中国泛珠三角区域合作及其国际化战略 广东省发展和改革委员会副主任 余云州 比利时 · 布鲁塞尔 2007 年 10 月 第二届中国-欧盟区域经济发展研讨会 REGIONAL COOPERATION AND THE STRATEGY OF INTERNATIONALIZATION IN CHINA PAN-PEARL.


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Presentation transcript:

中国泛珠三角区域合作及其国际化战略 广东省发展和改革委员会副主任 余云州 比利时 · 布鲁塞尔 2007 年 10 月 第二届中国-欧盟区域经济发展研讨会 REGIONAL COOPERATION AND THE STRATEGY OF INTERNATIONALIZATION IN CHINA PAN-PEARL RIVER DELTA(PPRD) AREA By Yu Yunzhou Deputy Director General of Guangdong Development and Reform Commission

 泛珠三角区域包括福建、 江西、湖南、广东、广西、 海南、四川、贵州、云南 九个省(区)和香港、澳 门两个特别行政区,简称 “ 9+2 ” 。  The Pan-Pearl River Delta(PPRD) Area includes the nine provinces (autonomous region) of Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnans and the Hong Kong, Macao special administrative regions.It is abbreviated to "9+2". 泛珠三角区域合作的提出 Proposing of the PPRD Regional Co-operation

泛珠三角区域合作的提出 泛珠三角区域在中国的地理位置 图 Geographical Position of the PPRD Area in China Proposing of the PPRD Regional Co-operation

全国总面积 ( 单位 : 万平方公里 ) Total land area of the country 泛珠三角约占全国陆地总面积的 1/5 全国总人口 Total population of the country 460 million 泛珠三角占全国人口总数 1/3 强 全国生产总值 ( 单位 : 亿元 RMB) Total output value of the country billion RMB yuan 泛珠三角约占全国生产总值的 1/3 Approximately accounting for 1/5 of the total land area of the country Making up more than 1/3 of the country’s total Accounting for approximately 1/3 of the country’s total million km 2

2006 年香港、澳门经济社会发展主要指标 泛珠三角区域合作的提出 Main Indicators for Chinese Hong Kong and Macao economic and social development in 2006 指 标 Indicator 香 港 Hong Kong 澳 门 Macao 本地生产总值 local total output value 亿港元 billion Hong Kong dollars 1144 亿澳元 billion MOP # 比上年增长 year-on-year increase 6.8%16.6% 人均本地生产总值 per-capita local total output value 港元 Hong Kong dollars 澳元 MOP Proposing of the PPRD Regional Co-operation

泛珠三角区域合作的提出  经济全球化和区域经济 一体化方兴未艾  Economic globalization and the regional economic integration are in the ascendant Proposing of the PPRD Regional Co-operation 经济全球化和区 域经济一体化带来的 挑战和机遇,进一步 强化了一国之内的地 区经济合作,泛珠三 角区域合作就是在这 种背景下产生的。 Challenges and opportunities brought about by economic globalization and the regional economic integration have further strengthened the regional economic co-operation inside one country, whereupon the PPRD regional co- operation came into being.

 中国实施区域发展总体战略  China is carrying out the overall regional development strategy 中国政府提出并实 施了推进西部大开发、 振兴东北地区等老工业 基地、促进中部地区崛 起、鼓励东部地区率先 发展的区域发展总体战 略。 The Chinese Government has put forward and carried out the overall regional development strategy, including developing the western areas, revitalizing the old industrial bases in northeastern China, promoting the Chinese central parts to an abrupt rise and encouraging the eastern areas to take the lead in the development. 泛珠三角区域合作的提出 Proposing of the PPRD Regional Co-operation

 泛珠三角区域合作具有 明显的互补性优势  The PPRD regional co- operation is of obvious mutually complementary advantages 泛珠三角区域合作的提出 Proposing of the PPRD Regional Co-operation 泛珠三角区域合作各 方在发展水平、产业结 构和资源禀赋上存在明 显差异,这种差异使区 域合作具有很强的互补 性, 使合作各方更加能够 在发挥优势的基础上, 加快产业转移,实现区 域产业整合。 Prominent differences exist in development level, industrial structure and resources endowment among the members in the PPRD regional co- operation , which gives strong complementarity to the regional co- operation. on the basis of giving play to comparative advantages, all the more enabled the parties in the co-operation to accelerate regional industrial shift, so as to realize the regional industrial integration.

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践 Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation  合作的思路  Trains of thought for the co-operation 每年举办一届 “ 泛珠 三角区域合作与发展论 坛 ” 及 “ 泛珠三角区域经 贸洽谈会 ” The “ Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co- operation and Development Forum ” and the “ Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Economic and Trade Conference ” are held once a year

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  合作的机构  Institution for the co-operation 行政首长联席会议秘书处 “9+2” 各方政府分别设立泛珠三角区域合作日 常工作办公室 Secretariat for the Administrative Officials' Joint Conference Governments of the “9+2” parties set up their respective offices for the day-to-day work in the PPRD regional co-operation Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  合作的机制  Mechanism for the co-operation 行政首长联席会议 政府秘书长协调会议 日常工作办公室沟通 协调制度 部门衔接落实制度 The administrative officials' joint conference 行政首长联席会议秘书 处协调制度 The governments' secretary-general coordinating conference Communication and coordinating system among day- to-day work offices Departments connection system The administrative official's joint conference secretariat coordinating system. Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  合作的平台  Platform for the co-operation 根据《泛珠三角区域合作框架协议》 的要求,泛珠三角区域合作形成了发展 论坛和经贸洽谈会两大合作平台 。 According to the requirements of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation Framework Agreement , the PPRD regional co-operation has formed two co-operation platforms: the Development Forum and the Economic and Trade Conference. Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  形成区域协调发展新局面  A new look of harmonious regional development has come into being 以推动产业转移为途 径,优化东中西部产业 布局 以加强交通建设为依 托,完善重大基础设 施建设 The industrial layouts in eastern, central and western parts are being optimized by promoting industrial shift as the channel Construction of the important infrastructure projects is being improved on the basis of strengthening the communication construction Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation  泛珠三角区域合作取 得了重大成果  The PPRD regional co- operation has achieved great success.

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  形成区域协调发展新局面  A new look of harmonious regional development has come into being 以市场体系建设为重点, 营造公平开放的市场环境 以投资经贸活动为载体, 推动经济发展 A fair and open market environment is being built with the construction of the market system being the focus. The investment and the economic and trade activities have been taken as a carrier to promote the economic development Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation  泛珠三角区域合作取 得了重大成果  The PPRD regional co-operation has achieved great success.

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  实施区域合作发展规划  Regional co-operation and development plans have been put into practice 合作各方共同编制 完成《泛珠三角区域合 作发展规划纲要 ( 2006 - 2020 年)》 及交通、能源、科技、 信息化、环保等专项规 划。 Parties in co-operation have jointly compiled and fulfilled the 《 Programme for the Planning of the PPRD Regional Co-operation and Development ( 2006 - 2020 )》 and the special plans concerning communication, energy, science and technology, information development and environmental protection. Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation  泛珠三角区域合作取得 了重大成果  The PPRD regional co-operation has achieved great success.

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  不断拓展区域合作内容  Contents of the regional co- operation have been constantly expanded. 目前,泛珠三角区域合 作已在这十大领域的基础上, 拓展到金融、安全生产、警 务、司法、反走私、学术研 究和社会团体等方面。 At present , based on the ten major spheres, the Pan-Pearl River delta regional co-operation has been expanded to such areas as finance, sound production, police work, justice, anti-smuggling, academic research and social organizations. Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation  泛珠三角区域合作取 得了重大成果  The PPRD regional co-operation has achieved great success.

泛珠三角区域合作的模式和实践  初步树立区域合作品牌  Regional co-operation brands have been initially fostered 泛珠三角区域合作四年 来,其作为一个区域经济 合作体在中国国内已迅速 为世人知晓,并逐步被国 外的经济合作体所关注。 泛珠三角合作信息网已 成为国内最具影响力的区 域合作网站。 Over four years since the establishment of the PPRD regional co-operation , it has swiftly become known to the public inside China as a regional economic co- operation body and has been gradually followed with interest by overseas economic co-operation bodies. The PPRD co-operation and information network has become the most influential regional co-operation website in China. Model and Practice for the PPRD Regional Co-operation  泛珠三角区域合作取 得了重大成果  The PPRD regional co-operation has achieved great success.

The Strategy for the Internationalization of the PPRD Regional Co-operation  加强 “ 两个联系 ”  Strengthening the "two connections" 泛珠三角区域合作的国际化战略 加强与欧盟的交流与 合作 密切与东盟的经贸关系 Strengthening exchanges and co- operation with the European Union. Consolidating a close economic and trade relationship with ASEAN.

 采用 “ 五大手段 ”  Adopting the “five measures” 泛珠三角区域合作的国际化战略 借鉴经验,完善机制 形成合力,共建品牌 加强宣传,扩大影响 加强联系,扩大合作 建设平台,促进投资 Making use of the experiences of others for reference to improve the mechanism. Forming joint efforts to build up brands Strengthening propaganda to increase influence. Strengthening connection to enlarge co- operation Building platforms to facilitate investment The Strategy for the Internationalization of the PPRD Regional Co-operation

谢 THANKS 第二届中国-欧盟区域经济发展研讨会 比利时 · 布鲁塞尔 2007 年 10 月