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Presentation transcript:



3 一、 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION ( 第一 节培训与开发概述 ) 1. T raining ( 定义 ) Training( 培训 ): It refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees ’ learning of current job- related competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills and behaviors that are critical for successful job performance. Training( 培训 ): It refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees ’ learning of current job- related competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills and behaviors that are critical for successful job performance.

4 2. The goal of training The goal of training is for employee to master knowledge, skills, and behaviors emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day-to-day activities. The goal of training is for employee to master knowledge, skills, and behaviors emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day-to-day activities.

5 3.Development( 开发 ) 3.Development( 开发 ) The organization plans to provide employees with all kinds of training programs useful The organization plans to provide employees with all kinds of training programs useful for future development and for future development and for future challenge due to the change of jobs for future challenge due to the change of jobs for future jobs at higher levels and in other areas for future jobs at higher levels and in other areas

6 4.Difference Between Training &. Development ( 培训与开发的区别 ) a 、 Training is more oriented towards short-term while development more oriented towards long-term. a 、 Training is more oriented towards short-term while development more oriented towards long-term.

7 b 、 Training is more narrowly focused while development seems to be broader in scope. b 、 Training is more narrowly focused while development seems to be broader in scope.

8 c 、 The efficiency in operation can be improved by training while the competitive advantage can be improved by development. c 、 The efficiency in operation can be improved by training while the competitive advantage can be improved by development.

9 5.Importance of T &. D ( 培训意义 ) 5.Importance of T &. D ( 培训意义 ) a. To cope with the job quickly for new employee. a. To cope with the job quickly for new employee. b. To improve performance. b. To improve performance. c. To reduce turnover. c. To reduce turnover. To enhance affiliation To enhance affiliation

10 6. Role Model of Training ( 培训与开发作 用模型 ) Knowledge Skills Training Item Motives Attitudes BehaviorPerformance

11 7. 误区 新进员工自然而然会胜任工作 新进员工自然而然会胜任工作 流行什么就培训什么 流行什么就培训什么 高层管理人员不需要培训 高层管理人员不需要培训 培训花钱 培训花钱 培训时重知识、轻技能、忽视态度 培训时重知识、轻技能、忽视态度 培训是丹妙药 培训是丹妙药

12 二、 TRAINING MODEL (第二节 培训模型) 1. Role-playing in Training( 培训与开发 角色分析 ) 2. Training Model (培训模型) 3. TRAINING TECHNIQUE( 培训技术 ) 4 . Training Evaluating (培训评估)

13 1. Role-playing in Training( 培训与开发角色分 析 ) There are four kinds of people involved in training: top management, functional department( 职能部门 ), HR department and employees. There are four kinds of people involved in training: top management, functional department( 职能部门 ), HR department and employees.

14 2. Training Model (培训模型)

15 1)Training Needs Assessment (培训需 求分析) Organizational/Strategy Analysis (组织 / 战略分析) Organizational/Strategy Analysis (组织 / 战略分析) Task Analysis (任务 / 工作分析) Task Analysis (任务 / 工作分析) Person/Performance Analysis (个人 绩效分析) Person/Performance Analysis (个人 绩效分析)

16 2) Setting Objectives (制定目标) Skill-based Skill-based Cognitive Learning Cognitive Learning Affective outcomes Affective outcomes

17 3) Setting Training Plan (制定计划) “ when ” “ when ” “ what ” “ what ” “ Whom ” “ Whom ” “ who ” “ who ” “ where ” “ where ” “ how ” “ how ”

18 4)Carrying out Training programs (实 施培训) Deciding trainer Deciding trainer Deciding textbooks Deciding textbooks Deciding training places Deciding training places Preparing training facilities Preparing training facilities Deciding training time Deciding training time Sending out notice Sending out notice

19 3. TRAINING TECHNIQUE( 第三节培训 技术 ) Coach demonstration( 教练演示 法 )Probably is the most widely used method of training. The employees are shown how to do the job on the workplace by experienced employee or the supervisor through using material objects( 实物 ) and teaching tools( 教具 ). Coach demonstration( 教练演示 法 )Probably is the most widely used method of training. The employees are shown how to do the job on the workplace by experienced employee or the supervisor through using material objects( 实物 ) and teaching tools( 教具 ).

20 Advantage: Coach demonstration can easily arouse the learning interest and achieve a good learning result.The training content will impress employees most because of perceptual knowledge( 感性认识 ) this kind of training offers. Advantage: Coach demonstration can easily arouse the learning interest and achieve a good learning result.The training content will impress employees most because of perceptual knowledge( 感性认识 ) this kind of training offers. Disadvantage :Not all events can be demonstrated such as open-brain surgery. Disadvantage :Not all events can be demonstrated such as open-brain surgery.

21 Lectures( 讲授法 ) It is a popular method used in education. Trainers are given lectures in classroom and employees are listening and taking notes.

22 Advantage: It is a simple, easy and less costly way to provide systematic and specialized knowledge to large group of trainees. Advantage: It is a simple, easy and less costly way to provide systematic and specialized knowledge to large group of trainees. Disadvantage: Lectures to large numbers will need an inspired speaker and an attentive motivated audience. Lectures don ’ t fit skill – training. Disadvantage: Lectures to large numbers will need an inspired speaker and an attentive motivated audience. Lectures don ’ t fit skill – training.

23 Audiovisual ( 视听法 )I t is a training method by using video, slides, computer, movies or closed TV. Audiovisual ( 视听法 )I t is a training method by using video, slides, computer, movies or closed TV.

24 Advantage:The training content can be demonstrated directly through sound and pictures so as to make the training more vivid and more easily to be accepted by trainees. The training content can be demonstrated repeatedly or broken down( 分解 ) and it is easy to expose trainees to events not easily demonstrated by coach demonstration. Advantage:The training content can be demonstrated directly through sound and pictures so as to make the training more vivid and more easily to be accepted by trainees. The training content can be demonstrated repeatedly or broken down( 分解 ) and it is easy to expose trainees to events not easily demonstrated by coach demonstration. Disadvantage: High Tech- requirement and high cost Disadvantage: High Tech- requirement and high cost

25 Case – study( 案例讨论法 ) Trainees are asked to analyze and discuss a certain case or problems that widely occurred in the company under guidance of a lectures or a coach so as to get some experience. Case – study( 案例讨论法 ) Trainees are asked to analyze and discuss a certain case or problems that widely occurred in the company under guidance of a lectures or a coach so as to get some experience.

26 Advantage: There is no mistaking what the training is aimed at( 针对性强 ) and trainees can learn some actual problems analyzing and solving skills. Advantage: There is no mistaking what the training is aimed at( 针对性强 ) and trainees can learn some actual problems analyzing and solving skills. Disadvantage: It is easy to stray from the point Disadvantage: It is easy to stray from the point

27 Role-playing (角色扮演) Role-playing (角色扮演) One of the most attractive forms of training, where individuals play a role set out for them in the supposed situation. This kind of training suit inter-personal skill training best. One of the most attractive forms of training, where individuals play a role set out for them in the supposed situation. This kind of training suit inter-personal skill training best.

28 Advantage: The learning results are easily transferred to the job. Advantage: The learning results are easily transferred to the job. Disadvantage: High cost Disadvantage: High cost

29 Games (游戏) can be divided into two kinds ordinary games ( 普通游戏 )or management games( 管理游戏 ). Ordinary games are those games that are designed carefully and similar to other games.

30 Advantage : The knowledge and skills to be trained are easy for trainees to master. Advantage : The knowledge and skills to be trained are easy for trainees to master. Disadvantage :High degree of participation it requires. Disadvantage :High degree of participation it requires.

31 Internet Training ( 网络培训 ) A learning platform is established through internet so that employees can access the training programs whenever they want. Internet training is becoming more and more popular Internet Training ( 网络培训 ) A learning platform is established through internet so that employees can access the training programs whenever they want. Internet training is becoming more and more popular

32 4 . TRAINING EVALUATION (第四节评 估) Reaction ( 反应层次 ) Reaction ( 反应层次 ) Learning ( 学习层次 ) Learning ( 学习层次 ) Behavior (行为层次) Behavior (行为层次) Results ( 结果层次 ) Results ( 结果层次 )

33 Beneficial Result or Effective Result( 效 益结果 ) Beneficial Result or Effective Result( 效 益结果 )TE=(E2-E1)xTsxT-C Wherein : Te= 培训效益 Wherein : Te= 培训效益 E1= 培训前每个受训者一年产生的效益 E1= 培训前每个受训者一年产生的效益 E2= 培训后每个受训者一年产生的效益 E2= 培训后每个受训者一年产生的效益 Ts= 培训的人数 Ts= 培训的人数 T= 培训效益持续的年限 T= 培训效益持续的年限 C= 培训成本 C= 培训成本

34 计算题 举例: × × 公司进行了一次推销员推销技能培训班, 受训的推销员 20 人,为期三天,培训费 10 万元,受训前每位推销员一年的销售净利 为 10 万元,受训后每位推销员一年的销售 净利为 11 万元,培训的效果可持续 3 年。

35 TE=(11 万 -10 万 )x20x3-10 万 =50 万元 TE=(11 万 -10 万 )x20x3-10 万 =50 万元 投资回报 =50 万元 ÷10 万元 =500% 投资回报 =50 万元 ÷10 万元 =500%