童軍歌曲 (中文) (英文) 離開 您好 歡迎 翳氣 膳歌 山歌 童軍樂 童軍頌 茶壺歌 猜拳歌 老木頭 為食歌 糖不甩 牛腩麵 炒冷飯


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Presentation transcript:

童軍歌曲 (中文) (英文) 離開 您好 歡迎 翳氣 膳歌 山歌 童軍樂 童軍頌 茶壺歌 猜拳歌 老木頭 為食歌 糖不甩 牛腩麵 炒冷飯 謝飯歌 夜香郎 爛豬 臨歧頌 野獸歌 快樂頌 快樂歌 野營歌 度假歌 露營樂 營火歌 郊遊樂 霧之歌 我係童軍 營火表演 童軍集會 童軍精神 童軍生活 童軍規律 我愛露營 打開蚊帳 打開窗門 注重衛生 幸福家園 王老先生 金山亞伯 友誼之光 千禧營歌 老豆多仔公 齊齊望過去 我們唱得好 來來來唱歌 條街黑 ME MA 神愛我愛你 世界真細小 營中真細小 環保全靠你 運動樂趣多 幼童軍露營 阿基那喊叫 童軍運動精神 我哋香港童軍 我係個好童軍 小童軍進行曲 美國嘅雞毛掃 山歌不唱忘記多 當我們同在一起 我係一隻千腳蟲 一隻小狼一條尾 頭肩膝頭腳趾公 大家齊來參加童軍 手指,手指公「郁郁貢」

童軍歌曲 (英文) (中文) 離開 Are You Sleeping Auld Lang Syne Back to Gilwell B P Spirit Be a Cub Scout Bon Bon Bon 小老鼠 Bow Wow Wow By the Blazing Council Fire’s Light Camp Camp Camp Campfire’s Burning Campfire Dancing Coconut Cubbing Daisy Dancing La-Ba Do Dear Old Friend Disini Senang Do Ray Me Dum Edelweiss Elephant Dance Epoh-E-Tai-Tai Father Abraham Fee Fy Fo Ging Gang Gooli Go Round the Valley Green Grow The Rushes-ho Gu Choki Pa Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here Head And Shoulders, Knee and Toes Here for Fun In My Dream I’m Going Back To Gilwell Jamboree John Brown's Body Kille Kille, Nakasaka Yokohama Killi Kookaburra Kumbayah Land of the Silver Birch Ling Bo Ling Ka Wa Love Grows Under The Wild Oak Tree Lula Ley Mo-Si Mo-Si Mowgli’s Hunting My Bonnie Num Sum Sum O Wonnie Wonnie Oh How Lovely Is The Evening One Finger, One Thumb Our Soldiers Went To War Patrol Camp Song Penny Penny Red River Valley Scout Hymn Scouting Marches On Seven Steps Sing, Everyone Sings Sing Hosanna Sing Together Singing In The Rain Taps The Big Baffalo The Happy Wanderer The More We Get Together Three Little Ducks Tra La Vini Vini We Are All Together Again We Shall Overcome What ever will be will be When you’re happy Yipi Yaya Zim Zim Zim

童軍歌曲 (英文) (中文) 74.Boom Chicka Boom

中 英 您好 (Hello) 您好!您好!您好!您好! 我們歡迎您來、 您好!

歡迎 寄調:Sing, everyone sing 中 英 嘩!快樂無比! 請,加入童軍, 我們有露營, 有技能,有規律! 來,請你參與! 來,不分彼此!

翳氣 中 英 你若然係咁翳氣,做人就無乜趣味, 待吾黎教下你,最好就死左佢。 你若然係唔死住,事幹就唔好理, 你若然係要理事,監生就激死你。

膳歌 中 英 個個著個兜, 個湯夠, 慢下晚飯就有喂, 成日學馬騮, 爭先恐後,口水流流, 大家一齊來開飯, 食到個個夠喉。

山歌 中 英 呢…… 今晚呢餐食到碌地呢, 一雞四味! 豆腐滾湯冇落鹽呢, 比豉油呢! 食飯又有三及第粥呢, 運氣總之係好鞋請呢!

童軍樂 朋友們快來參加童軍, 做個良好公民,日行一善,為己為人, 童軍們堅守信譽,顯出大無畏的精神, 共同努力造福人群, 中 英 朋友們快來參加童軍, 做個良好公民,日行一善,為己為人, 童軍們堅守信譽,顯出大無畏的精神, 共同努力造福人群, 郊外高山青,海中樂融融, 田園大地到處好露營, 做個良好公民,日行一善,為己為人。

童軍頌 願圖宏志,沖天振翅高飛; 一生一世,常記規律誓詞。 用耐力幹勁,攀登高峰去; 我是童軍,不須怕風和雨。 共同前進,BP與我一起; 中 英 童軍頌 願圖宏志,沖天振翅高飛; 一生一世,常記規律誓詞。 用耐力幹勁,攀登高峰去; 我是童軍,不須怕風和雨。 共同前進,BP與我一起; 不驕不躁,朋輩皆好知己。 服務社會要顯出新朝氣; 永是童軍,牽手創真善美。

中 英 茶壺歌 我是茶壺肥又矮, 這是壺柄,這是咀, 這是壺咀這是柄, 水滾啦,水滾啦, 沖茶啦!沖茶啦!

猜拳歌 中 英 童軍們,大家見個禮, 握握手,猜猜拳, 你出包呀我出剪, 輸了請你跟我走。

老木頭 中 英 老木頭去做工, 一跤跌落大咕窿, 爬來爬去爬不起, 老木頭變了可憐蟲。

為食歌 妹愛阿華田,哥愛朱古力, 為了件三文治,魚尾夾芝士, 整碟生菜炒魚球,叉燒好靚亦唔肥, 小碟豬皮都無味,長食牛油無心機, 中 英 妹愛阿華田,哥愛朱古力, 為了件三文治,魚尾夾芝士, 整碟生菜炒魚球,叉燒好靚亦唔肥, 小碟豬皮都無味,長食牛油無心機, 往日蕃薯難忘記,你不剝皮鑑生吞, 芋頭炆牛什,腳煲豬手, 麵豉蒸蘿蔔,蓮藕炆冬菇, 只恨啤酒不夠清涼,不知滋味是如何? 不知滋味是如何?

糖不甩 中 英 糖不甩,糖不甩,想唔想食。 糖不甩呢,我俾你食,糖不甩呢,食完再食。

牛腩麵 中 英 牛腩麵加D辣椒醬, 加D麻油味更香,味更香, 加多D啦,加多D啦, 加多D辣椒醬。

炒冷飯 中 英 三更天 炒冷飯 切蔥菜 打雞蛋 然後落豉油 炒好冷飯大家一齊食 你一碗 我一碗 食飽好行開

謝飯歌 叮噹 叮噹 叮噹叮噹 一群童軍, 聚首一堂, 感謝上主, 賜我用糧。 中 英 叮噹 叮噹 叮噹叮噹 一群童軍, 聚首一堂, 感謝上主, 賜我用糧。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbXhTwAibec

夜香郎 你知唔知夜香郎,夜香郎,夜香郎, 你知唔知夜香郎,佢擔D係乜匯, 我知道個夜香郎,夜香郎,夜香郎, 我知道個夜香郎,佢擔D係乜匯, 中 英 你知唔知夜香郎,夜香郎,夜香郎, 你知唔知夜香郎,佢擔D係乜匯, 我知道個夜香郎,夜香郎,夜香郎, 我知道個夜香郎,佢擔D係乜匯, 大家知個夜香郎,夜香郎,夜香郎, 大家知個夜香郎,佢擔D係乜匯。

爛豬 睇吓呢隻,睇吓呢隻, 爛豬,爛豬, 咁晏都唔起身, 唔使恨!唔使恨! <爛豬呀,爛豬呀, 快起身,快起身> 中 英 睇吓呢隻,睇吓呢隻, 爛豬,爛豬, 咁晏都唔起身, 唔使恨!唔使恨! <爛豬呀,爛豬呀, 快起身,快起身>

臨歧頌 我們低聲唱著別離的歌, 明天大家又各在一方, 珍重吧我親愛的朋友們, 天涯海角永遠不相忘。 中 英 我們低聲唱著別離的歌, 明天大家又各在一方, 珍重吧我親愛的朋友們, 天涯海角永遠不相忘。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=jcb4dRfovqQ

野獸歌 - 1 中 英 大笨象會跳舞, 馬騮仔會上樹, 狐狸會打觔斗, 山豬山豹山羊, 山中有隻老羊, 望見老虎會發震抖。

野獸歌 - 2 大笨象會跳舞,馬騮仔會上樹, 黃牛會打斛斗呢!個邊有隻黑熊, 走出左個鐵籠,嚇到老鼠走入籠, 個邊有隻猩猩,睇見咁嘅情形, 中 英 大笨象會跳舞,馬騮仔會上樹, 黃牛會打斛斗呢!個邊有隻黑熊, 走出左個鐵籠,嚇到老鼠走入籠, 個邊有隻猩猩,睇見咁嘅情形, 叫隻麻雀總要定,白兔即刻起步, 通知總管亞聖,嚇得佢眼定定。

快樂頌 落大雨啦雞仔貪玩, 冷到傷風真真慘。 論盡鴨仔擔起花瓣, 當作撐開小雨傘。 小魚生猛,蝦仔生猛, 青蛙水中跳低欄。 英 快樂頌 落大雨啦雞仔貪玩, 冷到傷風真真慘。 論盡鴨仔擔起花瓣, 當作撐開小雨傘。 小魚生猛,蝦仔生猛, 青蛙水中跳低欄。 遇著母雞今天生蛋, 五隻小雞通處逛。

快樂歌 當你知道你好快樂,拍下手(拍、拍) 當你知道你好快樂,你個貓樣就會表露, 當你知道你好快樂,拍手(拍、拍) (2)擒下頭(擒頭兩次) 中 英 當你知道你好快樂,拍下手(拍、拍) 當你知道你好快樂,你個貓樣就會表露, 當你知道你好快樂,拍手(拍、拍) (2)擒下頭(擒頭兩次) (3)泵下地(泵地兩次) (4)好過癮(過癮!) (5)拍手、擒頭、泵地、過癮!(做晒佢)

野營歌 氣呵呵,咪行錯。碌落山坡跌落河。 右邊個個跴親我,哎唷! 上山坡,渡深河。行到平原不妨坐。 煙塵滾滾,草籬籬,樹疏。 中 英 野營歌 氣呵呵,咪行錯。碌落山坡跌落河。 右邊個個跴親我,哎唷! 上山坡,渡深河。行到平原不妨坐。 煙塵滾滾,草籬籬,樹疏。 腳踏左,右,左,忽然大家笑呵呵, 原來目的地到立定! 大家肅靜,一齊解開繩, 放下背囊,來幫手搭營。 我去斬柴,你去打水, 預備煮飯,成日做不停。

度假歌 寄調:野營歌 中 英 小童軍、幼童軍 今天一起齊度假, 你我享受大自然, 一同遊戲笑呵呵。

露營樂 寄調:Red River Valley 中 英 我們一起來到郊野露營, 齊齊搭營、野炊、圍營火, 開開心心學習又嬉戲, 夜觀天象、談笑,樂無窮。

營火歌 紅日西沉,黑夜來臨, 營火高燒曠野裏, 你來彈琴,他來歌唱, 大家一齊共快樂, 你唱歌仔,我講故事, 表演節目花樣多, 中 英 紅日西沉,黑夜來臨, 營火高燒曠野裏, 你來彈琴,他來歌唱, 大家一齊共快樂, 你唱歌仔,我講故事, 表演節目花樣多, 一同歡呼,一同遊戲, 今晚歡樂永難忘。

郊遊樂 寄調:營火歌 戶外旅行,露營遠足, 謹記郊遊的守則, 不拋垃圾,不摘花朵, 愛惜我們的郊野。 謹記守則,愛護自然, 戶外活動樂趣多, 中 英 戶外旅行,露營遠足, 謹記郊遊的守則, 不拋垃圾,不摘花朵, 愛惜我們的郊野。 謹記守則,愛護自然, 戶外活動樂趣多, 你來唱歌,我玩遊戲, 大家盡情地遊玩!

霧之歌 小霧迷離,花草都罩着輕紗, 我傾聽着山之邊鳥兒聲啞, 在老樹上飛翔着兩隻烏鴉, 喳喳喳,喳喳喳,要回家。(重唱) 中 英 小霧迷離,花草都罩着輕紗, 我傾聽着山之邊鳥兒聲啞, 在老樹上飛翔着兩隻烏鴉, 喳喳喳,喳喳喳,要回家。(重唱) 人生也似困在霧中,摸索四方路難通; 跌低只有再度爬起,有心的人終喜相逢。 (重唱)

中 英 我係童軍 我係童軍,我係童軍, 我係一個小童軍,我係一個小童軍, 若果唔係百鬼厭。 我係一個幼童軍,

營火表演 寄調: 鳳陽花鼓 中 英 小童軍、幼童軍, 大家一起到洞梓, 齊齊來表演節目多, 你唱歌仔,我講故事, 嘻嘻哈哈,咁唔又一晚。

童軍精神 曲調:I’ve got B-P Spirit 中 英 我們有童軍精神,深刻我心, 深刻我心,深刻我心, 我們有童軍精神,深刻我心,深刻我心永遠。 我們有童軍精神,一生一世,一生一世,一生一世,我們有童軍精神,一生一世,一生一世不遠。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtkIRop3pSQ&list=PL113F96804DF99AA6&index=20&feature=plpp_video 歌唱活動1.4

童軍生活 曲調:Old McDonald 童軍生活多姿釆,伊呀伊呀啊! 細細個做小童軍,伊呀伊呀啊! 唱唱歌仔做手工,多麼好玩又輕鬆! 中 英 童軍生活多姿釆,伊呀伊呀啊! 細細個做小童軍,伊呀伊呀啊! 唱唱歌仔做手工,多麼好玩又輕鬆! 大個可升幼童軍,伊呀伊呀啊! 幼童軍升童軍,再升深資和樂行,

童軍集會 曲調:Lightly Row 心樂樂 ,笑盈盈 童軍現去集會啦 多學習,要留神 童軍應相助 ; 常常勤學明道理 事事學習事理精 中 英 心樂樂 ,笑盈盈 童軍現去集會啦 多學習,要留神 童軍應相助 ; 常常勤學明道理 事事學習事理精 為學精於勤。

中 英 童軍規律 童軍信用為人敬 童軍待人要忠誠 童軍友善兼親切 童軍相處如手足 童軍勇敢不怕難 童軍愛物更惜陰 童軍自重又重人

我愛露營 青天當被,蓆地而眠, 把大石當枕頭, 露營生活是最愉快, 大自然風光好。 中 英 我愛露營 青天當被,蓆地而眠, 把大石當枕頭, 露營生活是最愉快, 大自然風光好。 嘩的哩,嘩的啦,嘩的啦,嘩的哈哈哈哈哈哈嘩的哩,嘩的啦,大自然風光好。

打開蚊帳 打開蚊帳,打開蚊帳, 有隻蚊,有隻蚊, 快的攞把扇來,快的攞把扇來, 撥走佢,撥走佢 中 英 打開蚊帳,打開蚊帳, 有隻蚊,有隻蚊, 快的攞把扇來,快的攞把扇來, 撥走佢,撥走佢 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcOvlMZgUzA

打開窗門 中 英 打開窗門,打開窗門, 有隻雀,有隻雀, 快的攞個網來,快的攞個網來, 捉走佢,捉走佢

注重衛生 中 英 注重衛生,注重衛生, 健康啲,健康啲, 衣服整齊乾淨, 襪子天天更換, 精神晒,精神晒!

幸福家園 人人在說我的家,是一個絕對模範。 前面就到我的家,便請進內喝啖茶。 我家雖不富有,亦不算是太殘舊, 有溫馨的暖意,是這世上最難求, 中 英 人人在說我的家,是一個絕對模範。 前面就到我的家,便請進內喝啖茶。 我家雖不富有,亦不算是太殘舊, 有溫馨的暖意,是這世上最難求, 這家雖不太美,但一切尚算齊備, 有安康的老少,幸福快樂笑咪咪。

王老先生 中 英 問:王老先生,王老先生,你有喇叭,你會吹嗎? 答:我有喇叭,我會吹呀! 齊:噠噠噠。 問:王老先生,王老先生,你有鑼鼓,你會打嗎? 答:我有鑼鼓,我會打呀! 齊:噠噠噠。蓬蓬蓬。 問:王老先生,王老先生,你有查查,你會打嗎? 答:我有查查,我會打呀! 齊:噠噠噠。蓬蓬蓬。查查查。 問:王老先生,王老先生,你有二胡,你會拉嗎? 答:我有二胡,我會拉呀! 齊:噠噠噠。蓬蓬蓬。查查查。爺爺爺。

金山亞伯 中 英 金山亞伯去買餸, 買到骨頭真大懵, Good呀Good呀又一‘舊’, Good呀Good呀又一‘舊’。 買到骨頭真大懵。

友誼之光 人生於世上有幾個知己 多少友誼能長存 今日別離共你雙雙兩握手 友誼常在你我心裏 今天且有暫別 他朝也定能聚首 中 英 人生於世上有幾個知己 多少友誼能長存 今日別離共你雙雙兩握手 友誼常在你我心裏 今天且有暫別 他朝也定能聚首 縱使不能會面始終也是朋友 說有萬里山 隔阻兩地遙 不需見面 心中也知曉 友誼是改不了 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLdz-9tuza8

千禧營歌 - 1 對神,對本土,對別人, 盡我熱能盡我的責任, 我們懷著無畏的精神, 說話一樣口。 過橋過山過樹林, 樂意助人願獻出關心, 中 英 對神,對本土,對別人, 盡我熱能盡我的責任, 我們懷著無畏的精神, 說話一樣口。 過橋過山過樹林, 樂意助人願獻出關心, 盼能學會各種的技能, 挑戰磨練我耐心;

千禧營歌 - 2 一起開心一起走過山嶺數百里, 沿路每秒每晚每段時間都有我與你, 無浪費著每口空氣,行行企企, 期望會記住每段精彩場地; 中 英 一起開心一起走過山嶺數百里, 沿路每秒每晚每段時間都有我與你, 無浪費著每口空氣,行行企企, 期望會記住每段精彩場地; 一起分擔一起經過艱難時期, 留下每個腳印,每段回憶都有我與你, 無論碰著那種天氣,神神氣氣, 陪著你昂步闊步過渡世紀, 可知當中有你!

老豆多仔公 (阿伯拉) 中 英 老豆多仔公 有七個仔 七個仔有 老豆多仔公 佢地唔食 佢地唔訓 成日係處攪攪震

齊齊望過去 齊齊望過去小溪裹, 有隻青蛙想跳水, 齊齊望過去沙灘裏, 有位小姐好風趣, 有隻烏鴉,佢吱吱喳喳想駁嘴, 齊齊望過去村莊裏, 中 英 齊齊望過去小溪裹, 有隻青蛙想跳水, 齊齊望過去沙灘裏, 有位小姐好風趣, 有隻烏鴉,佢吱吱喳喳想駁嘴, 齊齊望過去村莊裏, 有隻小狗飲鬼醉。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p938vkozqL8

我們唱得好 我們唱得好,我們唱得妙, 我們唱得呱呱叫。 你們聽聽吧,你們聽聽吧, 我們唱得多麼好。 大家唱,大家唱,大家唱個歡樂歌。 中 英 我們唱得好,我們唱得妙, 我們唱得呱呱叫。 你們聽聽吧,你們聽聽吧, 我們唱得多麼好。 大家唱,大家唱,大家唱個歡樂歌。 大家一齊唱,大家一齊唱, 大家唱個團結歌。

中 英 來來來唱歌 來,來,來唱歌, 大家一齊唱, 番鬼佬,中國人, 瘦「猛猛」,肥「吞吞」, 大家一齊唱。

條街黑ME MA 條街黑ME MA,條街黑ME MA, 條街黑到鬼都怕。 道路飛沙走石, 透到森羅殿下, 係人係鬼都怕, 嚇走個摩囉差。 中 英 條街黑ME MA,條街黑ME MA, 條街黑到鬼都怕。 道路飛沙走石, 透到森羅殿下, 係人係鬼都怕, 嚇走個摩囉差。

神愛我愛你 神愛我愛你,做天空大地, 做咗好多樹木俾我哋, 又有香蕉樹,又有芒果樹, 仲有西瓜蕃茄滿田園。 雀仔吱吱叫,兔仔蹦蹦跳, 中 英 神愛我愛你,做天空大地, 做咗好多樹木俾我哋, 又有香蕉樹,又有芒果樹, 仲有西瓜蕃茄滿田園。 雀仔吱吱叫,兔仔蹦蹦跳, 阿黃日日夜夜尾搖搖, 愉快的天地,共你多享用, 願你主恩永常存。

世界真細小 - 1 人人常歡笑,不要眼淚掉, 時時懷希望,不必心裏跳, 在那人世間,相助共濟, 應知人間小得俏。 中 英 世界真細小 - 1 人人常歡笑,不要眼淚掉, 時時懷希望,不必心裏跳, 在那人世間,相助共濟, 應知人間小得俏。 世界真細小小小,小得真奇妙妙妙, 實在真係細世界,嬌小而妙俏。

中 英 世界真細小 - 2 又有陽光照,兼有朗月耀,良受同歡聚, 相依相對笑,萬里難隔阻,心裏情長照, 應知人間小得俏。 世界真細小小小,小得真奇妙妙妙, 實在真係細世界,嬌小而妙俏。 地球如此細,紛爭不應多,人類如兄弟, 不應分你我,人情同四海,千里共一家, 應該無分你我他。 世界真細小小小,小得真奇妙妙妙, 實在真係細世界,嬌小而妙俏。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly6RIEsKerE

營中真細小 猛烈陽光照兼有燈照耀,營友同相聚, 相食相慘笑,萬里難洗身,兼有門隔阻, 應知肥佬不好過,見到水就搶搶, 英 營中真細小 猛烈陽光照兼有燈照耀,營友同相聚, 相食相慘笑,萬里難洗身,兼有門隔阻, 應知肥佬不好過,見到水就搶搶, 搶來搶去為水,實在真係慘慘, 應知營中水經貴。

環保全靠你 - 1 調寄:世界真細小 垃圾藏海裏 海裏發異味 垃圾埋土地 土中生臭氣 垃圾常染污 周圍和你 影響環境的優美 英 垃圾藏海裏 海裏發異味 垃圾埋土地 土中生臭氣 垃圾常染污 周圍和你 影響環境的優美 你我身處‘香港地’ 莫你周圍‘大陣味’ 若是忽視懶去理 始終遺害你

環保全靠你 - 2 調寄:世界真細小 祈求環境美 需要愛大地 齊來同保護 不應分我你 齊齊同發起 左鄰右里 不應隨便的丟棄 中 英 祈求環境美 需要愛大地 齊來同保護 不應分我你 齊齊同發起 左鄰右里 不應隨便的丟棄 每次丟棄‘小小地’ 易做清除又便利 實現只賴我與你 香港能貌美

運動樂趣多 轉轉膊頭擰擰頭,深深吸口氣; 兩腳拍齊擺擺尾,伸一伸手臂; 跳、跳、跳呀!跳跳紮! 拍、拍,拍呀!拍拍拍! 中 英 轉轉膊頭擰擰頭,深深吸口氣; 兩腳拍齊擺擺尾,伸一伸手臂; 跳、跳、跳呀!跳跳紮! 拍、拍,拍呀!拍拍拍! 拍、拍,拍呀!到處拍! 再轉轉膊頭擰擰頭,唉…… 鬆番一口氣。

幼童軍露營 寄調:Zim Zim Zim 小童軍呀,幼童軍呀,一齊去露營, (2) 守紀律,愛環保,要緊記, 中 英 小童軍呀,幼童軍呀,一齊去露營, (2) 守紀律,愛環保,要緊記, Left Right Left呀, Left Right Left呀, 哈哈哈哈哈! (2) 到了營地之後,大家要分配工作, (2) 你起營,我煮飯,佢洗碗,

阿基那喊叫 Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack! 阿基那喊叫, 幼童軍快來集合, 迅速敏捷向前跑, 中 英 Pack! Pack! Pack! 阿基那喊叫, 幼童軍快來集合, 迅速敏捷向前跑, 手臉乾淨衣裳整潔快站好!

童軍運動精神 曲調:快樂頌 童軍運動響應全球, 各處各方都會有; 齊來參加童軍活動, 貢獻社會莫遲疑。 待人忠誠勇敢不怕難, 童軍運動精神 曲調:快樂頌 中 英 童軍運動響應全球, 各處各方都會有; 齊來參加童軍活動, 貢獻社會莫遲疑。 待人忠誠勇敢不怕難, BP精神與我在一起, 做了童軍,快樂無比, 牽手創出真善美。 歌唱活動1.4

我哋香港童軍 我哋香港童軍,我哋香港童軍, 我哋香港童軍,個個都精神, 一精神,二精神,三都精神; 四精神,五精神,六都精神; 中 英 我哋香港童軍,我哋香港童軍, 我哋香港童軍,個個都精神, 一精神,二精神,三都精神; 四精神,五精神,六都精神; 七精神,八精神,九精神; 十足精神咯。

我係個好童軍 XX個靈魂今晚來左呢一度,(3) 佢一陣就搵你。 怕未,怕未,怕未,問你怕唔怕,(3) 唔怕,唔怕,唔怕,乜鬼都唔怕,(3) 中 英 XX個靈魂今晚來左呢一度,(3) 佢一陣就搵你。 怕未,怕未,怕未,問你怕唔怕,(3) 唔怕,唔怕,唔怕,乜鬼都唔怕,(3) 因為我係個好童軍。

小童軍進行曲 中 英 小小童軍向前進, 向前進,向前進, 前進不停。

美國嘅雞毛掃 美國嘅雞毛掃,由細打到老, 純正嘅係籐條,打到你跳舞, 立增體力,永保健康, 任何時間,記得美國雞毛掃, 雞毛掃,籐條啊! 中 英 美國嘅雞毛掃,由細打到老, 純正嘅係籐條,打到你跳舞, 立增體力,永保健康, 任何時間,記得美國雞毛掃, 雞毛掃,籐條啊!

山歌不唱忘記多 (1)山歌不唱忘記多,大路不走草盤窠, 快刀不磨黃銹起啊!身子不挺背要駝。 (2)你一聲來我一聲,好比先生教學生, 中 英 (1)山歌不唱忘記多,大路不走草盤窠, 快刀不磨黃銹起啊!身子不挺背要駝。 (2)你一聲來我一聲,好比先生教學生, 先生教書還有本啊,山歌無本句句真。

當我們同在一起 中 英 當我們同在一起, 在一起,在一起, 當我們同在一起,其快樂無比。 你對著我笑嘻嘻,我對著你笑哈哈,

我係一隻千腳蟲 我係一隻千腳蟲,係D污漕泥濘中, 有誰見到我只腳, 如果搵唔到,我就沃沃貢, 用我九百九十九隻腳, 英 我係一隻千腳蟲,係D污漕泥濘中, 有誰見到我只腳, 如果搵唔到,我就沃沃貢, 用我九百九十九隻腳, 扎扎跳,扎扎跳,用我九百九十九隻腳, 用我九百九十九隻腳。

一隻小狼一條尾 中 英 一隻小狼一條尾, 兩隻耳朵直豎起。 四條腿兒蹦蹦跳, 第二隻小狼輪到你。

中 英 頭肩膝頭腳趾公 頭肩膝頭腳趾公  膝頭痛 無陰公 頭肩膝頭腳趾公 眼 耳 口 鼻

大家齊來參加童軍 寄調:快樂頌 大家齊來參加童軍, 快樂無比笑盈盈。 同心合力,團結一致, 創造未來,真快樂。 定出目標,要堅守信念, 中 英 大家齊來參加童軍, 快樂無比笑盈盈。 同心合力,團結一致, 創造未來,真快樂。 定出目標,要堅守信念, 學習的技能齊分享, 樂於助人,不分彼此, 遵守規律不會變。 我們童軍唱吓歌仔, 一同遊戲笑哈哈。

手指 手指公 郁郁貢 中 英 手指,手指公「郁郁貢」, 「郁」得無陰功。

Are You Sleeping Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? 中 英 Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John, Morning bells are ringing, Ding ding dong, ding ding dong

Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot and 中 英 Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? days o’Auld Lang Syne? For Auld Lang Syne, my dear, for Auld Lang Syne, We’ll tak’a cup o’kindness yet for Auld Lang Syne.

Back to Gilwell In my dreams I'm going back to Gilwell, 中 英 In my dreams I'm going back to Gilwell, To the joys and the happiness I found, On those grand weekends with my dear old friends,and see the training ground. Oh the grass is greener back in Gilwell, and I breathe again the scouting air. While in memory, I see B-P, who never will be far from there.

B P Spirit 中 英 I've got the B P spirit, right in my head, right in my head, right in my head, I've got the B P spirit, right in my head, Right in my head to stay. 2. Deep in my heart 3. All round my feet 4. All over me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtkIRop3pSQ&list=PL113F96804DF99AA6&index=20&feature=plpp_video

Be a Cub Scout (調寄:London Bridge) 中 英 Do you want to make some friends? Make some friends? Make some friends? Do you want to make some friends, It’s so easy! Do you want to learn some more. That’s no problem! Do you want to be helpful. Be a Cub Scout! Cubs scouts always do their best. Do a good turn!

Bon Bon Bon 小老鼠 Bon Bon Bon Bon Ba Ki Bon Ki Bon Mi Ma Mo Sa Su Sa 中 英 Bon Bon Bon Bon Ba Ki Bon Ki Bon Mi Ma Mo Sa Su Sa Mi Ma Mo Ma Ki Mi Ma Mo Ha Ka Ku Ra Sa Su Sa La Lu Ra-Ma Sa Su Sa

Bow Wow Wow Bow Wow Wow Who’s dog art thou? Little Tommy Tinker’s Dog 中 英 Bow Wow Wow Who’s dog art thou? Little Tommy Tinker’s Dog

By the Blazing Council Fire’s Light 中 英 By the Blazing Council Fire’s Light By the blazing council fire’s light, We have met in fellowship to-night, Round about the whispering trees, Guard our golden memories. And so before we close our eyes in sleep, Let us pledge each other that we’ll keep, Scouting friendships, strong and deep, Till we meet again.

Camp Camp Camp Camp camp camp's the place for learning 中 英 Camp camp camp's the place for learning Camp camp camp's the place for fun Be the weather wet or fine We will have a jolly time And be sorry when our camping days are done

Campfire‘s Burning Campfire‘s burning, campfire’s burning, 中 英 Campfire‘s burning, campfire’s burning, Draw nearer, draw nearer, In the gloaming, in the gloaming, Let‘s sing and be merry.

Campfire Dancing We Walk to the Right, and we walk to the Left. 中 英 We Walk to the Right, and we walk to the Left. And we walk, and we walk, and we walk all night. On the heal, on the toe, make a half way turn. see a new good friend.

Coconut C-o-c-o-n-u-t nut, C-o-c-o-n-u-t ,C-o-c-o-n-u-t, 中 英 C-o-c-o-n-u-t nut, C-o-c-o-n-u-t ,C-o-c-o-n-u-t, Coconut, coconut, oh......

Cubbing We are the cub scouts in the jungle. 中 英 We are the cub scouts in the jungle. A gay jolly crowd don’t see. We have a good time, do you wonder? There’s nothing like cubbing to me. Cubbing, Cubbing,

Daisy 中 英 Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do; I‘m half crazy, all for the love of you, It won‘t be a stylish marriage; I can‘t afford a carriage, But you look sweet upon the seat, Of a bicycle built for two, Michael, Michael, here is my answer true, I can‘t cycle half as well as you. If you can‘t afford a carriage, Call off the blooming marriage, For I‘ll be blowed if I’ll be towed, On a bicycle built for two.

Dancing La-Ba Do Dancing La-ba Do, La-ba Do, La-ba Do, 中 英 Dancing La-ba Do, La-ba Do, La-ba Do, La-ba La-ba Do, Hai!

Dear Old Friend Dear old friends greeting when you meet, 中 英 Dear old friends greeting when you meet, Shake shake hands and play the game. Zim Bom Ba, Lose or win, The loser will line up and follow me.

Disini Senang Disini senang, disana senang, 中 英 Disini Senang Disini senang, disana senang, Dimana mana katiku senang. (x2) La la la la la la la, La la la la. (x2)

Do Ray Me Do, a deer, a female deer, Ray, a drop of golden sun, 中 英 Do, a deer, a female deer, Ray, a drop of golden sun, Me, a name I call myself, Far, a long long way to run, Sew, a needle pulling thread, La, a note to follow sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That would bring us back to do; Do ray me far sew la tea do, sew do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYDipPa6pas

Dum Dum dum da dum, da dum dum da dum, da dum dum da da da dum 中 英 Dum dum da dum, da dum dum da dum, da dum dum da da da dum da dum dum da dum da dum dum dum da da da dum

Edelweiss Edelweiss, Edelweiss, Every morning you greet me, 中 英 Edelweiss Edelweiss, Edelweiss, Every morning you greet me, Small and white, Clean and bright, You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever. Bless my homeland forever.

Elephant Dance One elephant (—two elephants, three elephants etc.—), 中 英 One elephant (—two elephants, three elephants etc.—), went out one day Upon a spider web to play He had such a lot of fun He wanted another elephant to come

Epoh-E-Tai-Tai O ep-oh e tai tai ey-ah, 中 英 O ep-oh e tai tai ey-ah, O ep-oh e tai tai ep-oh e tu-ki tu-ki, ep-oh e tu-ki tu-ki ey-ah.

Father Abraham Father Abraham has seven sons. 中 英 Father Abraham has seven sons. Seven sons have Father Abraham. And they didn‘t eat. And they didn‘t sleep. And they had a lot of fun.

Fee Fy Fo Fee! Fee fy! Fee fy fo! Comula! 中 英 Fee! Fee fy! Fee fy fo! Comula! Comulali, Comulali, Comulali Visto, O nona nona da visto Esimini  Desimini oo-a oo-a sala mini Desimini sala mini ooa ooa Beet billy om-bom boo boo boo di-dom shi…….

Ging Gang Gooli 中 英 Ging gang gooli gooli gooli gooli watcha ging gang goo, ging gang goo. Hela hela shela, hela shela hela ho, Hela hela shela, hela shela hela ho. Shali walli, shali walli, shali walli, shali walli, Compah, compah, compah..............................

Go Round the Valley 中 英 Go round and round the valley. (3) And Soon Come Home. 2. Go in and out the windows. 3. Go round and search your lover. 4. I knee because I love you. 5. Come follow me to London. 6. Shake hands before I leave you.

Green Grow The Rushes – ho - 1 I'll sing you one-ho! Green grow the rushes-ho! What is/are your one-ho? 1. One is one and all alone and evermore shall be so. 2. Two, two the lily white boys clothed all in green-ho. 3. Three, three the rivals. 4. Four for the Gospels makers. 5. Five for the symbol at your door.

Green Grow The Rushes – ho - 2 中 英 6. Six for the six proud walkers. 7. Seven for the 7 stars in the sky. 8. Eight for the April rainers. 9. Nine for the nine bright shiners. 10. Ten for the ten commandments. 11. Eleven for the eleven that went to heaven. 12. Twelve for the twelve apostles.

Gu Choki Pa (日本歌) Gu Gu Choki Choki Gu Choki Pa Gu Choki Gu Choki Pa 中 英 Gu Gu Choki Choki Gu Choki Pa Gu Choki Gu Choki Pa

Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here 中 英 Hail! Hail! The gang's all here, Never mind the weather, Here we are together, Let the fun begin right now.

Head And Shoulders, Knee and Toes 中 英 Head and shoulders, knee and toes, Knees and Toes, knees and toes, Head and shoulders, knees and toes Eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

Here for Fun (調寄:Auld Lang Syne ) 中 英 We’re here for fun right from the start, So drop your dignity Just laugh and sing with all your heart, And show your loyalty. May all your troubles be forgot May this day be the best Join in the songs we sing today, Be happy with the rest.

In My Dream I’m Going Back To Gilwell 中 英 In My Dream I’m Going Back To Gilwell In my dream I’m going back to Gilwell, To the joys and the happiness I found, On those grand weekends with my dear old friends, And see the Training Ground. Oh the grass is greener back in Gilwell And I breathe again the Scouting air, While in memory, I see B.P., Who never will be far from there. 歌唱活動1.6

Jamboree Jamboree is what we call it Camp of youth beneath the sky 中 英 Jamboree is what we call it Camp of youth beneath the sky Where the followers of B-P live for all the world to see In a happy hearted brotherhood of fun

John Brown's Body 中 英 John Brown's body lies a mouldering the grave (3 times) But his soul goes marching on. Glory glory Allelujah (3 times)

Kille Kille, Nakasaka Yokohama 中 英 Kille Kille Kille Kille, Nakasaka Yokohama, Boom boom boom. Nakasaka Yokohama, Boom! Olle Mayolle Kille Kille Kille, Boom boom boom. Olle mayolle Kille Kille Kille Boom.

Killi Killi killi Killi Killi watch watch watch watch 中 英 Killi killi Killi Killi watch watch watch watch kay-you kincum ka-wah, hay ha hay chal-ma hay chal-ma polly wa-ma, hay ha hay chal-ma hay chal-ma polly wah. Om-pa, om-pa, om-pa

Kookaburra Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree 中 英 Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree Merry merry king of the bush is he Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra gay you life must be

Kumbayah Kumbayah, Oh Lord, Kumbayah (3) Oh Lord, Kumbayah. 中 英 Kumbayah, Oh Lord, Kumbayah (3) Oh Lord, Kumbayah. 2. Someone's praying Lord, Kumbayah (3) 3. Someone's crying. Lord, Kumbayah (3) 4. Someone's singing, Lord Kumbayah (3)

Land of the Silver Birch - 1 Land of the silver birch, home of the beaver, Where still the mighty moose wanders at will, Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more, CHORUS: Boom did-di-eye-di, Boom did-di-eye-di, Boom did-di-eye-di, Boom.

Land of the Silver Birch - 2 中 英 Land of the Silver Birch - 2 My heart is sick for you here in the lowlands, I will return to you, hills of the north, Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more. CHORUS: Boom did-di-eye-di, Boom did-di-eye-di, Boom did-di-eye-di, Boom.

Ling Bo Ling Ka Wa Ling bo ling ka wa, ling bo ling ka wa 中 英 Ling bo ling ka wa, ling bo ling ka wa Ling bo ling-bo ling-bo ling ka wa

Love Grows Under The Wild Oak Tree 中 英 Love grows under the wild oak tree Sugar flows like candy The top of the mountain seems like gold When tou kissed your little honey sort of candy Dreams, dreams, sweet dreams, One for you and me, One for you and me.

Lula Ley Lu-la lu-la lu-la lu-la ley, 中 英 Lu-la lu-la lu-la lu-la ley, Lu-la lu-la lu-la lu-la lu-la ley, Lu-la lu-la lu-la lu-la ley. Lu-la lu-la lu-la ley.

Mo-Si Mo-Si (調寄:London Bridge Falling Down) 中 英 Mo-si Mo-si A-nor-ney, A-nor-ney, A-nor-ney. Mo-si mo-si, A-nor-ney So-des-ga-ney

Mowgli’s Hunting 中 英 Mow-gli’s hunt-ing, Mow-gli’s hunt-ing, Kill Shere Khan, Kill Shere Khan. Skin the cattle cater, Skin the cattle cater. Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah. Lungri, Wolf. Frog-eater, Wolf. Burned best of the Jungle, Wolf Hunter of little naked man cubs, Wolf. Shere Khan is dead. Dead! Dead! Dead! (3) Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

My Bonnie - 1 My Bonnie is over the ocean, My Bonnie is over the sea, O bring back my Bonnie to me. Chorus: Bring back, bring back, O Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, Bring back, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me.

My Bonnie - 2 O blow ye winds over the ocean, And blow ye winds over the sea, O blow ye winds over the ocean, And bring back my Bonnie to me. Chorus: Bring back, bring back, O Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, Bring back, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me.

My Bonnie - 3 Last night as I lay on my pillow, Last night as I lay on my bed, I dreamed that my Bonnie was dead. Chorus: Bring back, bring back, O Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, Bring back, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me.

My Bonnie - 4 The winds have blown over the ocean, 中 英 My Bonnie - 4 The winds have blown over the ocean, The winds have blown over the sea, And brought back my Bonnie to me. Chorus: Bring back, bring back, O Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me, Bring back, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me.

中 英 Num Sum Sum Num-sum-sum Gi-li-gu-lu gi-li-gu-lu

O Wonnie Wonnie O won-nie won-nie wa-ki wa wa 中 英 O Wonnie Wonnie O won-nie won-nie wa-ki wa wa won-nie won-nie wa-ki wa wa. Aye ya ya yip-py aye ya ya. Aye ya! Aye ya! Aye ya! Aye ya!

Oh How Lovely Is The Evening 中 英 Oh how lovely is the evening, is the evening, when the bells are sweetly ringing, sweetly ringing. Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

One Finger, One Thumb One finger, one thumb keep moving, 中 英 One Finger, One Thumb One finger, one thumb keep moving, We'll all be merry and bright.

Our Soldiers Went to War 中 英 Our soldiers went to war, Our soldiers went to fighting, Our soldiers went to school their banners up the enemys' ass-hole: A sol, a sol, a sol; a soldier will I be, For cur, for cur; for cur, for curiosity, We fight for the court; the court, the court, We fight for the country, With a pis, a pis, a pis; With a pistol on my knee

Patrol Camp Song 中 英 We're at the pat-pat-pat-patrol camp Scouts of all races happy and free Bright stars above us campfire below Raise high over voices sing as we go So let show the world what scouting can be Leading the nation following B-P We came as strangers friends we will be This is the message our gathering sends Once we were strangers now we are friends

Penny Penny Penny, Penny, how I wonder, 中 英 Penny, Penny, how I wonder, How I pass from one to another, It is fair, only fair, See the fool standing there.

Red River Valley - 1 (調寄:臨岐頌) From this valley they say are going, We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile, For they say you are taking the sunshine. That brightened our pathway a while.

Red River Valley - 2 (調寄:臨岐頌) 中 英 Come and sit by my side if you love me, Do not hasten to bid me adieu, But remember the Red River Valley, And the hearts that have loved you so true. Please come back to the Red River Valley, Please come back to a heart that is true, I’ll be here in the Red River Valley, I’ll be waiting, my darling, for you.

Scout Hymn - 1 Now as I start upon my chosen way, In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play, Grant as I Promise courage new for me, To be the best, the best that I can be.

Scout Hymn - 2 Open my eyes to see things as I should, That I may do my daily turn of good, Let me be ready, waiting for each need, To keep me clean in thought and word and deed. So as I journey on my chosen way, In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play, Grant as I promise, Courage new for me, To be the best, the BEST that I can be.

Scout Hymn - 3 中 英 Now as I start upon my chosen way, In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play, Grant as I Promise courage new for me, To be the best, the best that I can be. I help me to keep my Honour shining bright, May I be Loyal in the hardest fight, Let me be able for my Task, and then, To earn a place among my fellow men.

Scouting Marches On Scouting marches, Scouting marches 中 英 Scouting marches, Scouting marches Scouting marches on Strong and ready, true and steady Til the goal is won Daunted never, courage ever For the right fight on To our homeland ever loyal

Seven Steps I can teach you seven steps for you can go to heaven, (2) 中 英 I can teach you seven steps for you can go to heaven, (2) First step, second step, third step, fourth step, fifty step, sixth step, seventh step.

Sing, Everyone Sings Sing, everyone sings, 中 英 Sing, everyone sings, Sing, everyone sings, All of your troubles will perish like bubbles, Sing, every one sing, Action: Smile, Laugh, Stand, Walk, Sit, etc.

Sing Hosanna Give me oil in my lamp, Keep me burning. 中 英 Give me oil in my lamp, Keep me burning. Give me oil in my lamp, I pray. Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning. Keep me burning 'til the break of day. Sing Ho san na! Sing Ho san na! Sing Ho san na to the King of Kings! Sing Ho san na! Sing Ho san na! Sing Ho san na to the King.

Sing Together Sing, sing together, Merrily merrily sing. 中 英 Sing, sing together, Merrily merrily sing. Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing. Sing, Sing together, Merrily merrily sing.

Singing in the Rain 中 英 I‘m singing in the rain. Just Sing in the rain. With glorious felling, I’m happy again. 1. Thumbs Up. 5. Elbows Back. 2. Kneels bend. 6. Bottom Up. 3. Toes Together. 7. Tongues Out. 4. Lead Up.

Taps Day is done, Gone the sun, From the sea, from the hills, 中 英 Day is done, Gone the sun, From the sea, from the hills, from the sky, All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

The Big Baffalo A big buffalo came down from the mountain, 中 英 A big buffalo came down from the mountain, Long long ago. Long long ago-o-o-o

The Happy Wanderer - 1 I love to go a-wandering Along the mountain track, And as I go I love to sing My knapsack on my back. Valderi, Valdera, Vadera, Valde, ha ha ha ha ha ha Valderi, Valdera,

The Happy Wanderer - 2 I love to wander by the stream, That dances in the sun, So joyously it calls to me, "Come join my happy song!" Valderi, Valdera, Vadera, Valde, ha ha ha ha ha ha Valderi, Valdera,

The Happy Wanderer - 3 I wave my hat to all I meet, And they wave back to me, And blackbirds call so loud and sweet, From ev'ry green-wood tree, Valderi, Valdera, Vadera, Valde, ha ha ha ha ha ha Valderi, Valdera From ev'ry green-wood tree.

The Happy Wanderer - 4 Oh, may I go a'wandering, Until the day I die, 中 英 Oh, may I go a'wandering, Until the day I die, Oh, may I always laugh and sing Beneath God's clear blue sky. Valderi, Valdera, Vadera, Valde, ha ha ha ha ha ha Valderi, Valdera

The More We Get Together 中 英 The more we get together together together, The more we get together the happier we'll be, For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends, The more we get together the happier we'll be.

Three Little Ducks 中 英 Three little duck that I once knew Fat ones, skinny ones two by two, But the one little duck with a feather on his back. He ruled the others with his Quack! Quack! Quack! Chorus: Down by the River they would go, Wibble wabble wibble wabble. To and fro, But the one little duck with a father on his back. He ruled the others with his (Clap! Clap! Clap!)

Tra La (Italian Campfire) 中 英 Tra la tra la, Tra la la la la Tra la la tra la la, Tra la la la la

Vini Vini Vini vini vini vini Vana vana vana vana Da ishi da ishi eh 中 英 Vini vini vini vini Vana vana vana vana Da ishi da ishi eh Da ishi mowah Oompah oompah oompah - pah

We Are All Together Again 中 英 We're all together again, we're here we're here And who knows when we'll be all together again Singing all together again, we're here we're here We're together, birds of the same feather Never mind the weather, singing all together What a happy day We're here, we're here, we're here again Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello

We Shall Overcome We shall overcome. We shall overcome someday. 中 英 We shall overcome. We shall overcome someday. Oh, deep in my heart I DO believe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhnPVP23rzo

What ever will be will be 中 英 When I was just a little cub, I ask my Akela, what will I be? Will I be a sixer? Will I be a leader? Here’s what she said to me. Que Sera sera, what ever will be will be, The future’s not our to see, Que Sera sera.

When You’re Happy 中 英 When you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands, When you’re happy and you know it, then your life will surely show it, When you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (nod your head, tap your feet, say ‘char yo’, do all four)

Yipi Yaya Yipi yapa yipi yipi ya Yipi yaya yipi yipi yaya 中 英 Yipi yapa yipi yipi ya Yipi yaya yipi yipi yaya Yipi yipi yaya Yipi yipi ya

Zim Zim Zim (日本歌) Chai de mud de man kee wat kee 中 英 Zim Zim Zim (日本歌) Chai de mud de man kee wat kee hon de lun do long (x2) Wat skee wat wat skee wat Wons kee won kee long Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (x2)

Boom Chicka Boom 中 英 I Said A Boom Chicka Boom! I Said A Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom! U-HUH OH-YEAH One more time 2. Baby Style! Cowboy Style! Motorcycle Style! Janitor Style ! Underwater Style ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2XVfTzel8E&list=PL113F96804DF99AA6&index=18&feature=plpp_video