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秋季節期 1 of 3 秋季節期的準備開始於吹角節的悔改 Ten Days of Awe:

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1 秋季節期 1 of 3 秋季節期的準備開始於吹角節的悔改 Ten Days of Awe: > 吹角節提斯利月第一日 The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) > 贖罪日提斯利月第十日 Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 祂期待我們在祂設立的循環中不斷加增、堅固、成長,祂的本意就是要神的兒女享受祂的同在、豐盛、美好,我們必須與祂的計劃連結,並要明白祂的心意: 4.守住棚節 : 神又設立住棚節與我們相會,其中包括四個節日。 吹角節── 吹角節是神國的起床號。我們的靈會常常睡著,所以神想辦法把我們吹醒,免得我們被魔鬼吞吃。 可畏的日子── 這十天內,神要我們特別多花時間親近神、尋求神。 贖罪日── 這是為了過去的錯誤和玷污悔改,以恢復我們與神的關係。神規定百姓要在這天禁食,清理我們靈裡所有的垃圾,預備潔淨身心靈,暢通屬靈的管道,好讓我們能毫無攔阻的與神面對面。

2 吹角節(Rosh Hashanah) — 悔改+宣告君王的來臨
贖罪日(Yom Kippur;「可畏之日」The Days of Awe)- 回轉歸向神 住棚節(Tabernacles; Sukkot; 「最大的日子」) — 歡樂+澆灌+大收割

3 吹角節 吹角一百響: 1.Tekiah 一聲长響 ― 王的加冕.
2.Shevarim 三聲中长度,如哭泣般的吹角 ― 人心中的痛哭,渴望与神连结,認識阿爸父對人永不改變的愛和喜悅. 3.Teruah 九聲急促短響 ― 警鐘,由一切謊言、傷害、蒙蔽中唤醒.

4 吹角節是聖會,為安息日不可作工,百姓要到會幕前聚集,所有的燔祭都要與贖罪祭同獻
吹角節- 獻祭 吹角節是聖會,為安息日不可作工,百姓要到會幕前聚集,所有的燔祭都要與贖罪祭同獻 燔祭 (全部燒給神) 贖罪祭 (燒上脂油的部份) 公牛犢 公綿羊 公羊羔 公山羊 月朔 2 1 7 吹角節 Total 3 14

5 The Law of Common / Average / Selfish vs. The Law of Purpose / Plenty
額外的獻祭(平時十一奉獻以外):利23:37-38耶和華節期…要將火祭燔祭,素祭,祭物,並奠祭各歸各日獻給耶和華.在耶和華的安息日以外,又在你們的供物和所許的願並甘心獻給耶和華的以外 The Law of Common / Average / Selfish vs. The Law of Purpose / Plenty Why this is important?<Put on helmet. Fasten the safety seat belt! Tell people next to you: I will not be offended by the word”. > Unless you are in Abraham’s covenant, the church cannot be a blesse in global recession. The church should be in prosperity because God is prosperous. Our God is nothing but prosperity. The temple was all gold everywhere. It takes 270B to build the temple now. How many of you titer? How many of you give offering? Jews lay down the seed of titer + offer at this time of year when portal is open. That’s how your next year is measured. You only want a normal year? How many of you know we are not in normal time? God has got something for you that you don’t know of. This is the season of double portion. The former and latter add together. If we don’t lay down the seed, what is going to be laid down? Who has garden in the backyard? If you have a garden without seeding vegie or fruits, what’s going to come out? Weeds. The Law of Purpose/Plenty: Connected to Heaven’s Hedge Fund. A Jew (Newman) created this on the Wall St in A Limited Private Investment which use all sorts of sophisticated highly risky & reliable investment strategies. To goal is to earn high return. Limited Private Partners are responsible to reflect to the dimension which he or she invested. A famous hedge fund investor who is still alive is George Sorous. e.g., A family in our church,一位弟兄used to be POOR and selfish, cares only his family, desperate to make his house very clean and rich. All his goal of life was to earn benefits, even intended to marriage with a wife who is like him, very good at earning lots of money, and himself being very stingy saving costs as much as he could. But gradually made the turn to a law of purpose, to live for providing God’s house, happily open his house for cell gathering allowing kids to mess up his house, happy to provide money/time to God’s house, and even bless his wife when his wife wanted to quit her job to make more time to serve God and serve family. His purpose has changed from ‘selfish’ to ‘providing plenty for God’s house’ . During Passover feast in 2013, this couple 十一奉獻以外額外的奉獻的$1000 got x100 return。這就是Law of Purpose/Plenty。 “Should seek for His kingdom and His righteousness, all others will be given to you”. Now tell people next to you: There is nothing mediocrity in me! God’s purpose is my purpose! I am in the law of purpose! I am in the law of plenty! My house is God’s house.

6 吹角節開始於新月的夜晚 (是黑暗沒有光明的)
吹角節– 宣告君王來臨,將有戰事發生 吹角節開始於新月的夜晚(提斯利月第一日). 宣告君王的來臨 吹角發出警告或宣佈消息:警告百姓們將有戰事發生. > 阿摩司5:18-20「耶和華的日子,不是黑暗 沒有光明嗎?」 > 约珥2:1-2「那日是黑暗、幽冥、密雲、烏黑的日子,好像晨光鋪滿山嶺。」 吹角節開始於新月的夜晚 (是黑暗沒有光明的) 古代拉比知道,吹角節耶和華的日子代表那日是黑暗、幽冥、密雲、烏黑的日子. 此外,角聲也是用來召聚百姓,宣佈要事,藉著吹角,宣佈了許多重要的事, 這是末後的世代,按聖經所記,無論是光明或黑暗,都在加速的進行,因此我們必須醒來。我們要花更多時間讚美神,讀神的話,藉聖靈光照棄絕所有舊的循環,除去我們過去在地上所有的玷染和污穢並生命中對神話語的偏離和漸漸與神疏遠的冷漠。

7 吹角節–七號 吹號不但宣告而且釋放世上的國成為我主和主基督的國:
約書亞攻打耶利哥,第七天要繞七次然後吹號於是耶利哥城倒塌:對應於吹角節是在猶太曆的第七個月份的月塑吹號,啟示録第七位天使的號聲 耶穌名字希伯來語就是約書亞 Remember what the drama played, the wall of poverty, the wall of addition fell when you went to the proximity of the portal. Do you know why the wall of Jericho fell before Joshua? Because Rosh Hashanah is the time for breakthrough. Whatever blocking you will fall. Why the red sea separate? Not the faith of Israelites, but that was the time of Passover - deliverance. When Israel came to the red sea at the time of deliverance, what is blocking will separate. Feast is the proximity of what you are looking for. When it’s the set time and you came to the right place at right time, it’s going to happen anyhow. If it is going to happen anyhow, and the time is set, and you have great faith, I wonder how much more you are going to receive. Turn to the next person say ‘something new is shifting for you – you are going to possess’! This is a very prophetic time right now. Because this is the time for fullness - possession. God opened the heaven portal to let us take possession. When you come to the portal the wall will fall. No matter what kind of wall. 號聲:宣告而且釋放末了的榮耀和爭戰來到,Transition from anointing to glory參與在神得地為業的行動,進入新的季節. Jesus came did not conform with the matter on this earth. He conformed with the words. That’s why he walked on the water because he walked on the word not on the water. Peter did not walk on the water neither. When Peter turned his eyes from Jesus (words) to the water (matter on earth), he fell. When we observe the feast, the set time of God, the portal, we conform to the words, not the matter on earth. So matter does not matter anymore. There is nothing in poverty, weak and brokenness in God. What we are conformed with, the word, is Abraham’s blessing. Whatever blocking us will fall.

8 Play YouTube 吹角節 Priestly Blessings
<2-3 people as a group, repent for careless for Jews. Pray for Jews.><3 min>

9 吹角節禱告(Play YouTube Shofar)
為長兄以色列禱告,我們的猶太長兄們在這以祿月直到贖罪日, 讓號角的吹聲使猶太長兄們蘇醒過來,向他們啟示耶穌就是彌賽亞。 耶31:33-34耶和華說…我要將我的律法放在他們裏面,寫在他們心上.我要作他們的 神,他們要作我的子民.他們各人不再教導自己的鄰舍和自己的弟兄說‘你該認識耶和華’因為他們從最小的到至大的,都必認識我 <2-3 people as a group, repent for careless for Jews. Pray for Jews.><3 min>

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