組織氣候與工作投入關係之研究 - 以某醫學中心暨委託經營管理醫院為例 中文摘要 本研究主要目的在探討某醫學中心暨二家委託經營管理醫院之組織氣候及員工工作投入之程度,及 比較不同個人屬性與醫院屬性之組織氣候與工作投入之差異,採橫斷式調查法、用多階段隨機抽樣 方式,以某醫學中心暨委託經營管理的二家醫院員工為研究對象,進行結構式問卷調查,收集時間.


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組織氣候與工作投入關係之研究 - 以某醫學中心暨委託經營管理醫院為例 中文摘要 本研究主要目的在探討某醫學中心暨二家委託經營管理醫院之組織氣候及員工工作投入之程度,及 比較不同個人屬性與醫院屬性之組織氣候與工作投入之差異,採橫斷式調查法、用多階段隨機抽樣 方式,以某醫學中心暨委託經營管理的二家醫院員工為研究對象,進行結構式問卷調查,收集時間 為 91 年 1 月 12 日至 91 年 3 月 2 日共發出問卷 840 份,回收 730 份,回收率為 86.9% 。調查所得資料以描述 性統計與單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行處理與分析。研究結果發現: 1. 組織氣候總平均得分為 甲醫院 2.73 ( SD=0.57 ),乙醫院 2.77 ( SD=0.55 ),丙醫院 2.77 ( SD=0.54 )未達統計學上顯著差異, 均介於仁慈權威與商討民主型的組織系統氣候。在七個構面中三家醫院以「激勵力量」平均得分最 高,均達 3 分以上,較接近商討民主型,其中丙醫院 3.25 ( SD=0.67 )明顯高於甲醫院 3.04 ( SD=0.75 ) 且答統計學上顯著差異。得分較低的是「控制考核過程」甲醫院 2.47 ( SD=0.63 ),乙醫院 2.54 ( SD=0.67 ),丙醫院 2.59 ( SD=0.66 )較接近仁慈權威型之組織氣候。 2. 工作投入總平均得分為甲 醫院 2.77 ( SD=0.30 ),乙醫院 2.75 ( SD=0.32 ),丙醫院 2.84 ( SD=0.30 )未達統計學上顯著差異, 同屬中等之工作投入程度。而在「主動參與」及「認同工作重要性」二個構面之平均得分,三家醫 院亦無顯著之差異。 3. 不同年齡、性別、服務年資、服務部門之組織氣候知覺均達統計學上的顯著 差異,而在婚姻狀況、教育程度除決策過程外,以及不同機構除激勵力量外則無顯著差異。 4. 教育 程度、婚姻狀況兩項與工作投入中之「主動參與」與「認同工作重要性」二個構面均有統計學上顯 著差異,年齡、服務年資對於「主動參與」的構面有顯著差異,性別、服務部門、不同機構則均未 達顯著差異。 5. 組織氣候與工作投入平均總得分之間的相關係數為 r=.22 ,且達統計學上顯著差異 (p<.001) ,其中甲醫院 r=.22 (p<.001) ,丙醫院 r=.29 (p<.05) ,均達統計學上顯著差異,但乙醫院 r=.14 (p=0.1763) 則未達統計學上之顯著相關。 由本研究結果可瞭解,組織氣候與工作投入確有相關,三家醫院的組織氣候均介於仁慈權威與商討 民主型的組織氣候,工作投入亦屬中等程度,可見管理者仍有努力的空間製造更好的組織氣候,使 員工在良好的工作氣氛中願意全心投入,創造更好的工作績效。

A Study of the Relationship Between the Organizational Climate and Job Involvement - Taking a Certain Medical Center and Its Entrusted Hospitals 英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to discuss the organizational climate and the job involvement of a certain medical center and two hospitals run by trust, and to compare the difference of organizational climate and the job involvement caused from different personal attributes and hospital attributes. A cross-sectional survey was taken through multi-stage random sampling. The targets of survey were the personnel of a certain medical center and two hospitals run by trust. The structured questionnaire was made for survey. Eight hundred and forty copies of questionnaire have been sent out between January 12, 2002 and March 2, Seven hundred and thirty copies returned. The responding rate was 86.9%. The responding materials were processed and analyzed by descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results of study are as the following: 1. The total average score of the organizational climate is: hospital A 2.73 (SD=0.57); hospital B 2.77 (SD=0.55); and hospital C 2.77 (SD=0.54), not yet reaching a distinctive difference in statistics, but standing between the benevolent authoritative style of organizational climate and that of the consulting democratic one. In seven phases, three hospitals all have highest average score in the “incentive power”, reaching over 3.00, tending to be the consulting democratic style (SD=0.67) of hospital C is distinctively higher than 3.04 (SD=0.75) of hospital A, and reaching a distinctive difference in statistics. The phase with lower average score is the “controlled assessing process”, with hospital A scoring 2.47 (SD=0.63), hospital B 2.54 (SD=0.67), and hospital C 2.59 (SD=0.66), all tending to be the benevolent authoritative style. 2. The total average score of the job involvement is: hospital A 2.77 (SD=0.30); hospital B 2.75 (SD=0.32); and hospital C 2.84 (SD=0.30), not reaching a distinctive difference in statistics, all belonging to medium-degree of the job involvement. In phase of the “initiative participation” and “confirming the importance of work”, there is no distinctive difference in the average score among three hospitals either. 3. The organizational climate in different age, gender, service seniority and service unit all reaches a distinctive difference in statistics; while the marriage status and the educational degree, except the phase of policy decision process and the phase of incentive power in different organizations, show no distinctive difference. 4. The educational degree and the marriage status as well as two phase of the job involvement─ “initiative participation” and “confirming the importance of work”─ all show a distinctive difference in statistics. Age and service seniority show a distinctive difference in the phase of “initiative participation”, while gender, service unit and different organizations all do not reach a distinctive difference in statistics. 5. The related coefficient of the total average score of the organizational climate and the job involvement is r=.22, and reaching a distinctive difference in statistics (p<.001). And of three hospitals, hospital A r=.22 (p<.001); hospital C r=.29 (p<.005), reaching a distinctive difference in statistics, but hospital B r=.14 (p< ), not reaching a distinctive relation in statistics. From the results of this study, it can be understood that the relationship of the organizational climate and the job involvement is existing. The organizational climate of three hospitals stands between the benevolent authoritative style and the consulting democratic one, and the job involvement is in medium degree. The managers of these three organizations still have the room to put their efforts to create a much better organizational climate, and make people like to involve themselves completely in their job in a good work environment to have a much better performance.