姓名及联络资料 人名地址簿 联络电话 推特…等 你有没有认识谁…

6 Sell 100 BV in “New Product” / month for the first 12 months
Talk/converse with 16 Possibilities/Names per month Ask questions/probe for problems or challenges Listen...for product solutions Use testimonials/success to create new sales 初始12个月,每个月销售100 BV的“新产品” 每个月与16名可能人选交谈 藉由发问找出他们所面对的问题或难题 聆听……提出产品对策 分享见证∕成功故事,以创造新销售

7 Show Business Plan to ≥ 4 Qualified Possibilities per month
Talk/converse with 16 Possibilities/Names per month Ask questions/probe for problems or challenges Listen...for financial solutions Use testimonials/success to create interest Use UBP Video...(3 parts) 每个月至少向四名合格人选, 说明事业计划 每个月与16名可能人选交谈 藉由发问找出他们所面对的问题或难题 聆听……提出理财对策 分享见证∕成功故事,以激起兴趣 利用超连锁事业说明会(UBP)影片…(三部分)

8 Training in first 90 days 初始90天的训练活动
Live!...Corporate NEW UNFRANCHISE™ OWNER TRAINING (NUOT) ≤ 28 days Online BASIC FIVE TRAINING (B5) ≤ 60 days Live!...B5 Online NUOT Executive Coordinator Certification Training (ECCT) Attend Local Seminar...Buy 3 Tickets 初始90天的训练活动 现场!…公司举办的新超连锁™店主训练(NUOT) ≤ 28天 在线成功五要诀训练(B5) ≤ 60天 现场!…B5 在线NUOT 授证经理级训练(ECCT) 参加地方研讨会…购买三张票

9 The Two to Three Year Plan IS within your reach
Month 1 You + 1 = 2 x 4 plans = 8/4 = 2 NEW Month 2 You + 3 = 4 x 4 plans = 16/4 = 4 NEW Month 3 You + 7 = 8 x 4 plans = 32/4 = 8 NEW Month 4 You + 15 = 16 x 4 plans = 64/4 = 16 NEW Month 5 You + 31 = 32 x 4 plans = 128/4 = 32 NEW Month 6 You + 63 = 63 x 4 plans = 252/4 = 63 NEW 2-3年计划触手可及 第1个月 你 + 1 = 2 x 4计划 = 8/4 = 2新 第2个月 你 + 3 = 4 x 4计划 = 16/4 = 4新 第3个月 你 + 7 = 8 x 4计划 = 32/4 = 8新 第4个月 你 + 15 = 16 x 4计划 = 64/4 = 16新 第5个月 你 + 31 = 32 x 4计划 = 128/4 = 32新 第6个月 你 + 63 = 63 x 4计划 = 252/4 = 63新

10 The Two to Three Year Plan IS within your reach
Month 7 You + 1 = 2 x 4 plans = 8/4 = 2 NEW Month 8 You + 3 = 4 x 4 plans = 16/4 = 4 NEW Month 9 You + 7 = 8 x 4 plans = 32/4 = 8 NEW Month 10 You + 15 = 16 x 4 plans = 64/4 = 16 NEW Month 11 You + 31 = 32 x 4 plans = 128/4 = 32 NEW Month 12 You + 63 = 63 x 4 plans = 252/4 = 63 NEW 2-3年计划触手可及 第7个月 你 + 1 = 2 x 4计划 = 8/4 = 2新 第8个月 你 + 3 = 4 x 4计划 = 16/4 = 4新 第9个月 你 + 7 = 8 x 4计划 = 32/4 = 8新 第10个月 你 + 15 = 16 x 4计划 = 64/4 = 16新 第11个月 你 + 31 = 32 x 4计划 = 128/4 = 32新 第12个月 你 + 63 = 63 x 4计划 = 252/4 = 63新

11 The Two to Three Year Plan is within your reach
Each UFO ≥ 400 BV / Month 12 months ≥ 126 UFOs 126 UFOs x 400 BV / Month = 50,400 BV / Month 50,400 ÷ 2 Organizations = 25,200 BV / Month Left Organization = 25,200 BV / Month Right Organization = 25,200 BV/ Month 25,200 / month ÷ 4 weeks = 6,300 BV / Week 2-3年计划触手可及 每位超连锁™店主每个月≥ 400 BV 12个月 ≥ 126位超连锁™店主 126位超连锁™店主x 每个月400 BV = 每个月50,400 BV 50,400 ÷ 2组织 = 每个月25,200 BV 左边组织 = 每个月25,200 BV 右边组织 = 每个月25,200 BV 每个月25,200 ÷ 4周 = 每周6,300 BV

12 S$2,625 or more per WEEK in 12 months
RESULTS S$2,625 or more per WEEK in 12 months THIS CAN BE DONE IN TWO-THREE YEARS 成果 一年内每周至少S$2,625 可于2-3年达成

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