12015085+1 总 计总 计 1 写作第二节 4035 10 阅读短文,填空第一节 第四部分 书面表达 3 阅读短文,简要回答 问题 第二节 3540 17 阅读短文,选择答案第一节 第三部分 阅读理解 20 完型填空第二节 2545 15 单项填空第一节 第二部分 英语知识 运用 3 听短文,填空第三节.


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Presentation transcript:

总 计总 计 1 写作第二节 阅读短文,填空第一节 第四部分 书面表达 3 阅读短文,简要回答 问题 第二节 阅读短文,选择答案第一节 第三部分 阅读理解 20 完型填空第二节 单项填空第一节 第二部分 英语知识 运用 3 听短文,填空第三节 12 听长对话,选择答案第二节 听短对话,选择答案第一节 第一部分 听 力 时间(分 钟) 分值分值 题量内 容节结 构

一、简答题解题技巧: 根据 2007 高考湖南省试题公布了阅读理解 新题型 —— 简答题。该题型要求考生在读懂文 章的情况下,用自己的语言简短的回答出有关 文章内容的问题,主要测试考生对英语的确切 理解能力和用英语进行表达的能力,在考查阅 读理解的基础上考查了考生的英语表达能力和 概括能力。简答题的基础依然是阅读理解,但 对阅读理解的要求更高。考查的点既有细节题, 也有推断题,甚至还有要考生进行总结归纳的 题。

但由于简答部分只有问题,而且要 求考生用简练的语言进行回答(超 过 10 个字是要扣分的),同时还要 注意拼写、语法的正确,这就使得 简答题要难得多。从大学四、六级 的考试(简答题共考过四次: 1997 年 1 月、 1999 年 1 月、 1999 年 6 月和 2002 年 6 月))来看,这部分的得分 是比较低的。

简答题较难的另一个原因是在这 个部分中几乎没有猜题的技巧可言, 所以平时复习时不要抱有幻想,而是 要从根本上提高自己的阅读能力。 由于简答题的考查点与阅读理解有很 大的相似性,平时提高做简答题能力 的方法是:在做阅读理解题时,先不 看选项,试一试用自己的话回答。

二、简答题的评分原则及标准 一)简答题要求学生在读懂文章的基 础上,用正确简洁的语言回答问题。在评 分时同时考虑内容和语言。每题满分为 2 分, 最低分为 0 分。 二)给分标准 2 分 — 答出全部内容,语言正确; 1 分 — 答出部分内容,语言正确; 0 分 — 没有答对问题。

三)扣分标准 1. 语言错误扣 0.5 分,每题语言错 误扣分不超过 0.5 分(标点符号和大小 写错误忽略不计); 2. 涉及无关内容者扣 0.5 分;若答 案中有互相矛盾的内容,则内容互相 矛盾的部分皆不得分; 3. 整句原封不动照搬,扣 0.5 分; 4. 考生所给答案超过 10 个单词扣 0.5 分。

如答案涵盖两个方面,而考生只答 对其中一个方面时,答错的一方面 则在扣除 1 分后不再以多余信息另外 扣分,但其中如有语言错误则再扣 0.5 分

阅读理解新题型 (73 题 ) 简答题 词汇

SHISHMAREF, an Eskimo village on an island off northwestern Alaska, is falling into the ocean. Giant storm waves have so hit the place ---once well buffered by sea ice---that villagers voted in 2002 to leave their ancestral home for the mainland. Before temperatures began to rise in Shishmaref about 30 years ago, 20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms.

What does kill mean ? I love playing cards with Bob, because I kill him every time. 我最喜欢和鲍打牌,因为我每回都赢他。 In the soccer game last week, Chinese killed Japanese. 上星期的足球赛中国狂胜日本 He is a lady killer. He is a girl chaser. 他是一个万人迷 他是一个花花公子

When Mr.Li was attending Indiana University, one day, an American friend of his told him,”Our chemical Lab had a killer today.” He was shocked by his news, and asked,”Really? Anyone killed? How many wounded?” He was equally stunned by what Mr.Li said. Knowing that Mr.Li did not understand what he meant, he hurriedly explained, “No,no! What I mean is that in our Chemical Lab today we had a headache problem.” stunned shocked

1.Do you follow my argument? 2.He followed the law. 3.They followed us for miles. 4.The streets of Baghdad were almost deserted today as Iraqis turned into their TV to follow the court proceedings( 法庭审判 ) 5.I have followed the progress of this organization with interest. A. Walk or drive after B. Watch C. Understand D. Pay attention to E. Take up A. 用腿跟或用车跟 B. 用眼睛跟 C. 用理解力跟 D. 用脑袋或注意力跟 E. 职业领域范围内的跟

【例题】 Though Tom's face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. dirty “ 肮脏的 ” 注意带有 but,yet,however,otherwise, nevertheless , in contrast , on the other hand , rather than , although , while, unlike , whereas 等表转折意义的 词或是有分号的句子。这类句子前后存在明显的对比 关系,根据已知内容,通过对比很容易猜出生词的意 义。

三、简答题示例(一) SHISHMAREF, an Eskimo village on an island off northwestern Alaska, is falling into the ocean. Giant storm waves have so hit the place—once well buffered by sea ice—that villagers voted in 2002 to leave their ancestral home for the mainland. They are being called one of the first refugees (难民) of global warming.

“We tend to describe climate change in terms that are abstract—a one degree rise in temperature, an increase in greenhouse gases—but when waves wash away a village, that’s concrete and very emotional,” says Igor Krupnik, an expert at the National Museum of Natural History. “When they lose a piece of their land, they aren’t just losing a certain number of square miles. They are losing part of their history and their memory. They are losing childhood events and grandparents’ tales.”

Before temperatures began to rise in Shishmaref about 30 years ago, 20 to 30 miles of hard sea ice protected the village from powerful fall storms. But the natives say the ice doesn’t freeze as solidly or as soon as it used to and now stretches only six or seven miles, leaving the community of 600 people more exposed. Storms have swept houses into the ocean.

The villagers’ plan is to move to Tin Creek, a site on the Alaska mainland 12 miles away, and they have received $180 million from the government. Residents hope that in their new community they’ll be able to maintain their close ties, continue hunting animals, and keep fishing, much as their ancestors have done for centuries.

“People are asking why the government should be spending so much money on so few people,” said a government official. “But people in Alaska are like everyone else. We want to help keep their culture alive.”

73. Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “buffered”. 74. According to the villagers’ saying, what do we know about the sea ice around Shishmaref in the past? (回 答词数不超过 8 个) 75. What is the villagers’ main purpose to rebuild their community? (回答词数不超过 6 个)

73. Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “buffered”. Protected.

It froze more solidly and sooner. / It covered a larger area. 74. According to the villagers’ saying, what do we know about the sea ice around Shishmaref in the past? (回答词数不超过 8 个)

75. What is the villagers’ main purpose to rebuild their community? (回答词数不超过 6 个) To keep their culture alive. / To save their way of life.