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The final judgment for Satan and all (not in the book of life)

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1 The final judgment for Satan and all (not in the book of life)

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3 Dig Key verse: Rev 20:15 关键章节:启示录20:15. Read Revelation 19 & 20
读启示录19和20章。 Theme of Rev 19: The ending of the beast and the false prophet (2 of the trinity of Satan) and their followers by the Lamb. 启示录19章主题:兽和假先知(撒但三位一体的两位)和他们的追随者被羔羊终结。 What happened before the capture of the beast and the false prophet as seen by John in v.1? Multitude praised the salvation, the fall of Babylon, the Great. 在第1节中,在兽和假先知被擒前,约翰看到了什么?群众对救恩的赞颂和巴比仑大城的倾覆。

4 Dig The content of the praises: salvation, glory and power to the Lord, His truth and justice of his judgment because of His condemnation of the prostitute, who had corrupted the world and slaughtered the saints. And they also praised the ending of the Babylon in the smoke. 赞颂的内容:救恩、荣耀、权能,都属乎主,他的判断是真实公义的,因他为那败坏世界和屠杀圣徒的淫妇定罪。他们还赞颂巴比仑在烟火中倾覆。 The twenty four elders together with the 4 living creatures resonated. 那二十四位长老与四活物一同赞颂神。 Then, there came a voice from the throne to urge all His small and great servants to do the same. 然后,有声音从宝座出来,要求神的众仆人,无论大小,都要做同样的事。

5 Dig With that, what happened? A great multitude sounded like roaring waters and peals of thunder shouting, ”Hallelujah” for the wedding of the Lamb. 随之发生了什么?群众的声音,好像众水咆哮和大雷隆隆的声音,为羔羊的婚筵说“哈利路亚” 。 Who’s the bride? The saints who have been dressed in righteous acts, in Rev 19:7 & 8. And in Rev 21:2, it is described as the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven and prepared as a bride for her newly wedded husband. So, the bride is actually a place where God and Christ will live among us. We will touch this in length in Rev 21. 谁是新妇?穿着所行的义的圣徒,见启示录19:7&8。在启示录21:2,她被描述为从天而降的新耶路撒冷,已准备好成为她的新婚丈夫的新妇。所以, 这新妇其实是一个地方,在那里神和基督将会住在我们中间。我们在启示录21章将会有详细的解释。 Then, what else the angel mentioned? Blessings are those who were invited to the wedding super. 然后,天使还提到什么?凡被请赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了。

6 Dig John felt he needed to worship the angel. But, he was forbidden. Why? The angel said he was a fellow servant with him and with the rest of brothers, who belong to Christ. 约翰想要敬拜那天使。但天使却阻止了他。为什么?天使说他和约翰并其他属于基督的弟兄同是作仆人的。 We shouldn’t worship angels. 我们不应该敬拜天使。 What was seen in heaven next? A white horse rider. 接下来约翰在天上看到了什么?一个白马骑士。

7 Dig What was the white horse rider like? Blazing fire eyes, wearing a lot of crowns, with an unknown name, dressed in a robe dipped in the blood, his name being the word of God (John 1:1), armies from heaven following him, getting a sword in his mouth to strike nations, being the ruler of the world via the iron scepter, executing God’s judgment (wrath), on his robe and thigh with the words of “king of kings, Lord of lords”. 白马骑士像什么?眼睛如火焰,头上戴着许多冠冕,又有写着没有人知道的名字,他穿着溅了血的衣服。他的名称为神之道(约翰福音1:1),在天上的众军跟随他,有利剑从他口中出来,可以击杀列国。他必用铁杖辖管他们,执行神的审判(愤怒),在他衣服和大腿上,有名写着说,“万王之王,万主之主”。

8 Dig What did the angel tell the mid-air birds? Be ready to eat the flesh of the kings fighting with the rider. 天使向天空所飞的鸟说什么?准备吃和骑士争战的众王的肉。 As the result of the war of the beast and the false prophet, what happened to them? They lost the battle after getting the kings of the world to fight with the rider and his armies. The king of the earth in the army were killed with the sword in the mouth of the rider. And the birds gorged on their flesh. 争战及兽和假先知的结果如何?他们聚集了众王,与骑士及骑士的军队战斗后,他们战败了。在兽和假先知军队中的地上众王被骑士口中的剑所杀。飞鸟都吃饱了他们的肉。

9 Dig Theme of Chapter 20: The 1000 year (millennium) and the final judgment (white throne judgment) 第20章主题:1000年(千禧年)和最后的审判(白色宝座的审判) What was seen in the opening of the 1000 years? An angel with the key of the Abyss. 约翰在1000年的开始看到什么?一位天使拿着无底坑的钥匙。 What did he do? Seized the dragon, the devil, Satan and bounded him in the Abyss for 1000 years. 天使做了什么?他捉住那龙,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把它捆绑在无底坑里1000年。

10 Dig What was said about the devil after the 1000 years? He would be released to finish up his work, i.e. enticing nations to war with the Lord and ending up in eternal fire for good. 经上说1000年后,魔鬼会怎样?他会被放出来完成他的工作,即迷惑列国,让他们与主争战并最终被永恒的火永远焚烧。 What was seen next? Many thrones with judges. 接下来约翰看见什么?许多宝座,坐在上面的被赐审判的权柄。 What else was seen? The souls of the beheaded during the tribulation. 还看见什么?大灾难中被斩者的灵魂。

11 Dig What’s significance about the souls of the beheaded? The death was due to their witness for the Lord during the tribulation and they didn’t worship or carry the beast’s number, they would resurrect and reign with Christ in the next 1000 years. They won’t die again. They also participate in priesthood of God and Christ. 这些被斩的灵魂有什么意义?他们在大灾难中因为主做见证而被杀,他们没有敬拜过兽,也没有受过兽的印记,他们会复活并与基督在下一个1000年一同作王。他们不会经历第二次死亡。他们会成为神和基督的祭司。

12 Dig At the same time, there indicated a second group of resurrection, which would be condemned. 这里同时预示,会有第二组的复活,第二组复活的人会被审判。 What happened after the 1000 year was over? Satan was released and he deceived the world again by gathering all the nations to fight with God. They surrounded the holy city of Jerusalem. 这1000年结束后发生了什么?撒但被释放出来迷惑世界,聚集列国与神争战。他们围住圣城耶路撒冷。

13 Dig As the devil fought with the Lord by surrounding the holy city, what happened? Fire came from heaven and devoured the kings. Then, the devil was cast into the lake of fire (burning sulfur) together with the beast and the false prophet. There they would be tormented days and nights. 当魔鬼围住圣城与主作战的时候,发生了什么?有火从天降下,烧灭了众王。魔鬼被扔在火湖(燃烧的硫磺)里,在那里与兽并假先知一起昼夜受痛苦。 What happened next? The white throne judgment began. 接下来发生什么?白色宝座的审判开始。

14 Dig What was significant about the white throne judgment? None could escape not even the earth and the sky. Everyone would stand before the throne regardless small and great. 白色宝座的审判有什么特征?祂面前天地都无法逃避。每个人无论大小,都站在宝座前。 Two books were opened. One is singular number and the other plural. The singular number book is the book of life and the plural are records, because each would be judged according to what he had done. 两本书被打开。一本是单数,另一本是复数。单数的书是生命册,复数是记录,因为每个人都会按他们做的被审判。

15 Dig The other things mentioned to give up the dead are death and Hades. The dead were out for judgment. 其他被提到交出死人的是死亡和阴间。死去的人出来接受审判。 If those whose names are not in the book of life, they will be cast into the lake of fire. 那些名字没记在生命册上的将会被扔在火湖里。 The scripture said this is the second death. 经文说这是第二次的死。 The first dead is our physical death and the second eternal death. 第一次死是肉体的死,第二次死是永远的死。

16 Reflect If we’re not sure our names in the book of life, we have better be making sure before it’s too late. The second death is eternal death in the lake of fire, together with the devil and will be tormented like them days and nights. 如果我们还没确信我们的名字在生命册上,我们最好确定这事,以免太迟。第二次死是在火湖里永远的死,与魔鬼一起并和他们一样在那里昼夜受痛苦。

17 The ending of the beast and the false prophet (2 of the trinity of Satan) and their followers by the Lamb

18 The 1000 year (millennium) and the final judgment (white throne judgment)

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