FAST: Millisecond Pulsars and Binary Pulsars Chengmin Zhang FAST - National Astronomical Observatories 2015 – Guiyang/China.


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Presentation transcript:

FAST: Millisecond Pulsars and Binary Pulsars Chengmin Zhang FAST - National Astronomical Observatories 2015 – Guiyang/China

Outline of Talk Status of Pulsar since 1967 Millisecond and Binary Pulsars properties, formation, evolution, spin period, magnetic field, mass simulation of its evolution FAST survey of Pulsars

PSR ; P= 1.33 s ; J Bell Bi-PSR-1974, P=59ms; Hulse & Taylor (Nobel Prize) MSP – 1982; P= 1.56 ms ; D Backer (2011) Discoveries of 1st Pulsar (PSR) and Millisecond PSR (MSP) & Binary one

The Significance of Pulsar Research compact objects after SN explosion - star evolution : super-strong gravity -- Einstein relativity; super-dense nuclear physics, e.g. quark ; super-strong magnetic-field, plasma emission ; binary systems - gravitational wave ; high precesion TOA - navigation: time of arrival multi-wave emissions -- detections of astronoimical instrumentations

Pulsars Status Ground-Space , ~> radio pulsars Optiacl, X-ray (Accretion NS 100 ?), Gam- ray (FERMI > 132) Pulsar Basics ; FAST targets

Normal Pulsar from SN explosion, birth spin P <= 30ms: e.g. Crab, Rotating Neutron Star - Quark Star compact: 1 solar mass in 10 km radius Why do MSPs rotatate at ~ millisecond ? Binary ? Pulsar Beacon

Distributions of Spin Period and Magnetic Field : Normal Pulsar and Millisecond Pulsar Bimodal distribution: Magnetic B and Spin-P

PSR-MSP : two types MSPs are very old (~10 9 years). Mostly binary ; B-P low 低 ‘recycled’ by accretion from binary accretion spins up NS to milliseconds During the accretion X-ray binary Normal Pulsars: from SNR Formed in supernova Periods between 0.03 and 10 s Relatively young (< 10 7 years) Mostly single (non-binary) Millisecond Pulsars: accreting spin- up in binary system Crab Nebular MSP in binary

Magnetic-Period diagram and 2500 PULSARS data from ATNF Pulsar Catalogue. 212 binary pulsars. Death line by Ruderman Spin-up line MSP Bottom Field Pulsars Magnetars MSPs RRAT

Pulsar status ( ) Pulsar : ~2500 (radio) + ~ 200 (X-ray) PSR in Binary : ~ 212, NS/WD/Planet MSP: ~261 , P<20ms , 40% in binary Magnetic Field: 10 8 G G; ~10 12 G Spin period: 1.4 ms,10s, =0.5s Bands: Radio, Optical, X-ray First MSP in 1982 (spin 670 Hz); Fastest MSP in 2006 (716 Hz) RXTE: 26 spins, Max=619 Hz, X-ray band; precisely measured 2 solar masses:

Galactic Distribution of Pulsars 脉冲星空间分布 – 自行运动 proper motion of PSR & MSP MSP 年轻的正常脉冲星银道面集中 老年的毫秒脉冲星银心区集中 Young PSR - Galactic plane old MSP - Galactic core

Neutron Star MSP formation: recycled in Accreting Binary, Proved by: AMXP, DNS, etc. Magnetic, Spin, mass increases > 1.4 M ⊙

MSP formation : X-Ray Binary

Formation of millisecond pulsar (MSP) Accreted matters spin-up X-ray neutron star (NS) Buried NS magnetic field MSP mass is big ? > 2.0 solar mass ? Millisecond X-ray pulsar by RXTE: SAXJ , P=2.49 (ms), Wijnands & van der Klis 1998 MSP is spun-up by accretion: Alpar et al 1982

Initially ~10 12 G Strong magnetic field channels gas to magnetic poles X-rays Drag field lines to equator region Accretion Induced NS magnetic evolution Bottom Magnetic field 10^8 G

~10 8 G Magnetic field makes gas allover star surface No drag field lines Formation of Bottom magnetic field 10^8 G Strong Magnetic field equator region: ~10 14 G

Double Pulsars PSRJ A magnetic field decay in the binary phase Parkes : Lyne et al, 2004; Burgay et al. 2003, van den Heuvel, 2004 Firstly formed PSR, P=22.7 ms , B~10 9 Gauss, 1.34 M ⊙ P=2.8 s , B~10 12 Gauss, 1.25 M ⊙

Binary Pulsar Evolution Path 双星系统中子星的演化

, Simulation of Evolution Track of MSP & Binary PSR Magnetic Field - Spin Period - Diagram HMXB IMXB LMXB

MSP mass : M ʘ MSP (P spin 20 ms):1.35M ʘ

MSP Mass ~1.6 M ʘ Accretion~ 0.2 M ʘ (Lattimer & Prakash 2006) ( Zhang et al 2011 )

Results of MSP simulations

23 FAST survey (Smits et al. 2009; Nan et al. 2012) : ~4000 Pulsar ~400 MSP Survey time : 200d FAST Pulsar Survey FAST Pulsar Survey develop pulsar searching and timing techniques

FAST survey: Binary Pulsars in Globular Clusters Total number of pulsars: 144, in 28 globular clusters , most are MSP 毫秒脉冲星 Formation : 1. Star density high --- More binaries 2. Capture events --- Significant mechanism of binary formation

Pulsar-Black Hole System Pulsar-Pulsar ; DNS 9 gravitational wave indirect evidence BH physics and precise measurement of GR effects Kramer & Stairs, 2008

毫秒脉冲星的磁场与自旋周期关系 FAST survey: sub-millisecond Pulsar M=1.6 , R 6 =1.3 , P min =~1.6ms ; M=1.4 , R 6 =1.3 , P min =~1.76ms PSR J ad, P=~1.4ms

FAST survey: 1st PSR target Crab Pulsar (1054 SNR) Crab Pulsar is one of most luminnous PSRs in FAST view Supernova Remnant PSR FAST initial operating, monitor, test system, standrad FAST test operation , monitoring, calibration Crab X-ray X 射线图片 FAST 高灵敏度、北天区; 高亮度; 多波段观测 PSR ; 数据丰 富; 遗迹年代清楚; 中华祖先的骄傲

FAST Pulsar Survey : Summary Special pulsars: long period: P>10s Dim, Radio quiet,Transient RRATs MSP : NS/QS, spin < 1ms B ottom field: : B=10^7 G FERMI sources ? Magnetars: SGR /GRB Globular Clusters

Conclusion & Summary FAST telescope: 4,000 PSR MSP Double Pulsars in short orbit - Gravitational Wave; Globular Cluster, PSR+BH, Gamma-X-ray Pulsars with FERMI/RXTE long period - old NSs SGR/GRB - radio signal MSP: simulation of accretion in binary Bottom magnetic field: 10^7 G ? Max spin: ~1 ms -- submillisecond ? Mass: > 1.6 solar mass ?

FAST 首先脉冲星目标 Crab Pulsar – SNR 1054 根据我国历史记载,在现在蟹状星云的 位置上,曾经有过超新星爆发,即 1054 年 7 月 4 日出现的特亮的金牛座 “ 天 关客星 ” 。它爆发过程中抛射出来的气 体云,就应该是现在看到的蟹状星云。 1942 年,荷兰天文学家奥尔特以其令 人信服的论证,确认蟹状星云就是 1054 年超新星爆发后形成的。 (PSR B , 1968 discovery)

Monte Carlo SImulations for MSP formation Pan, Wang & Zhang 2013 Based on the magnetic evolution model developed in HKU (Cheng & Zhang 1998; Zhang & Kojima 2006) For the initial and boundary conditions of NSs, Monte Carlo is employed, which obeys Gaussian distribution:

爱丁顿加速线上方的 8 颗脉冲星双星 --- 磁场周期图 磁场周期图中的脉冲星双星

Monte Carlo SImulations for MSP formation Pan, Wang & Zhang 2013 Based on the magnetic evolution model developed in HKU (Cheng & Zhang 1998; Zhang & Kojima 2006) For the initial and boundary conditions of NSs, Monte Carlo is employed, which obeys Gaussian distribution:

双星系统脉冲星质量统计 65 颗脉冲星双星质量 统计平均值 Zhang C.M. et al 常规脉冲星质量平均值: 1.35+/-0.04M sun 毫秒脉冲星质量平均值: 1.57+/-0.35M sun 双星系统中子星的演化

B-P 图中子星演化分布模拟 吸积中子星磁场与自旋周期的分布模拟

模拟结果: 吸积中子星磁场与自旋周期的分布模拟

中子星演化轨迹模拟 吸积中子星磁场与自旋周期的分布模拟 1 2

脉冲星研究的几个重要阶段 第一颗脉冲星: 1967 年, Jocelyn Bell , B , 1.337s Crab 与 Vela 脉冲星:超新星暴形成脉冲星 1968 第一颗 X 射线中子星: 1971 年, Giacconi ,存在 Cen X-3 中, 4.84s 第一颗脉冲星双星: 1974 , Hulse 与 Taylor, PSR B 第一颗毫秒脉冲星: 1982 年, Backer , PSR B , 1.558ms 磁星认证: 1990 年代 双脉冲星: 2003 年, PSR J AB RRAT: 2006 脉冲星简介