Developing An Online Information Literacy Course 开展在线信息素质教育课程 Nancy O’Hanlon Ohio State University Libraries Wuhan University, China March 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing An Online Information Literacy Course 开展在线信息素质教育课程 Nancy O’Hanlon Ohio State University Libraries Wuhan University, China March 2007

Goals for Presentation 主要内容 Provide an overview of information literacy instruction. 简述信息素质教育 Discuss the online courses taught by librarians at Ohio State University. OSU 讨论图书馆员讲授的在线课程 Describe the course development process. 叙述课程开发进程 Provide examples of course assignments and tools for assessing student learning. 用课程作业和工具评估学生的学习情况

Information Literacy Defined 信息素质定义 Determine the extent of information needed. 能够准确确定信息需求范围 Access information effectively and efficiently. 具备快速获取所需信息的技能 Evaluate information sources critically. 批判性地评价信息源 Incorporate information into knowledge base. 吸收信息溶入知识基础中 Use information effectively. 有效地利用信息 Access and use information ethically. 合法获取、合理使用信息 (ACRL, 2000) 美国高校研究图书馆协会, 2000 年

How Standards Are Applied 如何运用上述标准 Standard 2: The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently. 具备信息素质的学生能够快速有效地 获取所需信息 Performance indicator: Constructs and implements effectively-designed search strategies. 性能指标:能够构思和完成有效设计的检索策略 Outcome: Identifies keywords, synonyms and related terms for the information needed 结果:识别确认所需信息的关键词、同义词及相关 词语

Information Literacy in China 中国的信息素质情况 “While learning about computer literacy and media literacy are necessary preconditions of information literacy, they are insufficient for the Internet Age.” (Ma Feicheng & Hu Cuihua, 2003) “ 在互联网时代,仅有计算机素养和媒体素养是 不够的,而他们又是学习信息素养的前提条件 ” ( 摘自马费成、胡翠华文章 “ 信息素养、教育改革和经济发展 —— 以中 国为例 ” )

Information Literacy in China 中国的信息素质情况 Abilities needed have “grown larger, more complex, and more important as the volume of available information has mushroomed...” (Ma Feicheng & Hu Cuihua, 2003) [… 随着大量的可获得信息的迅速增张 ] ,这种需 求能力已经变得越来越大、越来越复杂、越来越 重要,甚至超过了 …[ 人们的想象 ] (摘自马费成、胡翠华文章 “ 信息素养、教育改革和经济发展 —— 以中 国为例 ” )

U.S. Student Characteristics 美国学生的特点 Rely heavily on the Internet for information. 高度依赖互联网的信息 Ignore library information sources and services. 忽视图书馆的资源和服务 Act on the “principle of least effort.” 依据 “ 最省力原则 ” 行事 Use unsophisticated searching techniques. 使用不成熟的检索方式 Accept Web information uncritically. 不加批判的接受网络信息 (Manuel, 2005)

Methods for Teaching 教学方法 1. On demand: individual use of tutorials. 按需教学:个别指导 2. Integrated into other courses (for example, Literature, History, Psychology). 将信息素质教育整合进专业教学课程(如文学、 历史、心理学) 3. Stand-alone information literacy course offered by Libraries. 由图书馆员独立提供信息素质教育课程

About Our Courses 关于我们的课程 No formal information literacy requirement for undergraduates at OSU. 在 OSU ,对本科生没有正式信息素质课程要求 Some instructors teach research skills, but may not involve librarians. 有些任课教师会讲一些研究方法和技能,但图书 馆员不必参与 Offering our own credit courses advances the goals of our instructional program. 图书馆自己提供有学分的信息指导高级课程

Three Courses Offered 提供三门课程 Internet Tools and Research Techniques (2 credits) 网络工具与研究方法( 2 个学分) Advanced Online Research (2 credits) 高级在线研究( 2 个学分) Online Research Strategies for Career Exploration (1 credit) 就业搜寻 —— 在线搜索策略( 1 个学分) See: 详见网址:

Why Teach Online? 为何提供在线教学 “The student is on stage, guided by the task design created by the faculty member, accessing whatever resources might be needed, and acquiring useful knowledge from the experience.” (Boettcher, 2007) “ 学生分阶段由教师设计的教学任务引导,从实 践中获取所需的任何资源和有用的知识 ”

Student / Instructor Benefits 学生和教师双方受益 Student convenience and flexibility. 学生感到此种教学方式既方便又具有灵活性 Auto-grading features of course management system (CMS). 教师觉得具有自动评分特性的课程管理系统 ( CMS )方便实用

Enrollment Data 课程注册数据 CourseDates Total Enrollment Annual Average ASC 120 Columbus , ASC 120 Regional (5) , ASC ASC TOTAL ,166728

Reasons for Enrollment 注册理由 From Autumn 2006 student survey: 2006 年秋季学生调查 : Why did you enroll in this course? 你为什么要注册这门功课? 60% I needed a one hour course 60% 回答 “ 我需要一门 1 个小时的课程 ” 13% I am interested in the course topic 13% 回答 “ 我对这门课程主题感兴趣 ” 17% It was recommended by my advisor 17% 回答 “ 导师推荐这门课程 ” 10% Other 10% 其它原因

Enrollment and Access 注册与登录访问 Separate registration process. 独立的注册登记 Opportunity to give important information to students. 是一个将重要信息传递给学生的机会 Course management system (CMS) controls access to assignments. 课程管理系统( CMS )控制对作业的获取和 访问

Required Skills 要求的必备技能 Basic proficiency using Web browser and . 具备熟练运用网络浏览器和电子 邮件的基础 Ability to follow written directions. 具备遵循和理解书面指示的能力 Ability to manage time. 具备管理时间的能力

Course Development Process 课程设计过程 Work backward from goals and specific learning objectives. 从设立学习目标和指定的学习对象开始着手 What course content and activities will help students meet these objectives? 什么样的课程内容与教学活动能够帮助学生达到 学习要求? Can it be delivered entirely online? 课程内容和教学活动是否能够完全通过在线联机 进行?

Student Learning Styles 学生学习的风格和方式 Librarians love text. 图书馆员喜欢文字形式 Many students respond to images. 很多学生对图像更青睐 Others prefer “hands on” style. 另外有些人偏爱 “ 动手实践 ” 的方式 Provide something for everyone in the online environment. 在联机环境下为每个学习者提供不同的风格和方法

Creating the Syllabus 创建教学大纲 State course goals and learning objectives. 阐述课程目标和学习目的 Describe course assignments. 说明课程指定的作业 Discuss grading practices, policies. 讲解课程评分办法和原则 Example 实例 Example

Presenting Instructional Content 介绍教学内容 Tutorials 指导课程 Example Searching 101 [net.TUTOR] Example 实例搜索 101 Readings 阅读 Example “The InfoDiet” 实例 Example Movies 电影 Example Search Engine Advanced Features Example 实例 搜索引擎的高级性能

Incorporating Active Learning 与积极主动的学习方式相结合 Active learning utilizes a variety of techniques: small group discussion, hands-on projects, and teacher driven questioning. 主动学习可利用各种技巧实现:小组讨论、参加实习 项目、教师引导下的提问等 In an online class, use: 在线课程可使用下列方法 Worksheets 工作单 Case study assignments 案例研究作业 Discussion Forum or Chat Room in CMS 课程管理系统( CMS )中的论坛和聊天室

Types of Online Assignments 在线作业类型 Computer-graded 计算机评分 Test 测验 Worksheet 工作单 Instructor-graded 教师评分 Research assignment 研究性作业 Capstone 期终考试

Measuring Success: Testing 衡量成绩的方法:测验 Many types of questions 设计有多种类型的问题 Question “bank” minimizes cheating 系统设计的 “ 题库 ” 最大限度地减少了欺骗性 Automatic and personalized feedback 自动化与人性化反馈相结合

Measuring Success: Capstone 衡量成绩的方法:期终考试 This assignment replaces the final exam. 课程结束时的作业替代期终考试 Students to apply what they have learned during the course to a real world problem. 学生运用在该课程中学到的知识解决一个现实 中的问题 Model provided for students. 为学生提供作业模式

Program Evaluation 课程评价 CMS for feedback from students. 课程管理系 统( CMS )收集来自于学生的反馈 Survey data report 调查数据报告 CMS course data reports. CMS 的课程数据报告 Assignment report 作业数据报告 Question overview report 问题总体报告 Question detail report 问题详情报告

Training New Instructors 培训新任教师 Course taught by a variety of librarian instructors on several OSU campuses. 任课教师来自于 OSU 多个校区的各类型图书馆员 CMS allows us to create one course offering and copy it for use by others. CMS 系统允许任课教师创建自己的课程,同时也 可复制给其他教师共享使用 Course designed for minimal interaction of student/instructor, few grading requirements. 课程设计尽量减少学生 / 教师的相互影响,很少要 求评分 Short learning curve for new instructors. 缩短新任教师的学习周期

References 参考文献 ALA. Association of College & Research Libraries Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Available at: Boettcher, J Ten Core Principles for Designing Effective Learning Environments: Insights from Brain Research and Pedagogical Theory. Innovate 3 (3). Available at: Manuel, K What Do First Year Students Know About Information Research? And What Can We Teach Them? Paper presented at ACRL 12 th National Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Available at: Ma, Feicheng and Hu, Cuihua Information Literacy, Education Reform and the Economy – China as a Case Study. White paper prepared for UNESCO Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic. Available at:

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