pen pen pencil Pencil-case pencil-case rubber.


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Presentation transcript:

pen pen


Pencil-case pencil-case




penpencil pencil-case rubber ruler desk table

on on the desk


on the pencil-case

in in the box

The pencil is on the desk. Where is the pencil?

Where is the rubber? It is on the table.

Sing along where is the pencil


Pencil sharpener pencil-sharpener




Is the bag on the bed? Yes, it is.

Is the pencil sharpener on the chair? Yes, it is.

Is the rubber in the box? No, it isn’t. It’s on the box.

Is the pencil in the desk? No, it isn’t. It’s on the desk.

一、看老师的动作小组问答。 二、同桌用新句型进行问答。

pencil desk bed pencil-case table pen chair box rubber pencil sharpener ruler bag 铅笔 书桌 床 笔盒 桌子 钢笔 椅子 箱子 橡皮 笔刨 尺子 袋子

where where’s=where is it on in no yes not isn’t=is not here Here it is. the 哪里 是在哪里 它 在。。。上面 在。。。里面 不是,不对 是,对 不 不是 在这里 就在这里! 这,那,这些,那些

Dialogue 1 Ben: Mum, where’s my pencil? Mrs Webb: Is it on your desk? Ben: No. Mrs Webb: Is it on your bed? Ben: NO, it isn’t. Janet: Is it in your pencil-case? Ben: Where’s my pencil-case?

Dialogue 2 Ben: Janet, where’s my pencil-case? Janet: Is it on your desk? Ben: No, it isn’t. Janet: Is it on your table? Ben: No, it isn’t. Janet: Here you are!