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Presentation on theme: "主耶稣我爱祢."— Presentation transcript:

1 主耶稣我爱祢

2 主耶稣我爱祢,深知我属祢, 世上诸凡乐趣,愿为祢丢弃; 祢是我的救主,因你赎我罪恶; 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。
My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; 世上诸凡乐趣,愿为祢丢弃; For Thee all the follies of sin I resign. 祢是我的救主,因你赎我罪恶; My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou; 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

3 2. 主耶稣我爱祢,因主先爱我, 在十字架替死,赦我诸罪恶; 我爱主因祢, 为我戴荆棘冕, 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。
I love Thee because Thou has first loved me, 在十字架替死,赦我诸罪恶; And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree. 我爱主因祢, 为我戴荆棘冕, I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.  

4 3. 无论死生忧乐,我仍爱我主, 在世我要时常赞美主恩典; 直到主降临, 我必儆醒等待, 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。
I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, 在世我要时常赞美主恩典; And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath; 直到主降临, 我必儆醒等待, And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow, 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.  

5 I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow; 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。
4. 主再来迎接我,永住荣耀中, In mansions of glory and endless delight, 我必时常颂扬 , 主的大恩宠; I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright; 戴荣耀的冠冕,我得恩真格外, I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow; 我曾经爱救主,于今更亲爱。 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

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