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1.感謝你的十字架 感謝你付上代價 擔當我罪和羞愧 使我完全 賜下奇妙恩典 Thank you for the cross Lord

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Presentation on theme: "1.感謝你的十字架 感謝你付上代價 擔當我罪和羞愧 使我完全 賜下奇妙恩典 Thank you for the cross Lord"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.感謝你的十字架 感謝你付上代價 擔當我罪和羞愧 使我完全 賜下奇妙恩典 Thank you for the cross Lord
約書亞 YA506 123123 神羔羊配得 1/3 1.感謝你的十字架 感謝你付上代價 擔當我罪和羞愧 使我完全 賜下奇妙恩典 Thank you for the cross Lord Thank you for the price you paid Bearing all my sin and shame In love you came And Give amazing grace

2 2.感謝你無比大愛 感謝你釘痕雙手 寶血洗淨我污穢 使我了解 你完全包容赦免
約書亞 YA506 123123 神羔羊配得 2/3 2.感謝你無比大愛 感謝你釘痕雙手 寶血洗淨我污穢 使我了解 你完全包容赦免 Thank you for this great love Lord Thank you for the nail pierced hand Wash me in your cleansing flow Now all I know Your forgivingness and embrace

3 「神羔羊配得 坐在寶座上 頭戴著尊貴冠冕 你做王到永遠 來尊崇讚美 耶穌神兒子 從天降下被釘十架 神羔羊配得(x2)」
約書亞 YA506 123123 神羔羊配得 3/3 「神羔羊配得 坐在寶座上 頭戴著尊貴冠冕 你做王到永遠 來尊崇讚美 耶穌神兒子 從天降下被釘十架 神羔羊配得(x2)」 Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne Crown you now with many crowns You reign victoriously High and lifted up Jesus son of God The darling of heaven crucified Worthy is the Lamb(x2)

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